Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1142: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (405)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling seemed to have heard an amnesty and slept again.

Or maybe she didn't wake up at all just now, but she was tossed in his dreams and instinctively begged for mercy.

At noon, the curtains in the room were closed and both were sleeping.

Li Nanheng's mobile phone suddenly vibrated in his pocket, at least ten minutes of repeated vibration, the man impatiently reached out and took the phone over, picked it up, and put it in his ear: "Say something, don't bother I sleep. "

The man on the phone froze because of the sound of his side who was still asleep during the day, and then said, "Li Shao, something happened to the family. Some of our fathers were called out. I have n’t been back since early morning. "

Hearing the word Fengjia, Li Nanheng was impatient: "What happened to Fengjia has something to do with Lijia? What do several old callees mean?"

"It was Miss Feng. I heard that she went to China quietly yesterday. I did n’t know what happened in the country. She was sent home by the police overnight. I ’m just Li ’s housekeeper. I ’m not sure if it happened. What, but a few old men were indeed called early in the morning. I heard that Miss Feng committed suicide at home, but also cut her wrist and hit the wall.

The speed of the police was fast enough, and they had already been sealed off early in the morning. It can be seen that they were deported back to the United States as soon as they arrived at the police station last night.

But if it wasn't because of Feng ’s reputation, the police would n’t send people away so easily. It would be because of borrowing Feng ’s light, otherwise the matter would not end so easily.

Back to Fengjia to commit suicide, forcing some old Li family to come home, Feng Mingzhu's life-threatening dangerous chess move, I am afraid that she has already planned for herself in the ten hours that she flew back to the United States Back road.

"Who asked you to call me?" Li Nanheng asked.

Li ’s housekeeper said eagerly on the phone: “It ’s Li, the other three olds sound bad on the phone. I do n’t know what happened, but Miss Feng ’s suicide should be with you It ’s related, otherwise a few old men would n’t be so angry, and asked me to call you ... and ask you to roll back ... ”

Li Nanheng was silent for a moment: "I see."

After that, I hung up the phone directly, tossed it aside, and then turned to look at the woman who knows where tonight is sleeping in her arms, bowed her head and kissed her nose, kissed her for a while Ear said: "I need to rush back to the United States temporarily if you have a problem. You can take a good rest. If you want to go back to the Jindu Hotel to recover, just go back. You can stay here to heal. I will leave a few people so that no one will come to bother me. Don't walk around in recent days, I will be back soon. "

Feng Ling heard it in a groggy state, and it was okay to make a reluctant sigh, but he continued to sleep with his eyes closed, and even when the man lifted the quilt, he turned over and continued to sleep, as if it was more important for a man to have no bed.

Li Nanheng looked back at the fragrant sleeping, and did not have any nostalgic women when he was leaving. If it weren't because several old people were closing the house, he would have to rush back to stabilize the situation, or even give him now For two hours, he must also wake her up to let her know who is her man, and dare not to take him seriously again and again.


Feng Ling was really asleep, and even if it was an earthquake, she might not wake her up.

Until another two hours later, she woke up and turned over on the bed, feeling only sore and terrible, while secretly hating the fowl and beastmaster, while slowly moving her legs, Feeling that soreness full of swelling is much better than before, then I looked at the other side of the empty bed.

She remembered that he said that he had to rush back to the United States when there was an urgent matter, and acted in the style of Li Nanhengsu. If it was n’t really urgent, he would still lie on her bed now, and he would n’t be able to leave when the sky fell.

Fortunately, he was gone, otherwise she would surely suffocate him with a pillow when she woke up.

Otherwise, wait for her strength to recover after a good duel. Last night, even these "fights" this morning, because she was a woman, she always stood in the wind. It was useless to cry when she was bullied. She The more he cried, the more vigorous he became. He really used poultry and beasts to describe him as less than one tenth of his badness!

For so long in the XI base, except that he kissed her and hugged her for a while, or touched him, at least he was still decent, but today, this man is like a monster in the prison tower It seemed that the ban was finally lifted!

Feng Ling was lying on the bed for a while. Although she was still very tired and was dying, she still couldn't fall asleep. She barely got up, rubbed the same sore waist, took a look at her mobile phone, and saw half of it. An hour earlier, Ji Nuan sent a text message to herself asking if she was at home now.

Looking further up, I saw a message sent to her by the man at the airport an hour ago. When I opened it, it was a kiss expression.

Feng Ling: "..."

She didn't reply, she threw the phone back to the bed with a disgusted look, raised the quilt, got up and got out of bed, and went to the living room to find water to drink.

Slightly cold water poured into his throat, and those words that the man said suddenly sounded in his mind.

Little daughter-in-law.

He owed him three years of candlelight.

The last day of three years.

Her hand on the quilt suddenly stopped.

Counting it, the day before she was kicked out of the base that year, the day after it was said that Li Nanheng married Miss Feng Jia.

The day before three years ago is today, so what does he mean by the last day after three years?

She was so resistant to him calling her daughter-in-law, but he was screaming vigorously, and the so-called three-year, so-called cave house candle.

Marry, Miss Feng ... Miss Feng ... Feng ...

Feng Ling's expression suddenly paused. How many ladies are there in Feng's family? There was no one other than Feng Mingzhu, but he repeatedly said that he did not marry Feng Mingzhu, and repeatedly emphasized that he had never married a woman ...

So this Miss Feng doesn't exist? Or does it exist in another way?

That other Miss Feng is not ...

Feng Ling was a bit incomprehensible about this. She stood still and held the cup for a long time and couldn't understand it thoroughly. She even thought more and more that there would be no such thing as a coincidence in the world, and the second lady of Feng family ... … She… In the eyes of many people, has n’t she already died?

How could that be ...

Just as Feng Ling was holding the cup, he suddenly knocked on the door.

She turned around and opened the door, but the person she saw turned out to be Ji Nuan.

The moment she opened the door, Ji Nuan saw her, and her eyelids were picking. For the first time, she saw Feng Ling with such a sullen face and her entire body not in the same state: "What's wrong with you ... have you been better? Is this sick again? still is……"

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