Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1125: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (388)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

If the heart knot is really opened, it is really opened, and Feng Ling is not that awkward person.

But the key is that the man Li Nanheng is a little over-enthusiastic, and he is good. If you just let it go, you just have to let it go. You have to press her on the bed and kiss him hard. She flashes left. The man who avoided the right still couldn't avoid it. He was pressed against the bed and gagged by the man for a long time, saying that he must return everything owed to him in the past three years.

Who owes him three years?

Who owes it?

Feng Ling was going to punch him, but she really learned that much of her skill. Any movement was equal to zero here. Instead, he was tied tighter with an iron arm, and a domineering kiss was on her lips and lips. It's almost time to kiss her, and she bites him in anger, but the man pushes the tip of his tongue straight into the mouth, kisses her scalp numbly, and finally stops struggling, just lying on the bed and watching him.

Seeing her helpless cat who wanted to reach out the cat's paw, Li Nanheng kissed her on the lips twice, kissed her face a few times, and turned over and hugged The slim woman in her arms buried her face directly in her cold fragrant neck, and sighed comfortably for a long time.

Even though the man didn't say anything, Feng Ling could obviously feel that he was in a very good mood.

It's a particularly good one.

She lay there and let him hold him, remembering the scene when Li Nanheng went to Boston to find her, remembering that she had been hiding after being kicked out of the base, and then the entanglement in the division in the past year, remembered In the Boston jungle, the man was seriously injured but she was still able to raise her gun to help her defeat the enemy at the moment of crisis. It reminded him of his gaze when he remembered what she said ... ...

Feng Ling only felt that his heart was moving fiercely, as if he had been coerced into his hands.

Breath is trapped in the body, unable to come back and back.

"I breathed for three years now, and now, comfortable." The man held her like this and said nothing, didn't continue to do anything, just said as if the breath was finally exhausted.

Feng Ling bit her cheeks calmly, and clenched the man's T-shirt inadvertently, but her lips couldn't help but rise slightly.

Suddenly the man looked down at her at this moment, Feng Ling immediately flattened the corner of his mouth, and continued to have a calm expression, Li Nanheng ignored her expression, and kissed her happily on her forehead. , Then continued to hold her, and continued to sigh comfortably for a long time: "Comfortable."

It's comfortable again!

It was uncomfortable for her to be held so.

Feng Ling got up and couldn't make it. He had to say, "Ms. Wen came here just to have lunch with me. I left without eating."

"Well, it's okay, she's not an outsider, just find some time to make up for her." The man hugged her, his voice muffled but inexplicably, he could hear it in his heart. The child is still very happy.

Feng Ling: "... I mean, I haven't had lunch yet."

"What do you want to eat?" Then the man looked down at her again.

"Eat whatever you want in the hotel, or come to your room."

"Then ask the hotel person to bring it in and wait." Li Nanheng rubbed her head, messed her hair, and got up to get the phone.

Feng Ling finally got free. He got up on the bed in his bedroom, looked at the clothes on the man's body, remembered the scene when he came to see him changing clothes, and glanced at him, who had just been pressed by him. Get out some pleated clothes, get up and go out.

There are lunches and buffets already prepared in the hotel. It happens to be lunch time. A phone call was made. Within ten minutes, the staff pushed in the dining car.

After placing several staples and side dishes on the table, the staff pushed out the dining car.

Feng Ling had just returned to the bedroom and called Wen Leqing. After confirming that Wen Leqing had left, she went directly to her school sister for lunch, knowing that she was accompanied by him, so she was relieved.

As he walked out of the bedroom, Li Nanheng came right up and asked her to come out for dinner. The two eyes were opposite each other. The smile in the eyes of the man that had not been cut for a long time made Feng Ling think that the calm mood also started slightly, she coughed. Looking at the table, "Why so many dishes?"

"Someone hosted a banquet in the hotel today. There are many types of dishes prepared by the back chef. By the way, when I order meals in each room, I make them together. Usually, it is not so rich." Li Nanheng said as she motioned to sit down.

Feng Ling walked over to sit down and saw that there was even Matsutake soup on the table. I guess that the person hosting the banquet in this hotel today should be unusual. Then I thought that Li Nanheng said that there are activities related to Li ’s partner today. To participate, did not say whether it was in this hotel or somewhere else, but he did come back quite early, she was too late to prevent her from getting angry.

Li Nanheng sat down and saw that she really carefully set the tableware and utensils there, and then filled with some soup to drink, and it looked like she was really hungry.

When she is hungry, she does n’t push back and forth. She is probably used to it in the base. She eats when she is hungry, and drinks when she is thirsty. You do n’t need to twiddle anything. Just point everyone comfortably.

The impetuous emotion was because of her words that she and Qiao Fei may fall in love for the third anniversary. Although the emotions have just been smoothed out just now, it is the real snow and ice that melts when she looks at what she is eating.

This mood is also inexplicable.

He even felt that the little woman in front of him looked more and more pleasing with the soft and light black hair with short ears and short ears.

No longer frowning at him, even more beautiful.

"I'm going to have a meeting in the afternoon. I'll probably come back after dinner time. You eat it tonight."

"Oh." Feng Ling answered as he ate.

When it was just reconciled, didn't it look like the little couple who had been away for a long time, should they be sticky?

However, the attitude of Feng Ling is so good that Li Nanheng couldn't help crying: "You don't want me to come back soon?"

"Think, but you are rarely busy with things outside the XI base. Li Lao is not in good health right now. It is estimated that you ca n’t push the matter of Li ’s family no matter how hard you push it. There are inevitably many things to deal with. You have already said Come over at dinner time, can't I tell you not to go? "Feng Ling said as he filled him with a bowl of soup:" Then, please the table, and reward you with a bowl of soup. "

Li Nanheng raised the soup with satisfaction, but said, "You are obviously insincere."

"Then how do you want me to be sincere? I haven't run away with other men in three years. Isn't that sincere enough?"

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