Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1128: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (391)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling was indeed hungry, and began to eat directly at the table.

When I ate a few bites, I saw Li Nanheng passing by the dining table. First he went into the bedroom to change clothes. After changing the clothes, the man passed by the dining table. Although he didn't speak, he seemed to pass by deliberately.

She looked up at him subconsciously, and the man's eyes were opposite hers.

He was waiting for her to say something touching. After all, she knew that she would definitely not like those messy luxury items, but such a bowl of rice noodles that was so unusual that they could no longer have won her heart.

But she was kind enough to start eating, not only didn't say a word of thanks, she didn't even smile at him.

Even if you do n’t want to thank him, he is not the kind of person who would like to thank me, and if she really said something of thanks, it would be too far-fetched, but he would not like it.

But without saying a word, sit down and eat directly, it is really very sealed ...

The key is what he should say now to attract her attention?

For example: "Remember that you liked to eat rice noodles last time. I deliberately staggered the traffic jam and went to that food city to pack it for you. Touched?"

——Nausea, not nausea?

For example: "I bought a scarf and hand cream for you. If you have any other needs, you must say, I don't know what women like, but as long as you like them, I can satisfy them."

-Superficial and not superficial?

For example: "Feng Xiaoling Lao Tzu likes you so much, you can't give Lao Tzu a good response? Even if you jump up and hug Lao Tzu happily, Lao Tzu's life can give you ..."

——Mentally handicapped?

The more I think, the more I think that a big man will start to struggle with this emotional matter because of a woman.

Li Nanheng shook the corner of his mouth, and instead of passing by the table, went straight to the kitchen to make coffee.

Feng Ling looked at the man's back while eating rice noodles.

I don't understand what happened just now.

Is it because he didn't eat at night and would like to eat a few bites?

But it's not right. If he really didn't eat, he would definitely not pack just one copy, and this is just a small portion of a single person, not the kind of large noodles, so it is unlikely.

So what was he looking at himself and the noodles in front of him?

Hearing the sound of a coffee machine from the kitchen, Feng Ling wondered, and then continued to bow down to eat the noodles.

In fact, it's mainly because she doesn't know what to do if she doesn't eat now.

After eating slowly, I heard the sound of the coffee machine in the kitchen stopped.

Feng Ling hesitated, got up to clean up the chopsticks, took it into the kitchen, and saw the man standing in front of the coffee machine thinking something, she cleared her throat: "Boss, let me go, I brush A bowl. "

Li Nanheng turned her eyes to look at her. She wanted to say that she would put the bowl here first, but when she saw her eyes were low, she had a little stuffy mood and suddenly felt a lot brighter.

Is she ... shy?

Feng Ling didn't look directly at him, saw the figure of the man move aside half a step, went directly to put the tableware in his hand, did not pay attention to the dishwasher next to it, opened the faucet and started to wash the pestle there bowl.

After washing it, I washed my hands again, then wiped it clean, and then turned to go out, but slammed into the man's strong chest.

She made a move, raised her eyes sharply, and saw the man's condescending eyes squinting at her gaze.

I didn't notice just now when he suddenly turned from the direction of the coffee machine.

Feng Ling was stagnant in front of him for a moment, her eyes flickered, and she was about to lower her head when she raised her arm, but was caught by the man with her arm, and straight into it In her arms, she lowered her head and sniffed hard in her hairline, then chuckled: "Hair is dry, haven't you taken a shower?"

"Well, I wash it in the morning, I have been sleeping in the evening, and I have n’t had time to wash it." Feng Ling said as he narrowed his neck slightly because the man sprayed his breath on the top of his head: "Boss, let me go first, I Go ... what about me ... "

"Where? Just eat something, shouldn't you wait for a while before taking a shower?" The man's arms still tied her tightly, and he smiled and kissed her again in the hairline: "I haven't been so good with me for a long time Have been alone, do n’t get used to it? ”


"Really do not have?"


In fact, Feng Ling didn't know what it was like.

Although I used to live on the same floor between the base and Li Nanheng, there was at least a wall across it. At that time, even if I had been close to each other, even if there had been such a short time that seemed to be in love, but after all, it had not been In the same space, and there are so many things in the base, you won't be too busy when you are injured like this now.

I have n’t seen each other for a long time. When I met her again, it was Boston. At that time, she was not in the same mood as she is now. Even if she was in the same place at the time, she would not be embarrassed, even It can be as cold as it can be, and the feeling is not the same as it is now.

The approach to her a few days ago has also been lonely. The mode of getting along with the two is exactly the mode of getting along with the boss Li and the former XI base training team, and she doesn't talk much, anyway, it's calm and peaceful. Two days.

But it's different now.

Now the air seems to be exuding the sour smell of love ...

She didn't know what to do to eliminate some of the ambiguity in the air and the possibility that if a spark was ignited at any time, it could instantly burn into the fire of Hagiwara.

After all, she's not seventeen or eighteen years old now, she's almost twenty-one years old, and Li Nanheng is no longer the one who has always been out of her claws because she is too young.

Now he is no different from a wolf that has been a vegetarian for many years. Even if she is not very obvious when looking at her, she can still feel that she is a piece of meat near his mouth.

It can be eaten at any time.

She probably didn't know. On weekdays, the little woman who dared to stand alone with a gun was in a charge. The expression in front of him was dodging as if she was afraid of being caught and then kissed or how she was. How tempting. People want to commit crimes.

Li Nanheng held the person firmly in her arms, lowered her head and got an inch. The kiss that fell on her head gradually fell. As soon as she kissed her ear, Feng Ling shook her sensitive body, and hurriedly wanted to get the person. Pushed away, but the man bit his ear gently with a sip.

This bite, she almost screamed.

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