Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1148: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (411)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"Old man, don't be angry, you heart can't stand it!" Madam Feng came over and grabbed his hand when he was about to slap again: "No matter what, what Pearl has done wrong is always Our own children, you can't get this heavy hand! "

"I just slapped her with two slaps to make her remember something and let her know what shame is! I didn't do anything!" Feng Feng aired.

Family law?

When Feng Mingzhu was very young, it seemed that her parents accidentally dropped her sister into the sea on a cruise ship, and returned to the house. The second old man knew what happened, and there was nowhere to vent with anger and pain. She took the old rattan, which she didn't know where to get it, and drew it on her father's back. She remembered that she was seeing **** blood at that time. It was obvious whether everyone's heart was **** more than that.

But what about that?

This group of people no matter how distressed or sad for that early dead ghost.

In the end, it is still an early dead ghost.

Feng Mingzhu looked at them coldly, no longer saying a word, turned around and let the servant directly tremble to support himself upstairs, without looking back.


Li family.

When the car stopped and just entered the house, Mr. Li said displeasedly, "The rest of you go down first. I have something to say with Nanheng."

It stands to reason that after Li Nanheng watched a few of them returning with their own eyes, he should not enter the door, but drive away directly, return to the XI base or go to other places, but he apparently did not intend to leave immediately this time.

After all, he is a grandfather and grandson. This purpose can still be seen. I know that Li Nanheng has something to say and is prepared.

The maid sent the other three old men away, until the old man in the front room of Li's only left the old man Li in a wheelchair and Li Nanheng who just entered the door.

"Say, I have to listen, how do you explain to me, what do you think about the vow of not marrying for life?" Father Li said as he forced himself to smash the folding crutch on the wheelchair to The impulse on his face: "We are a grandson of Li family. Can you give birth to a son early before we have a life? We can't force it, even if it is a granddaughter, then it is also good for some of our old people to see Great-grandchildren, but you do n’t even want to get married again. How many of us are you thinking about? ”

Li Nanheng heard the old man's angry words, and calmly threw a pile of documents onto the table beside him.

Mr. Li turned to see the sealed document, and then glanced at him arrogantly without asking further. He picked up the document and took it apart. After extracting it, he saw several DNA medical test reports.

There are new and old blood comparison reports, as well as hair DNA comparison reports.

After reading it, I saw the name written below, and Mr. Li was silent. He stumbled for a long time and looked up at him suddenly: "This is ..."

Li Nanheng: "These DNA comparison reports are not detailed enough? Feng Feng, who was driven out of the XI base by you and three other people, was Feng Feng who thought she had died in the sea at that time. It is estimated that it fell on the surface of the floating object that could not be noticed by others, drifted to the coast and jungle closest to the sea, was fed by wolves in the jungle, and only came out when he was five years old. "

"She was born in a living environment, so she only knew that she lived for the purpose, and then accidentally entered the XI base. She didn't have any extra thoughts and bad thoughts. She just liked the environment there and wanted to be in XI. Live a good life at the base. You can see all her efforts and achievements in the base for many years, and know how seriously she lives. "

"However, you still destroyed her living path, trampled her dignity and everything under her feet, drove her out, and forced her into despair. Do you want it? Just three years ago today, I stood at Li's house. In her shrine, she stood in front of her little clothes to help her peel apples, but you shred everything into scum and drove her out of the base. "

"How could that be ..." Father Li frowned unbelievably. "How could she be ..."

"I didn't believe this coincidence at first, but all coincidences were involved, so I went to collect her previous blood samples, and sent them for comparison with the newly collected blood samples and hair." Li Nanheng said coldly: "Feng family originally left their DNA records and proofs in the DNA blood bank in order to find this child in a miracle. By contrast, everything points to the only truth. Feng Ling is the second daughter of Feng family. My wife, your grandchildren. "

Mr. Li stubbornly squeezed those thin pieces of paper that were as heavy as gold instantly. In his mind, he remembered three years ago that he was furious because of Feng Mingzhu's report and the description of jealousy. The XI base bombed people away.

But if that girl is Fengjia's second child, then ...

Father Li suddenly asked coldly, "You already knew she was Feng Mingzhu's sister?"

"I didn't know three years ago, I just knew it recently." Li Nanheng answered frankly without a word.

"Since you know, you can also see that the Feng family is very guilty and sad about this second daughter. Why haven't they said it? They didn't even face the second old Feng family today ..."

"Feng Ling has been used to living outside since she was a child. The house of the Feng family is only a shackle to her. She is not willing to go back to recognize her. This layer of paper has not been broken, and I will not ignore her. Let ’s go and reveal half a word to Feng ’s family. ”Li Nanheng said,“ Want to go back, it ’s her own business. No one of us has the right to help her promote all this. If she wants to go back, she will now Being able to stand in front of Feng's villa, I can help her remove all the obstacles in front of Feng's door, including the obstructing Feng Mingzhu. However, she does not want to. "

Master Li can understand this.

When I saw the Feng Ling lying on the ground in the base, although I was drunk, I could see that it was a girl with her own idea and a distinctive personality. Although the boy was dressed up, it looked like it was also The spirit is full of vitality, but after all, she is a girl in her bones. She has not been found for so long in the wind and rain in the XI base, indicating that she is a tough person.

A person with such a character cannot easily change her, and her own life plan cannot be reversed by any episode. As long as she does not want to, even if she is the daughter of the president, she would rather be free to be outside .

This girl's personality is really difficult for most people to win.

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