Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1131: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (394)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

When Feng Ling and Ji Nuan met at T, Ji Nuan really did, as Li Nanheng said, lifted Feng Ling's clothes and checked up and down for a long time, facing her who seemed to heal on the surface, but still I don't know how long it will take to get rid of the scars. The wounded eyebrows are distressed for a long time.

Fortunately, Feng Ling is a talkative person. Ji Nuan asked what she said, and did not blame herself. The topic slowly turned to what activities to attend at night.

"It is a family banquet of Mr. Keida Lao, the chairman of EP Group located in the overseas Chinese area. Did n’t our studio have contact with EP Group when we were in Haicheng before? We just signed a cooperation case recently. The family relocated from the United States to live in the country. They just settled in T city, and invited the responsible persons of major partners at home and abroad to go to his house to drink, eat and eat. It is a simple family banquet, but there may be more people. Some more. "

"Then you choose a dress now?"

"You don't need to wear a dress. Mr. Kaida emphasized that it is just a family banquet. I hope there are more friends to go to the hospitality, but I don't want to be too grand. It is better to wear a formal dress."

Feng Ling looked at Ji Nuan's spring-faced expression, and knew that she was completely reconciled with Mr. Mo, and she did not continue the Cold War. This mood also relaxed a lot, otherwise she watched Ji Nuan and kept trying to keep calm. She really couldn't stand the attitude of her, and she was really happy when everything happened.

It was really weird when watching Ji Nuan in a daze in front of the apartment window some time ago.


That night, at half past six.

Mr. Kaida is located in the rich area of ​​T city, with a floor area of ​​2,000 square meters.

Although it is already winter, the weather is very good, the sky is full of stars, and the temperature is not as cold as expected. There are many guests. Many ladies choose to wear dresses and skirts. People's faces are so glorious.

Trained waitresses are serving expensive and delicate desserts and drinks.

Guests arrived one after another with a large number of people.

After 7:30 in the evening, the more people in the yard, the hotter it became.

In the study on the second floor of the main house, Mr. Keida had just left. Qin Shiting and Li Nanheng were specially invited to talk in the study by Mr. Keida and stood at the window. Qin Shiting looked out the window and Li Nanheng stood on the other side to vent A cigarette was lit before the mouth.

Glancing at the Yingying Yanyan who came downstairs, Qin Shiting was about to pick up his cell phone and make a call to the hospital, but in the corner of his eyes, suddenly, he glanced at the woman who came down from a car in front of him. When clearing that woman's face, she smiled deeply: "Nanheng, come and see who's here."

The fireworks between Li Nanheng's fingers were clearly extinguished, his eyes were pale and he looked at the other side of the window pointed by Qin Shiting. When he saw that the person turned out to be Feng Mingzhu, the expression on his face did not change. : "It seems that this is an airy message from the master and knows my whereabouts."

Qin Shiting smiled, sitting on the sofa, casually turning over the underground army. The secret agreement on the fire transaction that Mr. Kaida had just invited him to see, and at the same time he glanced at him: "It ’s better than you Go and entertain yourself? I see this lady Feng is really attached to you. "

"I'm going down? I'm not going to go down like you. Dr. Qin Ruoan Pan'an, the famous lady who chased you down, in order to see you, would rather pretend to be ill and run in line outside the clinic of your city hospital. See if you can help me pass away Feng Mingzhu? Let her move her mind to you. "

Qin Shiting raised his lips, and a pair of clear and clear eyes were full of teasing: "What a pity, after all, this big lady is also concerned about you for many years, how can I go and hook up with such an infatuated lady."

Li Nanheng laughed, and then pressed the cigarette **** in the water ashtray beside him. He heard a "sizzle" in the air, and then returned to silence.

"After all, Dr. Qin doesn't have a woman by her side anymore. Shi Niange has no intention of having any connection with you recently. It's not the case that you have been empty all the time."

While talking, Li Nanheng went to the window where Qin Shiting was.

At the entrance of the courtyard, Feng Mingzhu just came in and was greeting several acquaintances who had been in the United States with Feng family. Just a dozen meters behind Feng Mingzhu, a familiar car stopped and the rear door opened. Ji Nuan, wearing a high-end white suit with a feminine workplace style, appeared in the eyes of everyone. It was learned that the man was the legendary Mrs. Mo, and the crowd went directly around.

Only Li Nanheng's eyes looked at the figure walking away from the driver's seat.

Feng Ling wore a white lady's shirt and black jeans, and a simple thin cashmere short coat was set on the outside of the shirt. At the foot, she still had a pair of black leather boots that she usually wore. The whole person looked absolutely unattractive. On the market, she is still simple and clean without any makeup, and her hair is clean and fluffy, and she has not done any styling. Following Ji Nun's body, she raised her hands in time to block the crowds who were surrounded by Ji Nun. It was written with indifference in the eyes, but on the surface it was somewhat polite. Let others let it go first, and let Mrs. Mo pass. Don't surround people like this.

When Qin Shiting saw Li Nanheng standing at the window at this moment, he seemed to be very serious. He looked away from the agreement in his hand, and then looked away.

When she saw it was Ji Nuan and Feng Ling, she raised her eyebrows, and said, "The scarf on Feng Ling's neck is a good color. It is rare to see a touch of red on her."

Indeed, Feng Ling, who was walking in the yard with Ji Nuan, was wearing a simple red dress and a rare red scarf around her neck. The color matched the black on her body. A little European and American fan girls like now.

"It's really good." Li Nanheng hooked his lips.

If Qin Shiting had raised the elegant eyebrows of the elegant lady, I don't think she would usually wear these trivial things on her body. Wouldn't it be the scarf that Ji Nuan was too enthusiastic about to knit for her?

Li Nanheng: "Do you think Ji Nuan has this time to knit a scarf?"

"That's weird, this doesn't match Feng Lingping's usual habit." Qin Shiting said it intentionally, and then smiled: "Is any wild man afraid of her catching a cold and sending it intentionally?" of?"

The wild man glanced directly at him.

Qin Shiting then made a look of sudden realization: "Oh, is this the wild man you?"

Li Nanheng snorted coldly, and then looked at the figure in the yard and the warm red mass on Feng Ling's neck, and there was a touch of relief under his eyes.

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