Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1146: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (409)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"If you can't do it, you can't do the medicine. You like Nanheng, it doesn't mean they have to accept it!" The old lady Feng caressed her husband's chest, and looked back half warmly and half angry. Rebuke: "You have n’t had a good attitude towards your sister since you were a kid. Even if we burned some paper money for some festivals, you could n’t get used to it, and we were so used to smashing things in the room. We are used to it. , But these words let us listen now, it's really cold! "

"Oh." Feng Mingzhu sneered: "Do you really think of Li Nanheng as your own? Look at him, I just gave him a cup of medicine, and he gave me a bad name in this way. He has taken care of you Have you ever taken into account the faces on Fengjia and Lijia? "

"Miss Feng." Li Li frowned at this moment: "It seems that the cause of the matter lies with you, there is no need to push the responsibility on Nanheng's body like this, we all see in the eyes, although Nanheng is wrong in I have no sympathy for you, but it seems that you really do not know the shame first, and that everyone has a bottom line, such things as medicine, in the hope that anyone will be angry, Nanheng will only use his own way to control him The body of man, he is standing on a passive angle, you just blindly complain that others do not forgive you, but you have not reflected on yourself, do you call us old people, just to hear from you who do wrong things Show mercy on your men? "

Feng Mingzhu suddenly heard the grandfather Li Jia's words, and suddenly he couldn't go back, his face was red and white.

Li Nanheng hooked his lips coldly.

The most wrong thing that Feng Mingzhu did was to toss over some of Li's old ones.

The biggest death point of the four old Li family is Li family's face. Whoever hurt Li family's face is half right with them.

If this matter is really unreasonable, they can only put down their sins, but now the truth is here. Instead, Feng Mingzhu bleeds blood to death and forces him to die. This matter has come to this point. She also dragged herself on. It's dead.

It's a trick for myself, very seconds ... dead chess.

Apparently, she suddenly reacted to the situation now. Feng Mingzhu's face was blank, but she didn't dare to yell like that with indignation, but said in a grievance: "If you say so, then Nanheng ’s The meaning also means the meaning of Li's family? He didn't marry my sister's coat of arms from the beginning, but it was because of the agreement that year that he wanted to pretend to be a gentleman with a good faith, so he had to be wronged. The married person went back to marriage, but in fact he was disgusted in his heart. Now I think he should have someone else in his heart. I ca n’t wait to end the relationship with the Feng family. Now it is also the third anniversary of the expiration. Li Nanheng, you rush It ’s not just because of me. Your more important purpose is to sever this marriage with the Feng family, right? You want the Feng family to return you freedom, so you can be with the person you like? "

Father Li, who had been speechless for a long time in a wheelchair, suddenly said, "I always thought that Pearl was a good boy. I didn't expect such a thing to happen ..."

Hearing Li Lao's words, everyone was silent for a moment, and Feng Mingzhu looked at him with red eyes instantly.

Mr. Li said indifferently: "Since this, the Feng family has also said that the three-year contract has expired, and Mingzhu has also caused this matter to the point where both sides can't pass it. After the zero hour yesterday, Nanheng Let ’s stop the marriage with Miss Feng Er. We really want to end this relationship. It ’s up to us to say the old man. Now I agree to end it. What does Feng Lao think? ”

When Li old said this, he was very cold, apparently also angry, just because the head of the family didn't directly say something unpleasant, but his meaning was already obvious, this is to force a break All the relationships in the middle have a clean family.

Feng Lao hadn't spoke yet, but Feng Mingzhu sneered at this moment: "Look, I'm right, right? Li's family didn't welcome my sister who died early. You have to marry Yi Guanzuo, It's ridiculous ... they never thought of that dress ... "

When several old people frowned displeasedly because of her words, Li Nanheng said quietly: "It is true that there is no relationship between Li and Miss Feng. The entanglement that happened in T city last night, and the elders also In my eyes, I don't want to explain one more thing about this kind of thing, but I really want to persuade the second family member to take good care of the instructor's own granddaughter. Don't take what you like as your own belongings. The lady has never been interested in prescribing such things as medicine. After that, she also blame herself. I will count it as my own plan. Without her own leadership, there will not be her own face later. Even today, even if she commits suicide again, she will follow her. The Li family is okay. "

It's rare to hear that Li Nanheng would say so much suddenly, and it seems that the tone of the man who has always been taciturn has no meaning to break, but he is polite and somewhat respectful, and what should he say To say, no one interrupted him.

"In addition, Miss Feng has a final conclusion. Li must dismiss it seriously. Li's parents are here now, because she feels ashamed because of what she has done. When she talks about it, she will only mention ending the relationship. However, the Li family had no regard for Miss Feng Er's clothing Guanzuka. I think Feng Jia's old man should know. Li's family buried Miss Feng Er's clothing in his own place very early and has already been accommodated as his family. Li Nanheng said indifferently: "Today's incident is just an episode that happened because of the confusion that Miss Feng accidentally made. It is not necessary to make it too complicated. In order not to affect the relationship between the two in the Chinese community in Los Angeles, I would Continue to maintain the marriage relationship with Miss Feng Er, in order to show sincerity, do not marry another life. "

Not married for life?

The man in the house was stunned by Li Nanheng's five words that sounded serious and heavy. The second Feng Jia always felt a little shameful in his face, but he still couldn't believe it.

At this time, the old Li family was ugly. Li old angered: "Nan Heng, what does it mean not to marry another life? Even if our Li family cherishes the child's dress, but it expires now Expired, what are you going to continue, do you still marry another? You ... "

Feng Mingzhu was also shocked. It was uncomfortable to be beaten continuously. At this moment, it was incredible that Pestle was there, thinking that she had heard it wrong.

"Nanheng, you ..." The elder Feng Jia stood up at this moment: "If you take back what you just said, we won't mind, after all, this is indeed what our Feng family did wrong ..."

"The gentleman said a word." Li Nanheng said: "Every sentence that Li Mou stands here is well thought out, and no word will be taken back."

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