Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1170: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (433)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

From the perspective of Feng Ling, it does not seem to be unexpected.

It seems that everyone really knows it.

No one seems strange.

It also seems that, in fact, everyone accepts it without any objections and gossip.

This suddenly made Feng Ling think about it in the heart, and Ji Nuan occasionally knocked sideways in front of her, which made Feng Ling feel that she should face up to the feeling between Li Nanheng.

As a result, she had a slightly stiff body between Li Nanheng's arms, and gradually softened until she slowly relaxed.

As if she noticed the change in the woman's arms that was so subtle that no one else could detect, Li Nanheng gave her a calm look and saw her sitting obediently, not hiding, not avoiding, just hanging her face as if think.

He hooked his lips lightly, and his hands were even tighter on her shoulders, as if he had accidentally brought her body into his arms, until he held him more firmly.

Probably the reason for the sudden relaxation. In the past few days, due to the warm season, Feng Ling has been feeling tense and didn't sleep much. After drinking last night, it seems to be sleeping, but it does not seem to sleep well. Her body was very weak. Both physical relaxation and mental relaxation struck. The clear smell and security of the man surrounded her, and she unknowingly put her head in the arms of the man. Until falling asleep.

Ak talked to each other, and when they looked back, they saw Feng Ling fell asleep, and immediately pointed towards her, reminding Li Bo that she was asleep.

Suddenly, the little woman's whole body softened and she just leaned on him.

Looking down, he hugged the person tighter, and at the same time sat down slightly to make her more comfortable when he pillowed in his arms. These actions seemed to others as if nothing had happened. However, Feng Ling, who only felt half of his movements after sleeping, could detect the delicateness of the man, unlike his tenderness, and only Li Nanheng could feel that she was leaning tighter in his arms. Deeper.

Everything just happened in a quiet state, but it seemed that something silent and sound had penetrated into the hearts of the two, Feng Ling closed his eyes and allowed himself to continue to sleep on him, and the man was willing to just Hug her.

Seeing that the boss didn't speak, he didn't mean to hold Feng Ling to sleep on the temporary bed in the cabin next to him, and A simply stopped his voice and continued to talk to the people next to him.

The helicopter landed outside the jungle. In order to avoid waking Feng Ling, Li Nanheng first winked A K, and at the same time explained that he was responsible for the quarterly warmth and the depth of field of Mo. After all, Mo Jingshen was not badly injured. The two bases that needed to follow over Doctors used to help deal with the injuries behind him.

However, since the contract between Dr. Wen and the base has expired, there has been no particularly suitable doctor in the base for a while. The doctors who have followed me are good, but far worse than both Dr. Wen and Qin Shiting. It is estimated that it can only be disinfected first, or it must be properly treated after flying back to the United States.

After everything was explained, everyone else got off the plane. If there were only two people still packed in such a seat in the large cabin.

Li Nanheng didn't move, and Feng Ling was getting a deep sleep just now. He just sat like this, and she kept leaning quietly.

Until a few moments later, the man moved slightly, looking down at her sleeping face, raising her hand, and touching her cheek that was a little warm because of her sleep.

It ’s really time to sleep. I ’ve been worried because of Ji Nuan. If I do n’t sleep now, I might help Ji Nuan after getting off the plane. Even if Ji Nuan would distress her, she would let her go. Rest, but with Feng Ling, you must be responsible for everything you do. If you do n’t see Ji Nuan cleaned up and go to sleep, she will never go to sleep first.

Just looking down at her for a long time, Li Nanheng slowly leaned down, one hand passed through her knees, and the other with a strong force behind her, directly hugged the person horizontally, and suddenly the Feng Ling almost woke up, suddenly suddenly more She lowered her head directly in her ear and said with a light voice: "Sleep, everything is safe, and you should sleep well."

I do n’t know if his words played a role, or what Feng Ling dreamed of in her dream, but after frowning, because the man held her in her arms very stably, she gradually opened her brows and continued. Asleep, even if the man got out of the plane holding her, walked in front of the base brothers who were shocked that their chins were about to fall off, she didn't wake up.

AK, they are not surprised at what happened between Boss Li and Feng Ling. Even if they are curious and surprised, they don't dare to show too much, but many other brothers suddenly saw such a scene, their mouths opened, and the pestle was in There, for a long time, until the boss held Feng Ling and went into the camp like this, only a few people surrounded them in groups and mumbled, "Oh my god, Feng Ling also has such a small woman's side. Outside There may be fierce fighting at any time, and there are minefields all around, she can sleep so solidly, and is still hugged by the boss ... "

"Oh, a man like Li Bo, any woman must be petite in his arms, okay. Even if Feng Ling, she is only a few centimeters taller than most girls. How tall is she? Is it one meter seven? Many female models are one meter eight. It is not surprising that she has a small woman in her boss's arms! "

"Why not? It's not that she's not cold to the boss. Our boss is going to be abused by her and bitter enemies, but today it seems ... a little sweet?"

"Boss has been chasing people for so long. It's time to take some sweet treats."

Li Nanheng went into the camp early with Feng Ling in his arms, threw various whispering discussions behind him, and held Feng Ling back to her small room all the way.

As soon as she walked into her room, memories of last night came like a tide.

The man's body also has a more obvious memory of this place, thinking of the little woman holding him yesterday ...

Li Nanheng was restrained on the face. He moved the person to the bed with a very light movement, but probably the bed was a temporary and simple folding bed. It was still a little harder. Feeling it was coming back, he suddenly opened his eyes.

The man kept her on the bed, and when she saw that she was awake, she would even sit up suddenly. He pressed her shoulder lightly: "Okay, don't get up, keep sleeping, my name is AK. They sent hot water in the past, and there was a base doctor. You don't need your help. Now all you have to do is go to bed. "


(It ’s true, it ’s time to make Li cute a bit sweeter, right ~ ask for a monthly pass ~)

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