Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1161: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (424)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Ak suddenly raised his eyebrows: "It's nothing, just want to ask you, how far have you and the boss developed, have you ..." He raised both hands and put the thumbs of both hands together and stuck them paste.

Feng Ling understood, he asked not only kisses, but more in-depth ...

She coughed, looked at his gestures, and then looked down at the bowl in front of her.

I don't know how to answer. Forget it, drink a bar.

Seeing her silent, she suddenly lowered her head and continued drinking.

The little woman's attitude of being awkward and shy about not knowing how to answer is already obvious. It goes without saying that their little Fengling is afraid that the bone dregs that have been eaten by the boss's wolf are all left!

Alas, I knew that ...

I knew ...

I knew she would be a woman.

Hey, what's the use of knowing it early? If he could know it earlier, it would probably be the same as Qiao Fei, who was crushed in front of Li Boss. Do n’t have any chance to get her in her hands.

Whether I knew it early or later, it was the same result, just brothers.

Ak sighed again, sighing that he was rescued in the jungle by a 13-year-old girl. The key is that the girl is handsome and dying. He was convinced, otherwise he would not be so active. The man was brought back to the base.

However, if this is said, if Li Li and Feng Ling really achieve positive results in the future, he must say that Li Li must have a drink with him.


at night.

Many of the brothers returned to their small rooms for a short break, but in case they were needed, they mostly slept together.

There was a crackling sound of wood under the fires in front of the camp.

A K's wine is very good, and some of them are jealous. After watching Feng Ling, he drank two full bowls of wine.

Li Nanheng stepped out of the camp account, and when he came out, he bumped into Ah K, who was ready to look for a place to go to the place. Ah K opened his eyes and saw that he was the boss. He immediately whispered as if he reported, "Boss, Feng Ling Has n’t she been drinking less in the past few years? She now looks much better than when she was in the base. "

Li Nanheng glanced at his urgency-like expression: "Well, it's much better, but it's still very vegetable. Why? How much did she drink?"

A K raised his hand and compared it with a word: "No more, no more, just two full bowls. This is the type of wine. A man with a normal drink will drink a full two bowls. It should be drunk now, but She has been sitting there, blushing and panting, and she is still sober when talking to me. She is not drunk at all. I drank the whole altar to drink with me. Now she seems to be drinking Not drunk yet ... Boss, what's inside, I'm convenient to go, and come back to drink with her after I urinate ... "

"Not drunk yet?"

"Yeah, I'm not drunk yet. I'm still sitting there waiting for me to go back." AK said as he turned back and stared at him, pointing to Feng Ling and the public laptop outside. Orientation: "Look at her, she hasn't moved her position since sitting there."

Li Nanheng didn't answer, and walked directly.

Seeing that the boss has passed, A K will no longer continue to chat, lest he talk too much with the boss here, causing Feng Ling's suspicion, and hurriedly hurriedly turned to find a place in the jungle for the convenience.

Feng Ling was still sitting in front of the computer, with an empty bowl in his hand.

Li Nanheng walked over and glanced down at her, seeing that although she was sitting upright at this moment, her eyes were always looking at the computer screen, but the standby power on this computer was already anxious. Flashing only 2% of the red light, she continued to stare at the computer screen as if nothing had happened.

He approached, as if she didn't notice, her eyes were still staring at the screen. Li Nanheng had different instincts. She turned around and looked at her again. She saw that her fingers were typing on the keyboard, but what page was on the screen She didn't even open, so she typed out of thin air, apparently some mechanical action.

Li Nanheng understood something directly, then looked down at the little woman with Zhengyuan's eyes open, leaned down and sat next to her like this: "Feng Ling."

"Well." The woman in front of the computer responded with a voice that sounded like the tone she used to talk to A K before, not as cold as when she was facing him during the day.

When she heard the tone of her response, Li Nanheng even had a count in her heart. She moved the chair directly and drew it next to her. She sat closer to her shoulders, and reached out to put her in front of her. I brought the laptop on my desk, closed it, and set it aside.

Feng Ling's computer was gone, as if she didn't know what to do, and she just sat there and turned to look at her in confusion.

Looking at her straight line of sight, Li Nanheng wanted to laugh a little, so she really laughed, but just didn't laugh, just looked at her like this: "How much wine did you drink?"

Feng Lingying, but obediently answered: "Two bowls."

"Is it delicious?"

"Well, it's delicious." Feng Ling replied seriously, then suddenly thought about it, and said, "It's just a bit spicy."

Feng Ling, who can sit so obediently and speak kindly, is really rare.

Li Nanheng found that she really liked her drunk look. For example, because she drank too much last time, she put on a man in a hotel, took off her pants, and pulled out of her pants, how cute she was.

He glanced at her hand on his lap, reached out and held her gently, pinching it in the palm, rubbing it gently and lovingly, rubbing for a while, and felt her such obedient and obedient side Did she show it in front of Ah K just now, she is so calm and gentle now, shouldn't she think he is Ah K.

So the man's good mood suddenly became a haze, and suddenly he squeezed her hand and asked, "Are you drunk?"


Very good. People who drink too much never admit that they are drunk.

"Who am I?" He asked directly.

Feng Ling stared straight at him: "Li Nanheng."

When I saw her, I knew myself, and I knew who was holding her hand next to her. The haze on the man's face was once again cleared by the sun, and the hand squeezed in her hand was tight again. See her This good-looking look whispered in her ear: "At this time, various tropical insects and ants are moving around, and there are many mosquitoes. Come with me to sleep, eh?"

"it is good."

Seeing her obedience, Li Nanheng took her little hand directly to stand up and walk back, Ah K came back from a distance to see, and immediately slipped very consciously.


(Feng Xiaoling, did you drink too much? Or drink too much? Still drink too much? Ask for a monthly pass, why not!)

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