Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1162: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (425)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

When Li Nanheng pulled Feng Ling back and walked, when she saw the little woman walking she didn't look very shaky, and it was no different from when she was awake. If it weren't for her being very good at this moment, I doubt she was drunk at all.

But when she was sober, she would never agree to hold hands with him in the camp when she was awake, and she would not be so calm to him just after being provoke by him a few days ago.

Before entering the compartment in the camp, Li Nanheng held her little hand and asked, "Feng Ling, ask you a question."


"do you love me?"


The expression on the man's face suddenly jumped a little, and his mood was so good that he was about to float. He smiled, continued to pull her inward, and continued to ask, "How much do you like?"

"like very much."

"Have you ever liked this other man?"


"Since you like me, why do you always hide? You can't give me a good look?"

"Because you are not a good thing."

"... ????"

Li Nanheng turned around and looked at her sharply. If it were not for Feng Ling who was walking obediently with him, I really suspect she was not drunk at all.

Seeing her eyes still straight, Li Nanheng resisted the urge to knock her head and asked, "Why am I not a good thing? Am I not enough to hurt you or love you?"

Feng Ling stopped because of his sudden questioning, turned his eyes, and looked at her more seriously.

Seeing her look straight, but extremely serious, Li Nanheng was stared at her for such a while, some strangely guilty conscience, and simply continued to move forward.

Feng Ling also followed him.

When she reached the door of her room, Li Nanheng was about to push in, but Feng Ling said suddenly, "Boss, your room is over there."

Li Nanheng turned around and looked at her. He was so drunk. He also knew where his room was?

"Well, I'll send you in and sit here with you for a while." He answered solemnly.

Feng Ling's eyes looked at her suspiciously, but although she still had a doubtful expression, she temporarily thought about the ability to think, and just looked at him like this, as if not sure whether to let him in.

As soon as Li Nanheng was about to open the door, Feng Ling said, "Boss, you can't go in."

"Why can't I go in?" Li Nanheng Meiyu raised her eyes and looked at her.

Feng Ling is also a serious answer: "You just can't go in."

"Always give a reason."

Feng Ling looked at him for a long time, and then said seriously: "You go into my room, I'm afraid I can't control it."


Out of control?

These four words successfully made Li Nanheng decisively open the handle on the door of her room, and pushed the door straight away. There was a smile in her eyes, and her expression still looked calm and serious: "What can't be controlled? "

"Just ..." Feng Ling stared at his hand that had already opened the door, and suddenly his face was tangled.

Until Li Nanheng just pushed her door in and went in, she was there for a while, and then followed in.

She just said she didn't want him to come in, but after she followed in, she seemed to subconsciously close the door behind her.

Looking at her completely habitual movement, Li Nanheng gave her a calm look, stood in front of her, and said with an extremely pure expression and a bland voice, "Feng Ling."

Feng Ling raised his head to look at him because the man was standing close and because of his height.

The man bowed his head and whispered in front of her face, "What can't you say just now?"

She didn't speak, just looked at him.

Seeing that she was stuck, I did n’t know if I was embarrassed to say that my mind was stuck. The man felt that at this time, he must cherish it, and he could n’t let her get stuck like this. He raised his hand and put **** in front of her Head: "What's this?"

Feng Ling blinked blankly: "two."

When Li Nanheng just wanted to say that she looked normal, the short-haired woman in front of her suddenly stepped forward, approached him, and snapped directly on the **** that he raised.

Li Nanheng: "..."

No pain, she obviously didn't want to bite hard, but suddenly she bit down like this, and the tip of her tongue would inevitably pinch her fingertips, which made him feel itchy instantly.

Li Nanheng didn't pull his finger out, just watching her look like she was biting her finger, her voice was lowered a bit: "So drunk?"

"Not drunk." She insisted.

"Well, not drunk." The man wanted to laugh but didn't smile.

Feng Ling's wine is really unusual. It seems that even if she is allowed to drink in the future, she can only drink in the place where he exists, and absolutely cannot let others see her side.

After she drank too much, she did n’t play drunk or rush to sleep, just as if her consciousness was pulled out of the sky, it seemed normal, but her normal consciousness did n’t even know where to fly. Really can't be seen by others, otherwise the daughter-in-law is afraid that she can't cover it.

Her fingers can no longer be bitten by her. Looking at her blurred eyes biting him, the man feels obvious changes in the lower body, but after all, this is not a suitable place. First, the sound insulation is not good. The situation of Depth of Field is unknown, and at this time, she can't concentrate on doing those things that she loves to do, and then ... she should not end this period, but she still has to endure.

Li Nanheng suddenly put his hand down, and Feng Ling's mouth was empty, but it didn't reflect much, but his eyes seemed to be a bit regretful. He stepped back instinctively, blinked, and then said as if he was somewhat aggrieved One sentence: "Boss Li, am I particularly fierce?"

Oh, kinda self-knowledge.

Li Nanheng raised an eyebrow: "No, you are not fierce, you are particularly cute."

Feng Ling's ignorance: "Where is it cute?"

Li Nanheng couldn't help but raised her hand and squeezed on her face: "Any time is cute, except for you, Laozi Bacheng is the kind of cute that can't see other women in this life."

Feng Ling stared straight at him: "Oh."

"Oh, what?" The man then glanced around her room. There is no toilet like that in the hotel. If she is now conscious and wants to pretend to be a man standing in the bathroom, he may not The method was as good as her wish.

However, when the man was curious about what she would do after drinking too much this time, the woman in front of her suddenly stepped forward half an inch, and stuck it directly to his arms. The moment the man's eyebrows moved and looked down at her, Suddenly he stomped his feet and stamped a kiss directly on his lips.

Li Nanheng didn't move. The nose was full of women with a scent of wine. The first moment of surprise in her eyes was covered up in an instant, and she only looked at this rare woman who took the initiative to kiss herself.

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