Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1145: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (408)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"What happened to me, how could I be sent back to the U.S. overnight, and what documents sent by the police to deliberately hurt someone and my family? What do you want to say? "Mr. Feng is not irritated, but because of this shame, everyone in Li ’s house saw it clearly. Even if he was angry, he could barely maintain his reason, and said," You say yes Nanheng pitted you because he made you lose your way and ruined your reputation. Nanheng pitted you until later and could not marry you? Tell me, what is in this surveillance video? "

Feng Mingzhu opened her mouth and just wanted to speak, Li Nanheng said coldly: "Miss Feng has even moved out her suicide measures, and forced all the young and old in my family to force her. Now I always have to say something. Otherwise, you think that some old people in Li's family are really so easy to pass? I'm afraid it's easy to ask God to send God difficult. "

Feng Mingzhu's expression trembled, and she turned to look at the old couples. They were all thoughtful when they saw their faces, but apparently they had already guessed some clues about the matter, but they couldn't make a complete conclusion. She looked at her suspiciously.


"Pearl, things have already reached the point where they are about to commit suicide. What is going on? Now Nanheng is here too. This ... we have also seen this surveillance video. It is really so big that there is no way "It's nothing." Li said the fourth time while looking at Feng Mingzhu: "How do I look at the content in this surveillance video, it seems like the waiter you bought through, let him do something for you, you Seeing that man with a big belly? "

"I didn't!" As soon as mentioning President Liu, Feng Mingzhu's disgusting whole body was goosebumps: "That was a misunderstanding ..."

When it comes to misunderstanding these two words, her tone of voice was a little weaker, and she just wanted to explain, but when she realized the cold and indifferent gaze that Li Nanheng passed to her side, she just felt that her whole blood was cold.

She didn't even have a chance to tell a lie or justify herself ...

This man really didn't intend to keep her.

Feng Mingzhu bit her lip and turned to look at Li Nanheng with red eyes and said, "Nanheng, must you be so dead?"

Li Nanheng's cold eyebrows didn't move. He didn't go to see her crying red eyes, and only said indifferently: "Before Miss Feng's suicide, Li was still in the country. It seems that he didn't want to return to the United States to investigate more about you. Who expanded the matter to such a level that everyone knows it, is it me? "

Feng Mingzhu: "..."

She seemed to be stunned for a moment, but Zhang Zui could not say a word for a long time.

Obviously, he would kill her to such an extent that she would cry. She did n’t cry for all the reasons, but the cause of the whole thing was on her, even if she was unwilling, but it seems to be a sentence now. Can't go back.

But Li Nanheng pushed her step by step through this incident, and she didn't believe that he didn't figure it out early. He knew that she would be sent back to China and knew what would happen next, so he even The monitoring of Mr. Kaida's home has come out!

He never, never intended to stay with her for a while.

But yes, he never seemed to show affection for her.

Finally realized the cold-blooded heart of this man, Feng Mingzhu's hand pinched his cuffs and was beaten to a still red and swollen face, but it was pale now.

"Pearl, what the **** is going on?" The old lady Feng was sitting on the sofa a bit unbearably, looking at her and saying, "You really bought the waitress?"

"I ... I ..." Feng Mingzhu choked, "Grandma I ..."

"Since Miss Feng can't say anything other than committing suicide and crying about being killed and marrying him, he can't say anything else, then Li can only become the second old man." Li Nanheng said as he opened his mobile phone. The second test report was transferred to the TV screen: "This is a medicine that can be blended in the wine given to the waitress by Miss Feng last night. You can see the contents of this drug report."

Everyone looked at the screen again. When they saw the words of Indian exports and medicines, which made people nervous, the **** valley owed dozens of times, and so on, they frowned in disbelief at once.

"this is……"

"This is what Miss Feng has in her hands. Miss Feng, do I still need to continue to explain the situation for you?" Li Nanheng asked in a low voice.

It sounds like asking, but the man's tone is obviously mocking.

Feng Mingzhu suddenly turned to look at him: "Yes! I want to give you medicine, I want to have a relationship with you! So you treat me this way after you notice? Do you know that I have a heart in my heart? For so many years in your body, I just like you, no matter what method I use, it is also myself who suffers in the end, but you will make me lose face!

what? !!

Is this what she used to ... for Li Nanheng?

Everyone was shocked by this cognition. Several old Li family members looked at each other unwillingly and did not speak, but the elder face of Fengjia's anger was instantly blue.

"Miscellaneous account!" Father Feng suddenly angered: "Mingzhu, do you know what shame is? Nanheng is still your brother-in-law in name, how dare you ..."

"What spooky brother-in-law, do I have a sister?" Feng Mingzhu was really irritated, and went home and had a fight and thought that there was still something to fight for. Now that I have reached this point, she simply broke her net and said, "I That sister died long ago, a one-year-old baby, a robe, and you are really confused, and would let Li Nanheng marry her robe, where is my sister! Brother-in-law? This so-called relationship in your mouth is in my eyes. It ’s all empty. I just know that I like him. I liked him many years ago, but in the end he ignored my face and preferred to marry an early dead soul rather than give me a glance. He forced me to This step, and now the three-year appointment has arrived, what kind of brother-in-law is he! "

"You ..." Father Feng was about to scold, but he was so angry that he couldn't say anything. He coughed violently, raised his finger and pointed at her for a long time but couldn't say a word.

Feng Mingzhu said with red eyes: "When Li said that he was going to marry that Yi Guan Tzu, you only wanted to maintain the relationship between the two, even if it was only Yi Guan Tzu. Anyhow, it was a home for my premature sister. But have you thought about me ?! I like him so much! Finally let me call him brother-in-law? I can't do it! "

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