Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1122: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (385)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

This Feng Ling is very beautiful, but it is cold and cold. It is obviously mild, but it doesn't look a bit soft. The temperament is mild and cold, which makes people often can't help looking.

Many contradictory combinations could not find any sense of contradiction in her.

Feng Ling stepped forward directly: "I just went down to buy something and thought you would have to wait a while before coming over."

Then, she opened the door directly: "Miss Wen, come in."

Wen Leqing walked in, put down her bag, took over the slippers that Feng Ling handed over to her, looked at the inside while changing shoes, and said, "Feng Ling, aren't you living here alone? I have n’t asked you much about it because of my own affairs. I do n’t know when you moved out of my house or when you came to this hotel. ”

Feng Ling paused: "I lived in a few days ago, and a few of my old enemies that I chased and killed when I was in the United States found me, but fortunately the injuries were not serious."

Wen Leqing changed her shoes and walked in quickly. She was about to pull up Feng Ling's arm, but felt that when she raised her hand, she slightly stiffened, realizing that there was also an injury on her arm. Light motion: "Where are all the injuries? Let me see?"

"Don't look at it, it's almost ready."

"I'm a doctor. You let me have a look, and I feel secure when I have a few things in my heart."

I heard her say that Feng Ling didn't stop it until Wen Leqing opened her clothes and pants to check her injuries, and then looked at the scar that was almost invisible on her neck. Later, I nodded: "Sure enough, there are only skin injuries. Those people dared to behave in the United States, but it should be less courageous here, and guns and other things are not so easy to come over. Otherwise, if they were really To kill, I don't know what will happen. "

"Well, indeed."

Wen Leqing took a few steps in this large room and observed the surroundings and said, "This room is too big. It should be the best business suite in this hotel. There are more than two or three bedrooms. The space of an ordinary residential home is large. Even if you do n’t have the money, you should n’t come out to open this room so casually, and I see ... ”She scanned a pair of gray men ’s shoes at the door: "Here, there should be another man living with you?"

Feng Ling: "... I thought you knew."

Wen Leqing paused and turned to look at her: "What do I know? Know which man you are with? How could I know that I have been self-conscious in recent days."

"I only live here temporarily to support my injuries, and now the situation of being hunted in secret is indeed more appropriate only with him, otherwise it will easily involve other people. And so many bedrooms here, each living Nothing, nothing. "

"Who is that man? Do I know?"

In fact, Wen Leqing will not feel too close to the things that Feng Ling will take care of him. After all, although Feng Ling is a bit lonely, but many men prefer this kind of quiet and uncontrollable temperament to them. It is more challenging for such a woman. I have seen many male colleagues or friends around me before, and I am bleeding in order to chase a flower of Kao Ling. I also like to say that I like this kind of personality.

Feng Ling's personality is very quiet, but it is also particularly prominent in quietness, not to mention that men will like it, and most women who have **** with each other will not hate her.

"... Li Nanheng."

Wen Leqing: "........."

Wen Leqing thought of many possibilities. The only thing he didn't expect would be Li Nanheng, who was thousands of miles away from Feng Ling.

"Feng Ling, between you and Nanheng ..." She looked at Feng Ling and asked, "Can there be a result in the end? It's been a long time of entanglement for so many years, and he really has always been to you Shangxin, as for the original relationship with the Feng family, he has never mentioned it in the past three years. At that time, it was just a news in the media. Nanheng never had any other women around, so in fact we He also questioned whether he was married at the time, and Nan Heng never explained more, just don't know if he explained it to you? '

Feng Ling turned to look at her.

He really explained it to her more than once.

Has there really never been any other woman appearing beside him?

If you really get married, it ’s impossible to have a woman who has never been married. Besides, Li Nanheng usually travels to and from the XI base. There are usually so many people and people talk a lot. If there are any women, what do you mean? Mrs. Li must have been seen long ago.

However, it really seems as Li Nanheng himself said.

He has no other women.

Feng Ling: "... Los Angeles is not a small place. If the news uploaded by the media was false, Feng Li should have rumored, whether it is true or not, there is nothing to investigate."

"How can there be nothing to blame? If Nan Heng has never married another woman, it means that you have misunderstood him all these years, and that you have been delayed for three full years between you two. Now if the truth is clear, you Should I hurry back to his arms and walk along with him lovingly! You see, if you have a problem, Nanheng is always here to guard you. Where should such a man go? "

"You don't think it's that complicated. I only had a little trauma this time. He didn't want me to be alone outside, so let me live here, not what you think ..."

Wen Leqing looked at her like an unopened melon: "Can you tell me, have you ever taken Nanheng seriously?"

Feng Ling remained silent for a while and did not answer, until Wen Leqing came over and stared directly into her eyes, as if to see through her, Feng Ling whispered: "Serious."

Wen Leqing laughed and smiled instantly. She hadn't smiled because of her brother's affairs in recent days, but now she smiled in a good mood and said, "That's easy!"

"Actually, I was too familiar with him in the XI base. Perhaps it was only because there was only a woman in the base and he had no other place to express his feelings, so he just left it alone. "

Wen Leqing: "..."

It is said that the emotional quotient of a man is not as high as that of a woman, and the four words elm 疙瘩 are usually used to describe a man.

But these four words are now used to describe Feng Ling.

"Is it going to happen? Do you want to say that you were just going to leave it?"

"... Maybe it is."

Wen Leqing's eyelids jumped, his eyes suddenly glanced at the person who suddenly pushed in the door.

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