Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1171: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (434)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling is really sleepy.

I didn't really sleep well a few days ago.

Hearing what he said, and seeing the movement of the man next to the bed, he instinctively looked at him and his clothes, and could see that he had just been taken out of the helicopter by him.

Since Mrs. Mo does not need her there for the time being, there is nothing better to do.

Feng Ling said nothing, closed her eyes, and continued to sleep as he said, but while she slept, she pressed Li Nanheng with her hand on her shoulder and held it lightly.

When she saw this very subtle move, Li Nanheng sat by the bed with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth. If she didn't really want her to rest now, I'm afraid he would pick her up directly from the bed and put it in her arms. Hug and kiss him fiercely.

Do n’t worry, just wake up and kiss.

With the gesture that she pressed his hand, the man simply sat by the bed without leaving, instead holding her hand in his palm.

Feng Ling was half asleep and awake, but did not pull out her hand, but closed her eyes securely, and let him hold her hand quietly to accompany her beside the bed.

For her, especially for her three years later, this is already a big step forward. Even a small change can quietly make Li Nanheng feel her heart.

Feng Ling turned slightly, her head tilted inward, but her hands did not come out of his palm.

Looking at her sleeping in such a comfortable posture, Li Nanheng reached out with her other hand and dialed a lot of broken hair that would cover her eyebrows in front of her. "Sleep, what will happen after leaving Cambodia?" Come to an end. "

Feng Ling didn't speak, and after a while, she breathed evenly again, and she really fell asleep like this.


On the following day, Dali, who had fled, set an ambush in the dense forest.

Mo Jingshen rushed over to the direction of the dense forest early in the morning, and all the members of the camp were ready to go in to rescue the eight poor children who had been abducted.

Feng Ling was supposed to go with everyone when she learned of the situation, but Li Nanheng explained before boarding the plane, so that she is here to guard Ji Nuan today, so there is no need to go in to help and protect Ji Nuan. There will be no problems.

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Feng Ling certainly believed in the strength of the other brothers in the XI base. When he looked back, Ji Nuan hurried out because he noticed the situation, and went directly to stop her. A large minefield in the jungle was detonated, and there will be successive explosions. They will go in to deal with the follow-up situation. You don't need to worry about these. "

"Then what are they going to do?" Ji Nuan noticed that Mo Jingshen's eyes were somber and worried about his injury.

Then I saw other people in the camp got on the helicopter, and it looked like yesterday, as if there was a tough battle to fight.

"Is there something wrong inside? I heard that their leader, the one named Ajib, escaped late?"

"It was an escape, but they couldn't escape this dense forest." Feng Ling simply told Ji Nuan what she had just learned. After all, there is no way to hide anything anymore, and the more concealed it will only cause the warmer season. The wild speculation and panic can only be said truthfully.

Mr. Mo went directly into the helicopter with his injury, Ji Nuan stared, and watched. Feng Ling knew she was uncomfortable, but she had to stand in front of her.

In fact, the means of Ajib and Dali, Feng Ling had also contacted them, their mean and shameless behavior, often innocent women and children to operate on the knife, Mr. Mo will bring injuries to explain the severity of this matter.

Although Feng Ling firmly believes that the brothers in the base can kill them clean, they are still a little worried. After all, they are not on the scene, and women have a kind of psychology that is prone to worry.

Just when Feng Ling was going to drag Ji Nuan back to the camp and took her to rest, Ji Nuan looked at the key on her waist and said, "I have good driving skills, and the direction control has always been flexible. I heard This helicopter is not as complicated as a civil airliner. Can you say, can I drive it? "

Feng Ling didn't expect that Ji Nuan, who had no force at all, had such courage after experiencing the thrills of the past few days. She was at ease: "Mrs. Mo, don't be impulsive."

"Feng Ling, my man is there." Ji Nuan experienced a life-and-death calamity. Now, whether it is life or death, she has just reunited with Mo Jingshen, but only one night, she will face separation again. This is absolutely impossible for her. Endure, even ten minutes across the dense forest she was suffering.

Not to mention, Mo Jingshen's injuries were too serious.


"Your man is there."

Feng Ling: "..."

Feng Ling is not an impulsive personality, but she remembered what Li Nanheng said by sitting next to her bed last night, as long as she left Cambodia, things would come to an end.

Indeed, it is safe to leave, but can you leave safely?

The eight children heard that one had been killed and others were injured. Mr. Mo would rush to save people regardless of the injuries behind him, and with Li Nanheng's temper, he would not let it go. So many innocent children were really forced Anxious, presumably life is not impossible.

The two women were standing in the camp, and one day, the words "emotional affairs" also moved to her head because of Ji Nuan's eyes.

Feng Ling is emotional.

So she took Ji Nuan straight into the dense forest.

However, Feng Ling did not expect that in this ambush and calculated siege circle, himself and Ji Nuan became such two existences that Dali and Ajib had miscalculated.

In particular, Ji Nuan, a woman who had never taken a gun, stood behind the crowd, and unexpectedly broke the siege in the siege in the dense forest, breaking this stalemate and giving members of the XI base and the police rescue team an optimal Step forward to the siege.

After finally solving the difficult situation in front of his eyes, Feng Ling only glanced at the back of Li Nanheng who was going to rescue the children with Police Ent. He turned to take Ji Nuan back to the helicopter, but suddenly saw Mr. Mo angry from it Took Ji Nuan to the plane to learn a lesson.

Hearing what Mr. Mo had learned from Ji Nuan, Feng Ling was actually a little embarrassed to listen.

Today's emotional person is not only Ji Nuan, but also her.

However, there was a sudden "bang" in the air.

The sound of gunfire.

Everyone ignored the Ajib who had fallen to the ground long ago. He was covered in blood and his eyes were already congested, but he pretended to be dead. If this shot was not in time for Mr. Mo holding Ji Nuan, he only hit the helicopter Outside the metal wall, otherwise the consequences are unimaginable.

Fortunately, Feng Ling stood close and fired suddenly, hitting Ajib's wrist, then stepped toward Ajib expressionlessly, and shot him around him with a single shot, until Ajib His body was full of punctured holes, his body twitched, and he finally broke his breath.

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