Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1147: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (410)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

People like Li Nanheng have always been taunted. The four stubborn old men in the Li family can't make him such a junior, not to mention the fact that they have never been too aggressive to close the house.

Although the family has a strong sense of existence in Los Angeles, most of the old people and stewards in the family are not very strong temperaments. It is very reasonable. At this moment, they know that their granddaughter has done something wrong. Meaning of persecution.

But he never expected that Li Nanheng, who would never follow the rules, came out first to maintain the relationship between the two, and even ... would he make such an oath?

Li family is just such a grandson.

Never marry another life ...


Feng's second old man turned to look at the Li family, but he didn't want to say a few words that were so angry that he was so angry, especially Li's boss, Li Nanheng ’s grandfather, was sitting in a wheelchair. He stared at Li Nanheng with an ugly face, but after all, he was not a Li family. He put up with his patience and said, "Okay, today this thing is caused by these young people who are not sensible. After all, we did n’t suffer any harm from each other, nor did we make any serious mistakes. There was no undesired relationship. These juniors do not need to count what they say today. Let ’s go back first. ”

"Didn't it make a big mistake?" Feng Mingzhu took the opportunity to interject: "I was sent back to the country by the police in T city on purpose of intentionally hurting me. My reputation is ruined ... "

"Enough is enough, Pearl." Feng Lao suddenly snarled: "Well, you didn't ask for it?"

Feng Mingzhu's tone fluttered, and he pursed his lips and looked at Li Nanheng.

Li Nanheng did n’t seem to hear her uncle. She just continued the previous topic and calmly said, “I ’m talking about something, but Feng ’s family is in trouble now. Li ’s family is really not here all the time. It was better for the family to come and say that Li would send a few grandpas back first, and the second elder, leave. "

Feng Jia Erji nodded, hey, now it is that Ming Zhu ’s parents are not at home, otherwise the temper of Ming Zhu ’s father, or the nature of Mrs. Feng Qin Qiu, must be even more angry now, considering that Ming Zhu would be directly here Disabled by her own father.

Seeing Li Nanheng faintly paid attention to his servant, someone immediately helped the other three old Li family members, and the old Li family man pushing the wheelchair was not so nice and went out.

Until several old people went out and were picked up on the car, seeing the tall figure of Li Nanheng preparing to board another car of his own, Feng Mingzhu turned away and ran away regardless of the obstruction of his family and servants. Go out.

He managed to run behind Li Nanheng, raised his hand and grabbed a corner of his clothes: "Nanheng ..."

After Li Nanheng went out, he was no longer so kind and with half respect as in front of the second old man in Fengjia. Instead, he frowned and glanced back indifferently: "Let go."

"Nanheng, I know you have a grudge over what I have done, even if you don't like me, I now completely believe that you really won't go with me, but do you have to kill me like that? We Anyway, when you grow up together, you ca n’t feel sorry for me? Ca n’t you let me go ... Why, why do you have to push me to such a point ?! ”She said, clutching his clothes tightly, full of hatred. Uncomfortable, more puzzled.

She understands Li Nanheng's temperament. This man is indifferent to many things. She can't understand why it is just a glass of medicine, but he can fight back so hard.

Li Nanheng's eyebrows remained unchanged, and his eyes were still cold. He stretched his hands to the back and ruthlessly pulled the corner of her clothing out of her hand. At the same time, she said lightly: "When Feng Ling was humiliated in public and was driven out of the base , She is an orphan who does n’t even have a family. Who has ever felt bad about her? "

The words fell, and when Feng Mingzhu's face was instantly white, the man gave her a cold look: "Have you ever distressed her for me?"

Feng Mingzhu: "..."

The man opened the door and got on the car directly, without giving her one more chance to say a word, directly starting the engine, the tall black Hummer whistled away.

Feng Mingzhu couldn't believe his eyes and turned to the dusty car.

It turned out to be Feng Ling.

Since he has such a deep feeling for Feng Ling, a man who has never cared about anything, now he can do this because of a woman named Feng Ling who is not male or female. Why didn't he just marry her? Instead, he just said that he would not marry another life.

Just when Feng Mingzhu was disoriented due to some doubts, her steps walked back in a vain manner. Just as soon as she walked back to the villa, the door opened, and she stepped in, but was slammed in the face.

Feng Mingzhu's figure stood at the door of Feng's house in a stalemate. He couldn't believe looking at Mr. Feng, who was extremely ugly.

"Grandpa ..." Feng Mingzhu seemed to be stupid, and stood there for a long time without moving, only covering his face with his hands.

"You are really a good daughter taught by our family. Even if you have known since your childhood that your family cherishes and regrets your poor premature sister, but at least you have grown up, and your family has no shortage of education and other aspects. Too little, but why have you been unwilling to be here, not to be there, now even a man has to grab it! Li Nanheng has rejected you at first, and you have to get a man this way, You have to be shameless! "

Feng Mingzhu's hand was gradually clenched into a fist near the cheek. Suddenly, all eyes were filled with tears. When the tears fell, they suddenly yelled, "If you didn't agree to let him marry that robe, then nothing would happen. At this point, wouldn't you just be reluctant to die with that premature child, but she is still dead, she will never come back! "

Speaking of this, Feng Mingzhu hated her red eyes with a bitter hatred and said, "She just can't come back, she's dead and she's already fed the fish in the sea! Even a bone dregs! Nothing left! Even if Li Nanheng really wants to maintain any **** marriage relationship with her, it is just a dead soul who died prematurely. It is ridiculous. A group of people waste any feelings around a dead ghost who didn't exist ... "

"Slap!" Another slap in the face. This time, Feng Lao really gave up his hands. At the same time, Feng Lao raised his hand to his chest and almost couldn't breathe. .

Feng Mingzhu's already scarred face, this newly added fingerprint, and the blood from the corner of her mouth, her face was even more white and terrible.

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