Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1163: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (426)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Very soft.

It's hot.

I'm very excited.

Just kiss.

Or, in other words, Feng Ling just put a sticker on his lip, and after a while, it was directly separated, and backed away a little distance.

The man resisted the urge to take her back to her arms severely, as if she was scared of her being so proactive, and lowered his eyes softly, "This is what you said can't be controlled?"

Feng Ling blinked, then blinked, and then nodded earnestly: "Yes."

The smile on the man's face can no longer be hidden: "I really like me, eh?"

Feng Ling replied honestly: "Yes." This time also added a nodding motion, as if giving a very accurate affirmation.

"Then don't control it." The man hooked his lips.

Feng Ling looked at him for a while, and suddenly raised his hand as if shy, covering his eyes, and suddenly turned over: "No, I'm shy."

Li Nanheng looked at such a cowardly girl suddenly felt Feng Ling: "... ????"

"What a shame, your man is right in front of you, and you ’ve slept even after you slept, and it ’s not a child talking about feelings. What to say directly, what you want to do directly, take your battle to kill the enemy. Here comes the courage. "The man poked at the thin shoulders behind her, and began to induce patiently.

Feng Ling seemed to believe what he said, and put his hand over his eyes, hesitantly turned around and looked at him again.

When the man saw her turn around, he sat sideways to the only bed in her small room with a large footprint in her small room. His long legs stretched out so arbitrarily and his arms were raised to both sides. She gave her a look: "Come, do whatever you want."

However, Feng Ling stood still and did not move for a long time.

Li Nanheng raised his eyebrows and continued to extend her arms: "Don't come?"

Feng Ling suddenly raised her hand at this moment, and gently scratched it on the edge of her own chin, then raised her hand and scratched it gently under the ear and the neck.

At this time, Li Nanheng remembered that everyone was used to taking a bath every day, but in this temporary camp, even if the water was sufficient, Feng Ling was not like other brothers. He could go to the shirtless side beside Tonle Sap Lake. Take a bath. There is nothing too convenient to take a bath here. She spent the last two days receiving a large pot of water, closing the door and scrubbing herself in the room to sleep.

Today, she has n’t scrubbed, and she ’s been tangled and drinking outside just now. This place is too sweltering. There is no air-conditioning in the small room. There is only a fan that can temporarily cool down a bit. She should be hot to itchy and a little uncomfortable.

Although I still want to follow the good temptation, but I can't watch her drink too much, and then just lie down and sleep like this, I'm afraid it won't be comfortable to sleep.

Li Nanheng sighed and patted the bed next to him: "Come, sit down."

Feng Ling looked at him for a while, walked over, and sat down obediently.

Li Nanheng got up and went out, took a few minutes to pick up the water, found her towel in her room, washed it, wrung out, walked back, and had a little red face when she didn't know whether it was hot or shy Wipe it up, then wipe it a little bit to the neck she just scratched with your hand, and help her wipe the areas around the neck that are prone to sweating. Then she bent down and looked at her again, raised a finger and gently She ticked her chin, a bit tuned. The play wanted me to continue her "uncontrollable" move just now: "Are you comfortable?"

"Um." Feng Ling nodded, sitting comfortably here and closing his eyes, waiting for him to continue helping her clean.

Li Nanheng: "..."

She really didn't know how to sit here like this, and let him rub his hands up and down casually, no matter what he did, she would not resist, how much the man could not hold it.

He took her hand again, wiped her arms and hands that were exposed outside the short-sleeved clothes, and then pulled her wide T-shirt collar down, seeing that she was wearing a black tight The sling did not expose too much place. The man could not help but want to peel off the T-shirt outside her, and patiently helped her wipe the area around the collarbone and shoulders, and looked at her repeatedly.

Feng Ling had opened her eyes again at this moment, but it was not completely open, she was squinting slightly comfortably and looking at him.

After helping her wipe all the parts that can be wiped, Li Nanheng felt that there was no way to take off her pants. If she did, she would be the crazy person.

He just had to do this first, he threw the towel back into the basin, and looked at her so lowly: "Wipe it, do you want to sleep or do you want to do something?"

"Want to drink water."


Li Nanheng looked back at the table beside her bed, holding the quick-boiler and water cup commonly used in the camp, turned around and poured a glass of water. In order to avoid falling in such a place, the glass was simply rinsed with water. After pouring half a glass, she handed her the glass: "Drink."

Feng Ling took the water, said no thanks, and drank it. After a few sips, he obediently returned the empty glass to him.

It's ridiculous.

Although she couldn't do much, but letting go of her like this, Li Nanheng was not reconciled.

She sat directly next to her, raised her arms around the shoulders of the rare obedient and obedient woman, looked at her like this, and smiled: "Feng Ling, now is what I will let you do?"

Feng Ling seemed to hesitate for a while, analyzing what he said, and after a few seconds: "Um."

"Then I ask you something, and you answer me seriously."

"it is good."

Li Nanheng: "After the night at Rogers Pass, why didn't you keep telling me for so long?"

Feng Ling: "A little flustered, I don't know how to tell you."

A little flustered?

I thought she was not responsible for her iron heart, it was obviously the first time at that time, and it was indifferent to say that she had been slept once after a hundred battles.

So it turned out that she was panicked and afraid, but she wanted to hide in this hard shell and refused to say it.

Li Nanheng smiled and patted her on the shoulder, and then looked at her like this: "What if someone else dares to treat you like that?"

Feng Ling didn't hesitate and looked at him directly: "No one except you can get the chance to treat me like that."

Li Nanheng: "I'm in your heart, is that special?"

Feng Ling: "Yes."

Li Nanheng smiled until his mouth almost reached his ears, but he still looked away, and felt that it was too shameful that he had been focusing on asking her mind. It was normal to ask.

"Why don't you want to go back to base?" He asked.

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