Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1121: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (384)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling felt that this assumption was not true. The man was very close. She now wanted to step back and open the distance.

But it was clear to her that if she stepped back now, it means that she lost under his words, that she really cares about something with him ...

"There is no such thing. I am very grateful to Miss Wen for her helping hand, so it is only natural that I can open my heart to her now." Feng Ling slightly opened her face so as not to be kissed by him.

But she felt that she was about to be kissed. The skin between the two hadn't really come together, but the man's thin breath and dumb voice gave her a kiss that he had kissed from scratch. Illusion of the foot.

"Except that I didn't show up in time because I was locked up in Li's ancestral hall, what other time did I never show up? You are open to me and try again?"

Feng Ling closed her eyes: "I opened it."

She closed her eyes and said in a sane voice, "Li Nanheng, I have opened it."

He stood up again.

Then she opened her eyes and looked up at him.

There was no annoyance or unhappiness or annoyance on the man's face, he just inserted it into his trouser pocket with one hand and looked at her lightly. If you have always felt very lyrical, use a hundred steps to describe a pair of people in love. I took 99 steps towards you. Finally, you took the most important step towards me. However, this step is just a step forward. In the middle of it, just because of your distrust, your hesitation, your self-confidence, and various reasons, you took this step back and went backwards countless times. "

"It's not impossible between us, but there are too many impossible in your heart."

Feng Ling's face was a little pale, because the man suddenly dissected out all her timidity and self-confidence, because he blatantly put all her hidden emotions on the bright side, and she heard herself too fast Heartbeat and breathing with a sense of hypoxia.

She did take a step, and she did open her mind.

But it did seem that she just tentatively stepped out and was frightened to take it back.

If she changed to someone else, she probably wouldn't even take this step out.

The man suddenly bowed his head again at this time. This time he seemed to be carrying something that must be clear to her. Suddenly his arms were wrapped around the sides of her body, and she was wrapped around the bed, even if Feng Ling People did not fall down, but still sat there stiffly, looking at the man close at hand.

"look into my eyes."

Feng Ling: "..." looked into his eyes.

"I have no other woman. Only you from beginning to end. Give yourself more confidence. Don't always run like a mouse when you see a little bit of wind and grass."

When talking, the man laughed lowly: "I have used all my patience in your life, you have to give me a response?"

"... I don't know how to get back."

"I teach you." The man bowed his head again and raised his hand and nodded at his face: "Kiss."

Come again?

Feng Ling: "..."

She grabbed the pillow at her hand and directly blocked her head, hitting him **** the face, slamming it on, and pressing **** his face until she pushed the man away.

He didn't force her to kiss, he just smiled and took the pillow in his hand, watching the little woman with short hair sitting on the bed who didn't know what to do, and looked at her but wanted to take a step but was a little bit disappointed. Knowing how to step forward can be regarded as a correct posture, and smiled lowly: "Wen Leqing is coming to find you?"

"Well, tomorrow."

"In the next two days, I will participate in some activities related to Li's domestic partners in T city, as well as a banquet. Would you like to participate?"

"Banquet? Am I going to participate as your bodyguard?" Feng Ling asked.

He raised his eyebrows, "What do you say?"


Feng Ling didn't want to say, pointing at the door and saying, "It's too late. I went to sleep."

The man was not annoyed, just put his hand in his trouser pocket and looked at her like this, until the little woman was staring at him on the bed and was about to explode his hair, his eyes were almost glaring, then he went out with a low smile .

"Good night." The man helped the bedroom's main light, leaving only a dim wall lamp on the bedside.

"Li Nanheng."

When the door was about to be closed, Feng Ling suddenly called and stopped him.

He gestured: "Huh?"

"A man like me who grew up drinking wolf milk has no femininity and is unreasonable. What is it that you like?"

"It's not reasonable enough everywhere"


"I don't know why I like it."

Feng Ling: "......... Oh."

Hearing the little woman's voice in the quilt, Li Nanheng put one hand on the door frame and glanced at her: "Miss Feng."


"Need me to get a knife now, and you can dig out my heart to see if it's all your wolf-hearted little wolf girl carved on it?"

"..." Feng Ling pulled the quilt directly on his face and muffled, "You go out, don't say so bloody, I don't want to have nightmares."

"Good night." The arc of the man's mouth deepened. "Good dream."


Wen Leqing came over the next afternoon.

Because Feng Ling said that she hadn't eaten at noon, Wen Leqing was hungry, so she just took a taxi.

She rang the doorbell a few times outside the room door, then stood still and waited.

Suddenly I heard footsteps. In a blink of an eye, I saw that Feng Ling came back from the outside, as if she had just gone out and bought something.

Feng Lingcai is in her early twenties. The young girl ’s facial features are Peugeots with a sense of indifference, but they have unusual beauty and beauty. The short ears have not been blown or shaped after bathing in the morning. She was above her head, her dark hair color made her fairer complexion, Feng Ling did n’t seem to have put on makeup, and her hair was n’t dyed. The whole person standing there was a pure person, and it looked like a person. Feel extra transparent and comfortable.

At this time, Feng Ling was wearing a black turtleneck knitted sweater, a white thin outer shirt, and a pair of flat, black, neutral and handsome boots under her feet. There were no accessories or decorations from head to toe. She didn't even wear a watch on her wrist. She had an off-white handbag in her hand, which contained what she had just bought. Looking at it from a distance, it seemed to be just some daily necessities.

Feng Ling's temperament always belongs to the kind of sparse and cold. She used to wear a black uniform with everyone in the base. When she was not at the base, she usually wore such loose clothes with a slight neutral wind, but even This also includes the cold air field that cannot be approached by the strangers in her bones.

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