Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1129: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (392)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling quickly raised his hand to cover his ear, and then looked up at him: "Don't ..."

The man's movements were slightly paused, and he did not step back, just looking at her at such a close distance, seeing her already red ears and still struggling to hold his calm face: "So sensitive?"

Feng Ling could only cover her increasingly red ears with her hand and said, "I ’m almost injured. Mrs. Mo is going to participate in an event tomorrow evening. Although she didn't ask me to accompany her, it was me after all. I plan to return to her to continue working as a bodyguard tomorrow. I ca n’t just fish for three days for two days because of this minor injury. That ’s a shame that I trust Mr. Mo and Mrs. Mo for me. "

"and so?"

The man said while looking at the injury on her arm. According to the habit of treating injuries in the XI base on a weekdays, these are not a big problem, but if this injury is seen by Ji Nuan, it is estimated that she will be driven back to let her continue to rest.

"So do n’t kiss me, just in case you come out ... how can I see Mrs. Mo tomorrow." Feng Ling coughed again, "She had just been injured, and she would definitely pull open my clothes check carefully……"

Li Nanheng first said nothing, but looked down at her.

Although the man didn't speak, her eyes looked a little hot. Feng Ling raised his hand to close the neckline of the clothes, and then looked at him again, his eyes were self-evident.

Li Nanheng suddenly laughed and said casually, "What do you think I want to do to you?"


Feng Ling's ears were not only red this time, but she felt that some temperature might also rise on her face, and immediately said, "I'm going to the bedroom to take a shower!"

Just go.

The man was about to avoid when she turned around, and she bowed her head and directly blocked her face. Feng Ling almost turned to his face while turning her face. She moved, looked up at him, and saw the man. Laughing.

"..." She glared at him.

"Anyway, it's your boyfriend. You don't have to accompany me to the banquet. You have to kiss me before going to bed."



It seemed that I had never used such an identity angle and title when I was in the base during my love period.

Is he a boyfriend now?

He just didn't remember the night on the snowy mountain, otherwise he might be full of her men now.

Feng Ling looked at him unchanged: "It is my duty to protect Mrs. Mo. It has nothing to do with you or not. Besides, I haven't been used to each and every one of these years. What can I do ...

"Do you think I like you just to keep you airing me again and again?"


"No, but just ask if you kiss."


"What does it mean to kiss?"

"I'm happy."

Feng Ling looked at him silently, looked at his lips and looked at his face. Although she was not short, she still had a very high distance in front of this man, raised her head and kissed him on the cheek quickly. After a moment, and then pushed away, he was about to flash people: "OK, I'm going to take a shower!"

At this moment, the man smiled contentedly, took the long arm and took him back into his arms, lowered his head, and kissed her vigorously, until Feng Ling glared at him because he didn't count. He kissed her again at the corner of her lips: "Go."

His prolonged ending, still with a little dissatisfaction, but had to let go of her tone for a while, and had an indescribable spoil.

Finally, when the man was willing to let go of her, Feng Ling directly slipped on the soles of her feet and went back to the room to take a shower.


Feng Ling fell asleep until more than 9 a.m. the next day, opened her eyes and watched the time habitually. After showering last night, she was out of the bedroom and saw Li Nanheng answering the phone and listening to him talking on the phone. The content seems to be that there are indeed a lot of things to do in T city in the past two days. She didn't bother and went straight to the bedroom to dry her hair and sleep.

It's this time, and she hasn't contacted Ji Nuan.

She woke up and sat up.

When she walked out of the bedroom, she was the only one in the room.

While picking up her cell phone, she called Ji Nun in the past, made an appointment with Ji Nun to meet at the event at night, and then called Li Nanheng again.

Li Nanheng quickly connected.

Feng Ling called him a few times on his own initiative. The man was rushing to a car in a certain exhibition venue, smiling at the thick document placed on his thigh and laughing: "Morning, Miss Feng."

Feng Ling didn't quite adapt to the situation that suddenly turned around for a while, but since the misunderstanding was lifted, she didn't want to be too frustrated, after all, who was in her heart, she knew herself.

She asked a little embarrassedly, "You're out?"

"Well, I have a lot of things today. In the evening, the partner's banquet must go in person. After you accompany Ji Nuan at night, do you go directly to the hotel or accompany her to T?

"Not necessarily. Let's talk at the end time."

"If it's too late, I'll pick you up at T?"

"... You pick me up? What should I say if Mrs. Mo sees it ..."

"You think Ji Nuan is stupid? She can't see the situation between you and me?"


That ’s right, when Mr. Mo came over last time, they should know something by listening to their tone.

"Where do you go with her to the event at night?"

"It's not clear. I won't know until I meet her this afternoon."

"Call me when you are sure, I will pick you up at night."


Feng Ling went to the bathroom after hanging up the phone. Before leaving the hotel, she called Wen Leqing by the way, but the call didn't get through. The other side was busy. Think about Wen Leqing's recent situation. I didn't continue to play, it was better to wait until she was in a better state and wanted to take the initiative to talk about it.


Wen Leqing signed a three-month guest professor at the medical school. She talked about some western medical concepts and some clinical medical experiments. Of course, her personality does not like performance, so she likes to give Together, the seniors and sisters who worked at the school fought to help, and they could not show their faces without showing their faces, and they had a low-key personality.

Today, the senior students and senior sisters are going to the provincial hospital for clinical experiments and teaching. It is said that the provincial hospital also invited well-known medical professionals from various countries to participate and observe together.

Wen Leqing followed the senior and his sister to the provincial hospital, and quickly changed to a light green disinfection suit. Wearing a mask, he was going to the consultation room specially arranged for them by the hospital. Le Qing was about to walk in. He raised his eyes and suddenly saw a few people standing outside the door. One of them, standing as a jade, wearing a white long doctor coat and quietly standing there, was talking to the leader of the nearby provincial hospital. What is it.

The moment she noticed her sight, the man turned his head directly, facing her eyes.

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