Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1141: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (404)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling didn't understand it at all. What three-year-old house candles and compensation?

She pushed him, but the man didn't know what was going crazy, and ignored her bad mood at this moment, hugging and kissing her as if he couldn't kiss enough.

"Li Nanheng, I'm telling you seriousness, you're neurotic, don't kiss anymore, don't kiss anymore ... hey."

She was hugged again, and after pressing firmly on the bed for a long time, Feng Ling was kissed out of temper, and the discomfort in her eyes was gradually replaced by this entangled mood. Push him with a smile: "Okay, let's say something, don't kiss me ... uh ... Li Nanheng, please be careful, don't touch ..."

"I have been treated by you for such a long time, and I ca n’t kiss you?" The man held her in his arms as he kissed him, anxious to put her in his body, when she was finally kissed and helpless, showing a crying expression Then, she pecked twice on her slightly swollen lips that had been stabbed by him for a whole night, and Gu Qiuqiu said in disappointment: "Last night it was not controlled because of medicinal properties. Last night was not counted. Today is the last day of three years. You must go back to bed or I'll be aggrieved. "

"What are you aggrieved you, you let go, what last day of three years, Li Nanheng you ..."

However, Feng Ling's clothes were stripped again by men two or three times, and she stabbed him vigorously: "Are you crazy!"

The man bit her lips twice, without biting the skin, but she was bitten. When she resisted, she pressed her dishonest hand again, holding her in the eyebrows and the corners of her eyes. The tip of the nose, the corner of the mouth, and then the lips, kissed and sipped, and when Feng Ling suspected that the man was a dog, he put it on her lips and said, "It should have been crazy, you shouldn't worry about it You are too young to let you go ... "

The unique breath of the man rushed into her nasal cavity, and her hand was removed from her chin and down the neck. The traces on her body last night had not subsided yet, and a layer of chicken skin appeared again under the warm palm of the man pimple.

Like he said, the difficulty of controlling last night may have something to do with medicinal properties, but at this moment the man is full of love and resolutely will not let go of her intentions and go down step by step ...

Feng Ling felt like she had been given some strange acupuncture points under the palm of the man. She even lost her strength little by little, and after a while, her face was provoked by his next action.

She flushed and tried to avoid the man's hand. She couldn't avoid it. She could not stop looking at him at the beginning, and she was slightly panting. He slightly moved his lips, kissed the corner of her mouth again, and pointed her nose. She said on the cheek, "Last night was the second time I saw you cry. Do you know what I was thinking when you were crying?"

Feng Ling bit his corner of his mouth and stared at him: "Don't say ..."

"A girl who never cries, crying like that under me." The man's hands kept on for a moment, forcing her to shake uncontrollably: "I was thinking at the time that Lao Tzu was like this at the XI base Fortunately, I didn't die so early. If you really want to die, it should be on you ... "

"Shut up, don't say it!" Feng Lingqi was going to bite him, but the man bowed his head and kissed her back directly when she bit her head up, pressing her very **** the bed, very kissed .

He held up the face she had been trying to keep away, forcing her to turn her head to look at his eyes, and see the reflection of her bare shoulders at the bottom of his eyes, seeing her blushing face and a pair of eyes I've never seen myself here ... with eyes like water.

"Don't hide." The man kissed her: "You are beautiful."


This word appeared for the first time in Feng Ling's life dictionary.

She never thought that a person with such a little femininity would have a relationship with the word beauty. In the past, most people have heard others say that she is the kind of woman who is very suitable for short hair. Words like her are just sweet words, never thought about it.

However, when the man he cared about heard the word “beautiful”, Feng Ling's heart couldn't stop moving.

However, while she was looking at him, the man suddenly squeezed a strong thigh into the middle of her leg, forcing her to separate, clasping her wrists with one hand, and making waves with her on one hand, Endlessly ...


Feng Ling's cheeks were crimson, and the last night's exhaustion had not faded away. Just this morning, just after having breakfast, he was oppressed a few times by this man who didn't know what to do.

It turned out that her breakfast was fake, and it was true that she was full and continued to do it!

Tired of not struggling, not even shouting, the **** whispered that she owed him three years, what kind of ghost three years, when did she owe him, and which dead ghost was she doing for Repayment? Is it early in the morning to squeeze people out alive?

Finally, the battle stopped, Feng Ling had no thoughts, and closed his eyes in the man's arms to rest.

The man's finger traced her lips. She just felt that there was a current flowing across her lips, she turned her back to him, and just wanted to hurry to sleep.

But never thought that the action of turning his back on the man gave him another chance ...

In the 21st year of Feng Ling's very simple cognition, I never thought that this angle could be ...

What happened to her later, and how long she was tortured she couldn't remember.

All I knew was that I was going to push him and beat him, but softened repeatedly under the kiss of the man. She was almost dizzy during the last hour, her consciousness was no longer sober, and she was soaked with tears. Pillow, tired to almost half-coma, tired to lie on the bed like a dead body.

He still had the energy to wake her up in a trick!

In the end, she finally let go of her. Feng Ling really fell asleep for a second, and she didn't want to worry about anything. The world was so big that nothing was going to sleep.

Li Nanheng got up and simply cleaned up the "battlefield". Seeing that she was really tired and could not move, she didn't force her to get up to take a bath. Instead, she went to the bathroom and washed out a hot towel to help her clean up. After sleeping more comfortably, she did not continue to toss her.

Feng Ling didn't move when he was wiped with a towel, his body was soft as if he had no bones, and a sweaty hair wanted to move.

After Li Nanheng washes, he returns to the bed, and puts the little woman who has fallen asleep in his arms, and kisses her in the arms, but Feng Ling wrinkles in his arms. Eyebrow, weakly mute, said, "Boss, let me go ..."

Looking at the woman who is strong like this weekday, now being bullied like a stream of water, Li Nanheng chuckled and kissed her face: "Sleep."

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