Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1126: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (389)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"That's because you just met the best when your feelings started. No one else can get in your eyes." The man said, blowing into the soup in the bowl, and then took a sip.

Feng Ling: "..."

Well shameless.

"Obviously wait for me to come back after washing at night." The man said suddenly when he set the bowl down.

Feng Ling just took a bite of food and put it in his mouth. When he heard what he said, he moved directly and raised his eyes to see him: "What?"

The man glanced at her meaningfully: "What?"

"What did you just say wait for you?" Feng Ling glared at him. "Is Li Nanheng's purpose just ..."

"Don't you take a shower before going to bed?"

"... wash."

"So what's wrong with me? You usually go to sleep after taking a bath. I told you not to go to bed so early after taking a bath. When I come back, what's wrong?"


"When you wash, remember to pay attention to the two more serious wounds. Try not to touch the water for the time being."


Seeing that she was sitting there holding a pair of chopsticks and looking at him without eating and talking, Li Nanheng lip line raised: "What did you think I was talking about?"

Feng Ling didn't answer, only bowed his head and stuffed two dishes into his mouth.

When the injury is over before returning to Mrs. Mo, she should find Xiao Ba and Mrs. Mo to learn the skills of how to counteract the routine in front of the man, otherwise it is estimated that she will really be eaten by Li Nanheng.


Li Nanheng went out in the afternoon. Feng Ling changed her medicine herself. There was nothing to do. Although she was only a transfer student at T University, after all, she had to take an exam with Ji Nuan. In the face of the husband, she can't rely too badly, after all, she can't cope with the superficial performance.

So yesterday, she asked the hotel staff to go to T to get her two books in the bedroom, and she sat at the window reading a book and doing the problem.

Because Li Nanheng said that it would be almost after dinner time to return. In the evening, Feng Ling made up his own lessons to make up for the sleepiness. He simply closed the book and went into the sofa next to him for a while.

As a result, I fell asleep for more than three hours.


During the meeting, the new secretary next to the boss of the partner talked to Li Nanheng from time to time, occasionally handed over the documents to her, and occasionally stood beside her to tell her the details of the cooperation and the exhibition pictures on the big screen in front. .

Li Nanheng always just stood there silently, looking at the exhibition picture in front of him. He had no interest or patience for the secretary Chen, who was full of perfume.

Seeing this always standing indifferently to the side of the crowd, it is clear that today's distinguished guest has to stand at the farthest point of the crowd without any concern. Secretary Chen looked at this black stand-up collar coat. A man with a straight, upright face, only feels that this kind of man is inaccessible to the Moon of the Cloud when wearing a suit shirt. Undressing is definitely a good figure. Feeling, after all, just looking at it from a distance just now can feel The general Li Li feels a sense of oppression invisibly, even if he does not show any sense of oppression, but some people are just a stop here, the gas field is different from others.

I also heard that Mr. Li has any other unusual identities in the United States. Even if he doesn't know what the identity is, their president must pay a little respect to the people of Li's, which shows that his status is definitely not simple.

A college graduate who has just graduated, she can climb all the way to the position of president and secretary, and those methods that should be used have not been used too much. Now she has finally sat in the position she wants, and look at the old man in his 50s. And look at this general manager Li ... It's just the difference between Yunni.

This Li Nanheng has a natural charm that makes women want to talk to him on the bed as soon as they approach.

"General Li, look at these. These pictures have detailed drawings of each department, but today I was too rushed. I did n’t bring them. I ’d better accompany Li to go to our company to look for those after the meeting is over. Detail picture, and then we go out for a meal alone, and I will tell you this in detail when I eat ... "

A variety of perfumes are mixed in the air, and under the rising and falling of the air conditioner, Li Nanheng is increasingly resentful to these women who are close by.

He looked at the time on his wrist, and after a while he finally looked at the woman who had been chattering: "Li's did not directly adopt your company's bidding documents, details of the picture, etc., it was screened by the various departments below the company, before adoption It's too early to show me these trivial things. "

Secretary Chen even smiled euphemistically, looking at him with light in his eyes, and said sweetly, "General Manager Li, am I not confident in the exhibition pictures of our own company? If it is not a first-class design team, I wo n’t be so confident, if you go with me to see these details, you will be more satisfied. "

Li Nanheng looked faintly and picked up the champagne from the waiter next to him, turned away without expression, and didn't even listen to her words.

When Secretary Chen saw his indifferent expression, he was about to walk over, but at this moment, two black bodyguards who didn't know where they came came forward, directly blocking her way.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Secretary Chen saw them deliberately blocking her way and suddenly Xingyan's eyes opened.

The two bodyguards in black continued to block her expressionlessly, neither talking nor explaining, until Li Nanheng went away and was sure that they would not be entangled again by this nanny girl secretary, and the two directly backed out in silence. .

Secretary Chen hurriedly walked into the crowd again. After looking for a long time, he could not find the figure of General Manager Li, and suddenly stomped in place.


Probably learning things like financial knowledge is really an effective way to hypnotize, and the special fragrance of Ling Ling is finally awakened by a phone call.

Stumbled together and heard familiar voices.

"I'm going back. Have you eaten tonight? Buy some for you to eat?"

She froze for a moment, awake slightly, and rubbed her forehead on the sofa: "... Boss?"

The sound was hazy and husky, just awake.

Li Nanheng said over the phone: "Sleeping just now?"

"Well, I fell asleep accidentally." Feng Ling sat up and glanced at the time: "Sleep more than five o'clock until now, even eight o'clock?"

Having said that she got up directly to turn on the lights, and at the same time circled the room, there was really nothing to eat. When I heard that the phone was not hanging up yet, the man seemed to be driving. Right. "

When she was about halfway, she remembered: "Are you finished?"


Li Nanheng: "I said the first sentence just now. I'm going back soon. Have you fallen asleep?"

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