Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1160: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (423)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Li Nanheng's eyes turned to the smallest bulletproof shed next to the camp, with a voice that only A K could hear: "Tam, when they went to a nearby village at night to change food, they bought two local altars in a farmhouse. The farm's own wine. "

"..." A K looked at what looked like a wine jar over there.

No wonder he was suddenly drunk.

It seems that the boss already had this plan before, and actually allowed Tam to change the wine and come back, that is to say, now he is the only one who can go to Pin Ling to be "good brother" to fight wine.

This man seems to be him.

"But." Ak clearly remembers that the boss and Feng Ling were still kissing me in the dense forest: "Why don't you go and drink with her yourself?"

Li Nanheng gave him a cold glance: "Have you ever looked at me right now?"

"..." It really isn't, but everyone is busy and unwilling to eat the dog food of the boss and Feng Ling, so I didn't deliberately look for abuse to observe the situation between them, but think about it carefully It seems that apart from Feng Ling and the boss being bumped into them once by the ambiguity in the dense forest, other times Feng Ling was with other brothers and had no contact with the boss.

Ak wanted to ask more, but Li Nanheng had warned him and gave him a glance: "Not yet?"



Feng Ling took a look at all the distribution of minefields in the computer, as well as all the preparations for other rescue aspects. He also had a general idea of ​​everything around this dense forest.

Although she did not act impulsively, she was really upset, and the delay in police support from the United States has kept her anger rising, no matter what, even if she is now all over Many feelings of dissatisfaction cannot be vented. She did want to go out and explore the road when people were not paying attention at night, but knew that if she acted rashly, it might only cause trouble to everyone, so she was sitting here and tangled. While trying to figure out how to save people, she was killing her time in this way. Otherwise, she always felt that Ji Nuan didn't know where she was tortured now, and her heart was still worse than toasting on a fire.

"Okay, don't be alone here." Suddenly, Ak took two bowls and placed them in front of her.

Feng Ling's gaze moved away from the computer screen, then he turned to look at the bowl where A K put it. This bowl was borrowed by Ji Nuan from a few days ago with a smile on his face, although It looks rude, but it's cleaned very much. Everyday we use these for dinner.

Ak poured the wine into the two bowls: "I heard the boss said when discussing the rescue plan today, no matter how long the U.S. police are delayed, they will arrive no later than noon tomorrow. If they still do n’t When we arrive, let ’s go in and save ourselves. Do n’t worry, there will still be more than ten hours before noon tomorrow. How can you endure it? If Mrs. Mo really wants to have three shortcomings, what should happen yesterday It should have happened. If she can hold off until now without any danger, let me believe that she, like Mr. Mo, has the wisdom of survival of the fittest and will find a way to protect herself. Don't always be so restless. "

Feng Ling didn't speak for a while, but just looked at the wine in the bowl, and then asked quietly, "Where's your wine?"

"Ah, some of them sipped alcohol in the afternoon, and when they went to the nearby farm to change things, they got two altars by the way, but Tam and Lei Peng were more unlucky. They had planned to secretly drink tonight, but this evening it was temporary The patrol shift will have them both on top. Since there is something to do, they must not get a drop of wine. I'm fine tonight, so I will be cheap. "

Ak said as he picked up a bowl, put it in his mouth, tasted it, and sighed with long satisfaction: "Yes, this is the wine made by the local farmers, which is better than those bought outside. It ’s too much, and I heard that this kind of wine is not easy to be intoxicating. It ’s just a solution. Would you like to try it? ”

"I don't have any preference for wine, and the amount of alcohol is not good. I don't need to dissolve it. You can drink it if you want." Feng Ling didn't touch the wine.

Alas, this is not okay, the task that the boss temporarily arranged for him at night is still on his shoulders.

"You taste it first, it's really delicious." A K said, picking up the bowl and putting it to her mouth: "I can't drink less. Even if I'm not drunk, I can get a good night's sleep."

Feng Ling didn't answer, but said, "I'm fine. I can't sleep if I drink or drink."

"You can't keep feeling tense, you have to lie down and rest."

"It's all right."

Seeing that this didn't work, K thought for a moment, and suddenly lowered his head and put it in her ears as if whispering, "What's going on between you and our boss?"

Feng Ling: "..."

When talking, Ak looked down at Feng Ling's neck, and there was a less obvious bite on it: "Today, Lin Cheng and I saw you and the boss ..."

Before he finished speaking, Feng Ling suddenly took the bowl in his hand, and bowed his head and took a sip.

She just did n’t know how to answer, and did n’t want to talk about Li Nanheng, but she did n’t know how to say too many scenes, and deliberately shifted the topic, it was too stiff, but it would be better to drink directly to stop her mouth thing.

When she saw Li Nanheng, she suddenly drank.

Originally, K wanted to talk to her deeply about her feelings and see if she could drink a few sips of wine, but she never expected to mention Li Bo directly.

At this moment, he felt itchy, originally intended to hold her drunk, but now she is really curious about what is going on between her and the boss, and more importantly ... what step has it taken!

However, Feng Ling was probably spiced by this wine. After taking two sips, I directly endured the hot feeling in this throat, but didn't want to talk. I lowered my head as if I was drinking some soup, and frowned again. .

When she saw that she only drank and didn't speak, Akou asked beside her, "Hey, don't you think you can end the topic like this, Feng Ling, we have known each other for so many years. I was also a coincidence, so I took you Bring it into the base. If something really happens between you and the boss, I can be considered a half-match, you can't hide it from me. "

Feng Ling: "..." She drank half of the wine bowl away from her mouth, still looking at the rest of the wine in the bowl, holding back the hotness in her throat, asking lowly: "There is nothing to hide, What do you want to ask?"

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