Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1132: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (395)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Out of the study, several bodyguards outside greeted him directly: "Boss, we just saw Feng Mingzhu, and it has been explored. Father Li did not help her to get her to come to the country. It is estimated that she bought her People know your whereabouts. "

Li Nanheng chuckled his lips coldly: "You guys should alert me tonight, don't let her approach Feng Ling."

"What about Mrs. Mo?"

"Arrange Feng Ling and Ji Nun into a more secluded hall, away from the messy famous doors. With Ji Nunfeng's temperament, you will not like to contact those people. Tonight is the housewarming of Mr. Keida. Feast, don't make anything irrelevant. "

"Okay, we know. We will definitely not let Feng Ling and Feng Mingzhu meet, lest Feng Ling make trouble with the boss again." The bodyguard smiled as he said, and winked at the other brothers directly. When you want to use your eyes to eat people, you have to slip away.

Li Nanheng's gaze turned to the direction of the window in the study.

Even if Feng Ling and Feng Mingzhu meet each other, with Feng Ling's personality, since the misunderstanding has been explained clearly, they will not be misunderstood because of Feng Mingzhu's appearance. If someone really knocks sideways and says something, Feng Ling If you have any doubts in your heart, you will definitely choose to ask him directly now, instead of holding your own breath or the impact of misunderstanding of the task.

He knew her quite well.

At first, if it wasn't for a few old masters who ruthlessly kicked her out of the base, if it wasn't for her too embarrassed, she wouldn't be so cold-hearted that she wouldn't even give him a chance to meet again.

Although Feng Ling sometimes seems a little confused about her relationship, there are actually many things she thinks through. She is just clean, but she is not stupid.


After Feng Ling and Ji Nuan walked into the inside hall, they learned that the old home of Mr. Kaida was really large. Several villas stood between this two thousand square meters, and the hall for the banquet was divided. In the four halls of Meilan Zhuju, several young boys dressed as waitresses came to lead them to the Lanting Hall, saying that it was relatively quiet and suitable for Mrs. Mo to go to rest.

Feng Ling thought that these people knew that Ji Nuan was the relationship between Mrs. Mo, so they deliberately found a quiet hall for them to rest. No doubt he and Ji Nuan passed directly.

There were only a few old rich wives in the Orchid Hall drinking tea. When they saw Ji Nuan coming, they greeted each other warmly and introduced themselves to each other. Feng Ling was going to stand outside the door and was guarded. Ji Nuan dragged in: "Your injuries are not good yet. You can stand outside to sit and eat and drink. As long as you are there, you don't need to go out and show your face all the time. After an hour, you can leave without leaving others alone. "

"Although that's what I said, there are so many people coming here tonight. I'm better off going out and watching."

"Since letting us rest in the Orchid Hall, then we can rest here with peace of mind. The few people sitting here are rich wives who do not have any friction on weekdays. They do not seem to have any mind, such a relaxed environment, You just relax and say it ’s a bodyguard, but when did I really see you as a bodyguard? Sit down quickly. ”Ji Nuan's last four words used a rare command tone.

Feng Ling had to sit down on the empty sofa beside her.

When sitting down, noticed that Ji Nuan had a meaningful look at the scarf around her neck.

Feng Ling calmly took off the scarf and set it aside.

She didn't want to wear this scarf, but later Ji Nuan said that watching her wore too little, her coat was too thin, and there was no cover on her neck. This would definitely catch a cold, and let Feng Ling buy everything. I put on a scarf and happened to drive past the hotel later. Feng Ling simply stopped and went upstairs to take this red scarf down and put it on directly.

During the season Ji Nuan also used the words "extra beautiful" to describe Feng Ling wearing a red scarf.

What Feng Ling said was a little embarrassing.


There were many people in the other three banquet halls. Feng Mingzhu was specially arranged in the main hall, that is, the plum hall, because Feng Feng's identity was unusual.

Today, some people wore dresses, including Feng Mingzhu.

Feng Mingzhu wore a long dress with a slim dress, her hair curled up slightly on her shoulders, and she wore a delicate face, which attracted a lot of attention, but she herself was not interested in those eyes and only looked for Li Nanheng in the crowd. Figure.

No one was found in the Mei Hall, so I went to several other halls. I learned that there were very few people in the Lan Hall, and most of them were women. The location was in the backyard direction of the most secluded villa area. Went to the Blue Room.

When I was outside the Lanting Hall, I suddenly saw Feng Ling, who was sitting on the sofa on the side and drinking and chatting with Ji Nuan.

At first sight, Feng Ling would be here for a moment. Feng Mingzhu's eyes were not good at all. She looked around inside the door, and while Feng Ling hadn't looked back, she saw that Li Nanheng was not here. She simply turned around and walked away. Now, holding on to the fist in his hand while walking.

It's really a ghost.

She will be here, does Li Nanheng know?

Doesn't it mean that Feng Ling had no contact with Li Nanheng after being kicked out of the base?

And I heard later that XI Base did not know what method was used to recruit Feng Ling back, but Feng Ling hated the base so he refused to return, and there did not seem to be any close contact with Li Nanheng. It was said that he was in Los Angeles before When met at some events in Beijing, Feng Ling and Li Nanheng were like strangers, without even staring at each other.

There should be no connection between the two ...

It is said that Feng Ling is now a bodyguard for Mrs. Mo.

So the long-haired beauty next to her should be the legendary Mrs. Mo.

Because I ’m not sure what the relationship between Feng Ling and Li Nanheng is now, but it ’s been a long time since the opening, but Feng Ling has never been to the front. It is estimated that Li Nanheng has not met face to face, and may not be at each other. Know that the other party is here.

It seems she should hurry up now.

At Li's house some time ago, Grandpa Li was dissatisfied with her because she passed those things on. She hasn't helped her too much recently. Even if she went to visit Li's house a few times, Grandpa Li's The attitude was very weak, including this time when she came to China to find Li Nanheng, it was not at all help from Grandpa Li, but she tried every means to talk to Li's housekeeper softly and hard. She was crying and pathetic about her feelings for Li Nanheng. Only at last did the other party feel a sense of concealment, and told her a few words about Li Nanheng's itinerary in T city, otherwise she would not even have the opportunity to appear at this banquet at the same time.

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