Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1140: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (403)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling looked at his back, and then saw the breakfast that he had put on the table. After a moment's sleep, he said, "How do you know that I didn't eat last night?"

Li Nanheng didn't answer, only took out the breakfast box in the bag one by one and put it on the dining table.

He certainly knew.

Last night Feng Ling didn't know he was on the spot, but he knew that she had been sitting with Ji Nuan in the Lan Room since entering the old Mr. Keda's house, and what she ate was mostly fruits and snacks. I don't like snacks at all, I eat a little at most, and I haven't eaten until I go back at night.

She walked over and looked at the breakfast on the table, which she prefers to eat on a weekday, and the unknown fire that had been oppressed all night and had not disappeared immediately.

"What do you stand there for? Come and eat." Li Nanheng glanced at her.

Feng Ling sat down at the dining table and said, "Did you come to pay for your sins?"

Li Nanheng glanced at her and saw the obvious red scar left on her neck because he was too indulgent last night. Shen laughed and said, "I am sleeping with my daughter-in-law, what am I to pay? In addition, I haven't found you yet Settle the account, that night when I was at Rogers Pass, did I press you on the bed when I was unconscious? Your mouth was closed tight enough. After so many years, I did n’t want to talk to me truth."

Feng Ling held his hand with chopsticks for a moment, suddenly raised his eyes to see him, and suddenly patted the chopsticks on the table.

Seeing her seemed to be in a bad mood, Li Nanheng's gaze stayed on her: "What? Are you bullied?"

"First of all, the thing on the Rogers Pass was because San Fat drank you wine, and you did n’t remember it the next day. I did admit it, and I did n’t want to entangle you because of that thing. Secondly, Li Nanheng, I'm not your wife, you always call me a little daughter-in-law. It's easy to remind me of the news I saw in Los Angeles three years ago! You only said that I was misunderstood, but you never Explain to me exactly what's going on! I acknowledged it last night, but you ... "

Before she could finish speaking, she was suddenly stuffed with a freshly peeled boiled egg.

Feng Ling: "..."

She took the egg out of her mouth and glared at him: "Li Nanheng, you won't let me talk?"

Li Nanheng smiled and peeled another egg, peeling and saying, "Where do you recognize this, obviously you have turned over to be the master, and started talking to your boss with anger and resentment. "

Feng Ling silently said: "..."

"Eat first, I'm full and have the strength to listen to me." Li Nanheng peeled the second egg and put it in a bowl in front of her.

Feng Ling glanced at him again and saw that if he didn't eat it, he would continue to peel it, so he had to lower his head and take a bite of the egg.


After having breakfast, Feng Ling was about to get up, but the man suddenly pulled a chair from across the table, threw it directly in front of her, and then sat down in front of her.

The man is tall and long, but just sitting in front of her like this, a long stretch of leg is enough to block her way and trap her between his long legs.

"Say what you said just now," the man said.

After looking at him for a while, Feng Ling said directly, "I didn't think too much about what happened on the snow mountain in the first place. It does n’t matter if you do n’t remember it. Now it ’s fine. For me, there is nothing worth mentioning. . "

Li Nanheng straightened her face when she said, "You mean that I fell asleep in the first place, but you don't even need to be responsible?"

"You were not awake then."

Li Nanheng's eyes suddenly cooled down, apparently dissatisfied: "Not awake? So if you were injured at the time, the unconscious is another person. If you can't push the other side away at that time, you will be allowed to do so That kind of thing doesn't even concern me after it has passed? "

Feng Ling: "..."

Of course it's impossible, if you change to another person, dare to touch her, she can make his blood gradually on the spot.

"Keep talking," the man said coldly.

She should have been angry, but when Li Nanheng looked strangely angry at the moment, Feng Ling looked at him for a while and said, "And what happened to your marriage message three years ago, no matter what you did Have you ever married, your wife ca n’t be me anyway, so now you shout at your daughter-in-law, do n’t you think it ’s hitting my face? I ’m uncomfortable listening to these three words, can you not cry like this I?"

Li Nanheng was sitting in front of her at this moment, and gave her a meaningful look: "What else?"

"……What else?"

"I think it's irritable to you, and you ran before the day dawned. Is it because of this thing that you just ran away?"

"Isn't that enough? At least my bottom line is here. I just want to know if a man like me was married or unmarried tonight ..."

The man laughed abruptly, raised his hand and pinched her face, Feng Ling was pinched and looked at him strangely: "Li Nanheng, what are you doing, I am not arguing with you, I am very rational Are telling you clearly ... "

However, she just said half of the word. The man in front of her suddenly lifted her arms with a long arm, and even seemed to feel insufficient when she lifted her head. She lowered her head on her lips and kissed her severely. She had just had breakfast. Before he gargle, the taste of all kinds of eggs and milk in his mouth is still there, but he didn't dislike it. He just pressed her struggling in his arms and kissed him for a long time, Then she hugged her and hugged her, turned and walked towards the bedroom.

"What are you doing, don't mess around during the day ..." Feng Ling seemed to see a bit of aggression in the eyes of the man. I couldn't believe it was only a few hours, and he gave it to her early in the morning. What kind of bird and beast can you do in the name of breakfast.

However, the man ignored her resistance and directly pushed her to the small sofa in the bedroom door. The distance of two or three meters from the bed did not pass, while he bowed his head and pressed directly. , Holding her around her waist fiercely, letting her stick to his arms, Feng Ling suspected that he had not had the medicinal properties last night, and said half of what suddenly meant a wolf.

She was about to bite him, but the man avoided her mouth at this moment, and instead bowed his head and lowered in her ears, "Wondering why I called you little daughter-in-law?"

These three words again, Feng Ling couldn't make it in his arms, raised his hand and hammered **** his shoulder: "Don't call me like that ... oh."

When the man bowed his head, he kissed again. When she was numb, she put her hand between her soft hair and put it on her lips and said dumbly, "You owe me three years of candles in the cave, you thought that last night. Can it be repaid in a few hours? "

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