Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1144: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (407)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

A woman in a dress in the corner, even if she is standing in a corner where the light is not clear, but she can still be recognized from the figure wearing and the bag in her hand. It is Feng Mingzhu herself. She doesn't know the right in the corner. The waiter explained something, and then took out a bank card and put it in the other's hands.

Feng Mingzhu only looked at the beginning of these two or three seconds, then changed his eyes, and hurried down the stairs in an instant!

However, she had already fallen in that bathroom yesterday, and was pressed by Mrs. Liu on the ground for a long time. She ran too fast, and the servant who was trying to help her did not keep up with her for a while. Feng Mingzhu just ran When I descended the stairs, I fell directly at the position four or five steps from the ground, and fell straight down, and fell horribly into the ground with a scream that directly attracted everyone's attention.

The old man of Fengjia and the old men of Lijia, including some of the servants of Fengjia who were present, saw her panic as if she understood something instantly, all just watching her in silence.

Feng Mingzhu didn't seem to see everyone's eyes, but only when the servant ran down quickly and lifted up, stumbling up while standing up, ignoring the pain in his legs, pointing at the direction of the TV screen and choking, "Don't look, Li Nanheng He was framed me. He wanted to get rid of the shackles of Feng family long ago. In order to break away with Feng family, he could do everything. He was framed me ... "

She ran as she said, spreading her arms directly in front of the TV screen, and turning her eyes to look at everyone with red eyes: "Don't look, don't look!"

At first, everyone did n’t understand what Li Nanheng was about to release to everyone, but Feng Mingzhu ’s overwhelming reaction made Feng ’s second elder hesitate directly. Looking at her thoughtfully, he guessed it might be possible. It is true that the children of their own family lied and could hurt their faces. They did not speak again immediately, but now the people of Li's family are here, and Li Nanheng has been called for thousands of miles. How could this be prevented? .

When the old man in Fengjia looked frantically at Feng Mingzhu, some old masters in Li's family also saw something strange in her excited expression and words, and immediately looked at Li Nanheng who was standing indifferently on one side. Looking again at the second elder Feng Jia sitting on the sofa: "Since Nan Heng said that something happened for a reason, now we old people are here again. What is going on? Let's look at it."

"Don't look, don't look ... Nan Heng is just framing me ..." Feng Mingzhu's eyes were red, and he looked helplessly at Grandpa Li: "Grandpa Li, you believe me, you must believe me ..."

In the wheelchair, Mr. Li first glanced at her. After a few seconds of silence, he opened his mouth: "Miss Feng is too excited. Sit down and take a rest first. Let's look at the situation first."

"Grandpa Li ..."

However, as soon as Master Li said this, everyone knew that it was impossible to put things on this screen, and the servant stepped forward and pulled Feng Mingzhu apart: "Miss, don't be too excited. "

"Let me go, don't watch ... don't watch ..."

Feng Mingzhu was pulled aside and everyone's eyes turned to the TV screen again.

I saw that the waiter took the card given by Feng Mingzhu, nodded his head and turned away, and then switched to another scene on the screen. All scene switching was where Feng Mingzhu appeared later.

Feng Mingzhu did not enter the banquet hall after coming out of the corner. Instead, she went directly to a special rest room above a banquet hall. I saw her in the surveillance camera above the corridor and looked around the door. Look, then push the door directly into the room.

After that, the camera didn't switch any more, and stayed in the corridor of this corridor. The waiting time was accelerated during the waiting period, but the monitoring time displayed on the upper right was visible. After less than half an hour, the waiter was holding on. A balding man with a beer belly appeared in the corridor, and the man was escorted directly into Feng Mingzhu's room.

The room shot by the camera is outside the door of Feng Mingzhu, and the waiter is obviously the one who received the money half an hour ago, the one bought by Feng Mingzhu himself, and there is no one in front of him. Seeing Li Nanheng's traces, and just this little video is enough to make everyone clear that no matter what happens, it is also led by Feng Mingzhu himself, and no one is going to harm her.

Feng Mingzhu also looked at the process on the screen, and suddenly realized what he had experienced at that time!

She turned to crying to her red eyes and looked at Li Nanheng, but the man didn't even look at her.

Feng Mingzhu's hand was fisted into a fist, and she bit her lip. At this moment, she could not shout out a word. The fear and despair in her heart had spread to her head.

"Miss ..." The servant who was standing beside her felt the coldness and trembling in her body, and called her with some worry and some fear.

The surveillance video on the TV screen continues.

After the man was helped into the room, and the waiter quietly left, the camera switched to the scene where the waiter handed in the bank card. The bank card on the screen was enlarged. Others may not recognize it, but they sealed the family. It is recognized that the pink card is indeed owned by Fengzhu herself. It is usually a small amount of cards that she controls at her own expense. However, because the Feng family has a high status in Los Angeles and also has a certain identity in the bank, the family name is sealed. There are some special marks on the bank cards, and they can recognize the marks themselves, and this can't be wrong.

Then, the camera switched back to Feng Mingzhu's door again. Suddenly, the door was opened. The scene where Feng Mingzhu hurriedly wrapped in a bath towel appeared to everyone's eyes. The old man of Feng Family and Li Family saw her exposed. The appearance of both shoulders frowned, originally thinking about whether to continue watching, but at this time, I saw Li Nanheng finally appeared in the lens, but he just stood outside the corridor, this matter apparently from It had nothing to do with him in the beginning, but why he appeared outside later, which puzzled everyone, so I continued to watch next.

A more exciting scene was what happened after Mrs. Liu rushed up, until Feng Mingzhu's bath towel was suddenly stripped, a few old talents suddenly closed her eyes, and Grandpa Feng then patted the coffee table heavily: "Enough! Don't put it again! "

Hearing his grandfather's anger, Feng Mingzhu was almost frozen as soon as he watched those nightmares repeating the same surveillance video, and looked at Grandpa Feng with a dim look.

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