Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1172: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (435)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Although this trip was not dangerous, it was really tiring for a few days to be stationed near Tonle Sap Lake. Everyone flew back to Los Angeles and returned directly to the base. Feng Ling and Li Nanheng took A.K. with them at the hospital. Inside, XI base sent some people to take turns on duty, responsible for protecting the safety of Mr. Mo and Mrs. Mo outside the ward area.

Mr. Mo's injuries were not minor, but fortunately, the injuries were all on his back, and there were no fatal wounds. However, listening to what they said, it is said that Mr. Mo's blood was behind him, and I did not know that he had experienced it in the dense forest what.

Feng Ling looked at the scald on Ji Nuan's hand every day, and always felt sorry for it. Mr. Mo was there to take care of her. She rarely went there. She only stayed with Ji Nuan and bought food for Ji Nuan. Outside of her ward, other things basically do not need her for the time being.

After all, although she is now in Los Angeles, after all, she is still Ji Nu's bodyguard, which is her main responsibility.

Ji Nuan was too rushed to Cambodia at that time, and he didn't bring any clothes to pass. After returning there, he only bought two sets temporarily. He is now living in a hospital and it is not convenient to change clothes.

Feng Ling was with Mr. Mo in his ward at the moment, and went directly to the largest department store nearby to help buy some clothes and various skin care products available to him.

However, Feng Ling has never used skin care products. I remember that Ji Nuan seems to use very little. She stands in front of a skin care product counter and holds an essence lotion recommended by her cabinet. I did n’t understand it after seeing it for a long time. The sister bragged about the efficacy of these skin care products for a long time. She did n’t understand it too well. I felt that the ads standing on all the counters had similar skin care effects. It seems very magical, as if it can be used to return to old age.

Feng Ling put down her things and turned around to continue walking around the first floor of the department store center.

She doesn't understand these skin care products, but given the degree of Mr. Mo's love for Mrs. Mo, it's certainly right to buy the best for Ji Nuan, and she doesn't know what is the best, and it is in every counter When I walked forward, I wanted to see if it was more expensive. It was found that a mountain is higher than a mountain, just a small bottle, even a small bottle the size of a thumb, thousands of pieces. , Even looking all the way down, there is no the most expensive, only the more expensive, tens of thousands have ...

At this time, Feng Ling finally understood. What did it mean when the brothers in the base teased each other and said that it was too expensive to find a girlfriend.

I also understood that I lived in the bedroom with Ji Nuan in the T city. The Ling Feifei took a bunch of skin care products and patted them on the face every day. I also discussed with others what skin care products and the like, and those who are proud of themselves. Look.

Ji Nuan once said that Feng Ling is not beautiful, but you can leave your hair a little longer. You can try to be a woman slowly. A woman does n’t need to be weak, but always You can't miss a woman's most beautiful years. Although short hair is also very beautiful, a woman must always experience the appearance of long hair in her life, and she can't always treat herself as a man, and she has to adapt a little bit to the life of a woman.

These words, at that time Feng Ling also faintly hooked his lips, not very concerned.

Now looking at these skin care products, and then looking at the young girls who are full of aromas by the side, I find that the fragrance of the perfume on each of them seems to be different. What skin care products, cosmetics, including lipstick colors It doesn't seem to be exactly the same if you look closely.

It seems a bit difficult to be a downright woman.

Feng Ling stood in front of a skin care product counter full of small bottles of blue and gold, but it was very expensive. After listening to the sister ’s bragging for a long time, she had to buy a few bottles casually, and bought them by the way These masks are going to be taken back to the hospital for the warm season.

For her own part, let's forget it. I feel that it is even more difficult to learn to be a woman than to let her go back to T city to memorize the formulas of corporate management and apply collections.

Holding those skin care products they just bought, Feng Ling went straight upstairs and planned to help Ji Nuan buy some more clothes.

Walking around the mall, considering that the weather outside is cold now, I simply looked around those coats. Ji Nuan likes to wear cashmere coats. It is warm and has a temperament that is in line with Ji Nuan. Feng Ling just walked in In a brand store, looking at a white coat inside, suddenly, a middle-aged woman came out of the fitting room.

"Mrs. Feng, rest assured, this coat is very warm ..."

The clerk inside walked with the middle-aged woman out of the fitting room, and was still talking with a smile on her face.

At the moment Feng Ling turned around, the middle-aged woman also noticed that there seemed to be someone else in this shop, and she looked up subconsciously.

At a glance, Feng Ling recognized that it was Mrs. Feng Qin Qiu.

Qin Qiu's recent physical condition is not very good, especially after Feng Mingzhu's domestic affairs in the country, he is particularly upset at home every day. The Feng family breaks the heart every day. Qin Qiu, a mother, usually does not care much. At home, this eldest daughter is also unwilling to discipline. Except for the old lady who can suppress the temper of Feng Mingzhu when her temper is really tempered, although Qin Qiu is a mother, she can't help it anyway. , But that doesn't mean she doesn't follow the worry and get angry.

Recently, the weather was getting cold. A world-renowned Mrs. Cen invited her to come around and talk about whether there was a new coat delivered from Paris this fall and winter. It was nothing more than two older women walking out shopping. Qin Qiu It was indeed boring at home for many days. When I wanted to walk around, I just came out.

Just a few days ago, I had a cold and my throat was still dumb. When I saw Feng Ling, my eyelids jumped violently.

If she saw that Feng Ling, who was still 16 or 7 years old, wearing a men's clothing, she didn't have a big feeling. At this moment, looking at wearing black sportswear, she did not deliberately dress up as a man. When the line of the figure was completely Feng Ling of the woman, Qin Qiuzhen's hand holding the coat froze stiffly.

"Mrs. Feng, are you sure you want this coat? Mrs. Cen is still interviewing for another one. Do you want to wait until she comes out and keep checking out? Or ..."

The clerk's words were still in his ear, but Qin Qiu didn't hear it, only stared at Feng Ling.

Feng Ling was calmer than she thought when facing this lady Feng.

After all, only two jade pendants that can be fastened together can't fully explain anything. Although the probability of the possibility of that phase that she guessed is more than half, but before the conclusion of the coffin, it is not certain whether the lady Feng is Not her own mother.

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