Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1123: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (386)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Knowing that Feng Ling was deliberately speaking hard, Wen Leqing heard her answer and still sweated for her, clearing her throat subconsciously and reminding Feng Ling to pay attention to what she said.

Feng Ling still looked at her calmly: "There are so many men in the base, people like me who have never been emotionally acquainted from the very beginning can easily be taken away. Maybe someone else likes me at the time. Good to me, and I may respond seriously. "

"How could that be, then Qiao Fei should have made it clear to you before Li Bo? Have you ever been interested in Qiao Fei?" Wen Leqing said as she winked at Feng Ling, reminding someone behind her.

Feng Ling fell into deep thought for a moment, and then replied solemnly: "Maybe it's just because Li Li is a little more handsome than Instructor Qiao. Under the skin, Li Li's winning ticket is in his hands."

Wen Leqing burst out a smile and said, "Really? I think Qiao Fei is also handsome."

Please please, Feng Ling, if you can say something now, Li Bo is more handsome, or even if it is more about Li Bo being more handsome, maybe this situation will not be too serious, you can stop talking hard Damn it ...

However, Feng Ling leaned on the side of the coffee table, and conscientiously raised her cheeks with one hand. "Indeed, maybe I thought about it for a while, or maybe I have passed the third anniversary of Instructor Qiao now."


Wen Leqing smiled, she wouldn't die if she didn't die, she couldn't save her.

"Speaking of, Li Bo is a devil who has oppressed me for many years in the base except for his superb skin and high weight. What evil did I take to accidentally recognize him? , Think about it. In fact, the last thing I should do is talk to him ... "

Wen Leqing stared suddenly in the direction behind Feng Ling and suddenly raised the volume.


Feng Ling's words weren't finished yet, and her voice was suddenly stagnant severely as she was about to spit out the second half of the sentence.

She turned and turned back.

The man in the black shirt was standing quietly, holding the cuffs of the shirt tightly, and at the same time, he showed a touch of salty sneer at Wen Leqing, saying hello: "Your brother Not in T city, why have time to come here? "

Speaking, the man approached with strong, slender legs, but his eyes did not look at Feng Ling: "It has been a while since you came to T city. When do you plan to return to the United States?"

Everything was said to Wen Leqing.

"I signed the contract for the medical school here in T city. It takes at least three months before I can change places." Wen Leqing felt the atmosphere a bit embarrassing, and as she answered, she hinted that Feng Ling would speak quickly and explain.

When Li Nanheng passed by, he glanced at the coffee table. It sounded as if he was smiling politely, but his voice was inaudible: "Miss Wen wants something to drink? I think you have a normal complexion, even if you drink anything , Have a cup of tea? There are various kinds of scented tea in this hotel, which is a good choice for ladies. "

"It's okay, it's okay." Wen Leqing hurriedly answered.

Five minutes later, Li Nanheng came over with two cups of good roses and put them on the coffee table in front of them.

Wen Leqing quickly said, "Thank you."

"You talk first, I'll change clothes," the man said indifferently.

"Okay." Wen Leqing felt that she and Li Nanheng had known each other for so many years. Anyway, it was considered to have grown up and became young, or it was the first time that I felt so careful when talking to him, for fear of igniting the fire.

Li Nanheng nodded and turned to the bedroom.

Until the bedroom door opened and closed, Feng Ling looked at Wen Leqing in silence.

Wen Leqing was also helpless, looking at Feng Ling's apparently embarrassed expression: "Now you know that you said something wrong? I have been reminding you just now, why haven't you noticed it?"

Feng Ling: "... I thought you just had a bad throat."

"Usually you say that you are a very alert person. Why do you feel dull when you encounter Li Nanheng?" Wen Leqing raised her hand and stroked her forehead: "I think he is 80% angry, you can think of a way to coax Well, originally I was in a bad mood and wanted to talk to you. Now I do n’t have the heart to talk to you about this situation. You have to solve your own problems first. "


Wen Leqing left immediately, and she did not dare to drink tea, she was afraid that Li Nanheng would directly poison her under the expression she had just made.

In the bedroom.

The man had just taken off his shirt and was about to pick up a black T-shirt and put it on.

Feng Ling knocked on the door, and the people inside did not respond. She simply opened the door and went in, and saw the man naked there, preparing to change clothes.

Seeing that he had no clothes on his upper body, she hesitated. She wanted to quit, but thought that she hadn't seen it before, and there was nothing to avoid, but she didn't know if she went in like this. .

The man just picked up the T-shirt and turned to look at her: "Is something wrong?"

Feng Ling then pushed the door open and walked in, looking away from the man's perfectly interpreted figure, only staring at the side of his face that was looking down and asking, "Are you angry?"

"What's angry?"

Feng Ling approached again, tentatively asking, "What did I just say to Miss Wen ... did you hear me?"


She fell down for a moment, "I didn't mean that."

Li Nanheng spread out the T-shirt in his hand, and then put it directly on his head. He put on the clothes very neatly and quickly, and at the same time turned his eyes to look down at her: "What does it mean?"

"Just now ... those words I said just casually ... but what I thought in my heart was not the meaning expressed on my mouth ..."

He nodded: "So you mean, my only advantage is that the good thing about the skin is also fake. I have nothing? Uh?"

"... No, are you really angry?"

The man raised his eyebrows coldly and warmly. He just looked at her so lightly, and seemed to think her question was funny: "You are right, there are so many people in the base, and there are only two of your genders, maybe If more people had found out before me, more people would chase you and die, and there would be nothing for me. This is true and there is nothing to be angry about. "

She was a little confused by his words.

Seems to understand and seems to not understand.

It felt like he was sarcastic that she didn't regard him as the most special one at all, but perfunctory. The so-called serious life is just passive, and everything that happened between two people is just perfunctory. skip.

She is not really low in emotional intelligence. Looking at him, she said a little awkwardly, "Don't be angry, I really don't mean that."

The man walked slowly: "It was boring for me, which delayed the third anniversary of your relationship with Qiao Fei."

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