Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1169: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (432)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

She hadn't asked before, and A suddenly said beside him, "Oh, Feng Ling, do you have such a low EQ? Mr. Mo and Mrs. Mo have just died alive, and they must have a lot of private words to say, Even if you are not regarded as an outsider, I am sure that when you are there, some people ’s feelings like glue cannot be expressed. You have been on the 6th machine. If it was n’t for the boss to call you, you really have to talk to them Let ’s fly back together on Flight 6? ”

Feng Ling: "... Mr. Mo is badly injured. He doesn't seem to have any energy like paint."

"That couple's eyes are enough for your stubbornness, isn't it? It's not dangerous. You don't have to keep Mrs. Mo at all times. This is because of the disappearance of Mrs. Mo a few days ago. Right? "

Feng Ling didn't answer, but it was almost the same.

I was in the T city last time and this time in Cambodia this time. Although there were reasons for the two warm seasons, in the final analysis, she thinks that most of them have to blame her for not being comprehensive enough to protect people, because she is not capable enough.

She was really afraid that Ji Nuan would be in trouble again, but she did not expect this group of people to think that she was sensible when she was a light bulb, and she asked Li Nanheng to urge her to come over.

She didn't say anything anymore, but after Li Nanheng and Police Officer Ent talked, she shook hands with the other person with a smile, and when she retracted her hand, she sat directly in her seat. The arrangement of the seats in this helicopter was arranged. It's not a small single seat. It's long and wide. Even Mr. Ent is now sitting on two sofa chairs along the cabin wall.

Feng Ling sat in a single seat but it wasn't exactly because if two people were really squeezed together, they could actually sit down.

Li Nanheng is now squeezed into her seat.

The point is, he just sat down beside her, and even in order to make two people more comfortable, he put his arms directly on the back of the chair behind her, and he seemed to just hold her half-hugged. The posture of the arms, but the eyes of the other people sitting were not surprised, but they turned their heads very consciously, chatting and doing their own things.

Feng Ling: "..."

She glanced directly at the man next to her.

Li Nanheng looked at the fierce look on her face, and she felt regretful that she was like a kitten after drinking too much last night. At the time, she was drunk and very obedient. Let her do whatever she wants, with her hands. Helped him toss for most of the night without saying a word.

It's good now, sober, it's a posture that shouldn't be near.

Li Nanheng's hands behind her arbitrarily fell directly on her shoulders, while her long fingers slammed gently on her shoulders, Feng Ling's eyes stared at him, apparently Staring at him, warning him not to mess around in front of so many people.

However, Li Nanheng just squeezed beside her, half-shouldered her shoulders and just smiled, making her feel inexplicable, and strangely, her face seemed to be instinctively feverish. If the noise of the conversation is even greater, it is very obvious that no one will disturb them and no one will pay attention to their state. They will talk about love without anyone inserting a word beside them.

"Li ..."

Feng Ling was about to speak, but the man bowed his head at this moment, leaned in her ear, and said in a voice that only she could hear: "I didn't sleep well last night. I got into the jungle after getting up, tired? "

Feng Ling's expression was stagnant, glancing at him: "How do you know I didn't sleep well last night?"

In order to avoid being “tuned. Taught” by her last night, she knew that she was so excited that he removed his head. Li Nanheng looked at the night sky outside the cabin accidentally and whispered: “I Seeing you drank last night, you should not sleep well when you go back. "

"Who took off my clothes last night? You?"

The man glanced down at her: "Do you think someone else would dare touch you?"

For the sake of just taking off his coat, Feng Ling put up with it: "Then I ..."

Then what is she?

When the words came to her, she froze again and again, what would she ask? Asked if she did anything after drinking too much last night? She wasn't sure what she was doing after drinking too much, but she didn't hear anything from others, and she seemed to be in front of Li Nanheng every time she drank too much. She was very suspicious of what she did last night ...

What to ask? Ask her why she was so sour when she got up in the morning?

I thought of a possibility in my mind, but felt that Li Nanheng should not be so shameless.

Yesterday, Mr. Mo and Mrs. Mo were not rescued yet. He was not so big-hearted that he could force her to do that kind of thing. Besides, the sound insulation here was not good, and the bathing environment was poor. Shouldn't ...

But her hands were sore all day, and she really wondered what she was doing last night.

"What do you want to ask?" Even if the man was sitting in the same position with her, even though he was sitting side by side, he was still a little taller than her, so he looked at her with such a low-angled perspective, his eyes calmed. There was a slight smile and eagerness that others could not understand.

"After you sent me back to bed last night, did you go? Didn't happen?" It was too straightforward to ask, but I was still unwilling to ask if there were any other things she didn't remember.

The answer the man gave her was to raise a good-looking eyebrow, and Ying Ting and Saran between her eyebrows failed to look away for a while, until he heard him say, "What do you want to happen?"

Then nothing should happen.

After all, in the morning, her clothes were still on her body, and her lower body didn't seem to be different.

She coughed, and was awkwardly seen by the man's too close sight. Turning to the beginning and not looking at him anymore, her eyes went directly to A few of them, but when they saw A, they were chatting. None looked in this direction.

Look at this woman who must keep the distance deliberately as long as she is awake. Li Nanheng is not in a hurry or annoyed. Anyway, while she drank too much last night, she already knows everything she knows. This girl is now reshopping The previous camouflage was always transparent in front of him.

He just sat beside her quietly, heard the words of Sergeant Ent, and turned to talk to the other party quietly.

Today, I fought in the jungle for more than half a day. Although the people who should be captured have already been captured, there are still two important people who have run away. However, if people cannot run out of this forest area, it is estimated that there will be a vicious battle at any time. Need to go back to the camp immediately to build up energy, Li Nanheng did not continue to say more, just in this posture half-shouldered Feng Ling's shoulders, did not let go for a long time, this posture is naturally too natural, as if Feng Linghui Staying with him was taken for granted by everyone.

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