Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1173: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (436)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Moreover, Feng Ling was not ready to face his own life.

With this sudden look, Qin Qiu's eyes stuck directly to her, and no matter how slow Feng Ling's understanding of people's emotions was, it was impossible to see that some of Qin Qiu's eyes shot out. What is the excited look.

Feng Ling retracted her gaze, but turned around and walked out when she didn't see it.

"Wait a minute!" Seeing her leaving, Qin Qiu suddenly called her with some excitement and even some sharp voices she had never made in more than ten years, and threw the coat in her hand back to the clerk. Stepping forward, just before Feng Ling was about to get out, she stepped forward and held her arm.

"Child, wait a minute, don't leave." Qin Qiu held her, even if she was sick, caught a cold, and was powerless, but at this moment, she only felt that her body was full of strength. This kind of person with a good hand and a firm hand stopped him stiffly, and then his two hands grasped her two arms forcefully, so he stood in front of her and looked at her face, Looking at her longer hair than in previous years, she lowered her head to look at the silhouette of a girl who belonged to her.

Suddenly Mrs. Feng looked at it from head to toe, Feng Ling stood in place, looking at this emotional woman. She never thought about studying her own life, and never thought of admitting her relatives. Ling, inexplicably, just felt like he was stabbed hard by something.

She could clearly push people away without expression, and then politely say that she still has something to do. She could obviously avoid all topics, but when she saw the eyes of Mrs. Feng and felt the strength of her hand on her arm, When I got to my mouth, I swallowed it.

"Child ..." The more he looked, the more red Qin Qiu's eyes and the more trembling his voice was, "You are Feng Ling, right ... the Feng Ling at the XI base ... is the Feng Ling I have seen a few years ago ... ... it's you, isn't it? "

However, in a few years, the teenage boy has become what he looks like now, still the same exquisite and beautiful, but obviously a little taller than the previous years, no longer a young boy, but a tall and beautiful Girl.

Girl with short hair, cool temperament, and beautiful look.

Feng Ling's arm was hurt by her hand, but it seemed as if she could not feel the pain. Only looking at the emotional Mrs. Feng in front of her eyes, she calmly answered, "It's me."

Qin Qiu's tears were about to fall.

At first, she heard that sentence at the same time as her mother. At the time, Feng Mingzhu said that Feng Ling was a woman ... women dressed as men in the XI base ...

At that time, her heart trembled. She kept thinking about the face of the child named Feng Ling, thinking that the little boy who was a little indifferent turned out to be a girl.

But the thought of her being one year older than her daughter, not to mention the vast sea at the beginning, how could there really be any miracle.

Later, she had never met Feng Ling. Although she was thinking and suspecting, she had no chance to confirm anything.

But today she met!

Just this one, even if he was confused about Feng Ling's age, Qin Qiu could obviously feel that the child's eyebrows had grown now, in addition to the shadow of her own youth and the shadow of her husband when he was young. Raise your hand to the familiar look, only the closest ones can see the similarity!

If only she looks like herself, but her husband, Feng Mingzhu's father, doesn't even look like Feng Mingzhu, but Feng Ling is very similar, too!

Seeing Feng Ling standing by himself, he was holding his arm by himself. He didn't talk or move for a long time, maybe he was scared by himself. Qin Qiu calmed down his emotions and put his hands back, but he couldn't bear it Similarly, quickly reached out and pulled up Feng Ling's hand, excited to hold her hand tightly: "Feng Ling, don't be scared by ... auntie, I just ... just ..."

"Xiao Qiu, what's wrong?" Mrs. Cen tried the clothes at this time, came out from the inside, and saw Qin Qiu holding a young girl's hand outside, and then walked strangely, her eyes fell at this moment. On Feng Ling's face, he immediately looked at Qin Qiu in doubt.

Mrs. Cen and Mrs. Feng have been friends for many years and have known each other for many years. When Qin Qiu was young, Mrs. Cen had met that year.

Think of Qin Qiu all these years. Whenever I see a person who looks like myself, I will be so excited, and I have seen it for a long time, but it is so rare.

"You guys, I'll pay you for the coat you just saw." Mrs. Cen said without interrupting them, and went directly to pay the bill.

Qin Qiu nodded indiscriminately, but his eyes still hadn't left Feng Ling's face, and his hands kept clutching her: "Don't stand like this and don't speak, you follow me ... with my aunt me ... Talk, can you talk? "

Feng Ling stood for a long time, and wanted to pull out her hand, but she was too tight, and she looked at her with such uneasiness. After a long time, she said, "Mrs. Feng, your emotions are a little excited. Would you like to calm down first? "

She was really excited to sweat her hands.

When Qin Qiu heard her say, she was sober, she quickly spread her hands, and looked down to see that Feng Lingbaijing was red-coated on her own back. She was apologized and took a step back to control her emotions. With a smile, he said, "Don't be scared by me. The aunt just hasn't seen you for years. After all, I still know you. I haven't seen you for a few years. I suddenly saw it. I was really excited."

Feng Ling didn't speak again.

"Oh, yes, have you eaten yet?"


Qin Qiubian started, and he couldn't bear to blink her eyes and looked at her: "Well, can you have a cup of coffee?"

Feng Ling was about to speak. Suddenly the phone rang. She nodded politely to Mrs. Feng. Qin Qiu quickly said: "It's all right, you answer the phone. I won't bother you. We'll talk after you answer the phone."

Feng Ling picked up the phone and saw that Li Nanheng called. Just because she was a little helpless because she was facing Mrs. Feng, suddenly she was so settled. She answered the phone and put it in her ear: "Boss."


"I came out to help Mrs. Mo buy clothes."


Is he coming here?

Don't you have to discuss things with Mr. Mo at the hospital?

Yes, right now, Mrs. Mo is in Mr. Mo's ward. It is estimated that Li Nanheng was stuffed with strong dog food there, and it is estimated that he could not stay.

Feng Ling said directly, "In the department store center closest to the hospital, the signal source on my mobile phone is on, and you can search for the location directly."

"Okay, I'll go."

After hanging up the phone, Feng Ling turned her eyes again, but suddenly saw Mrs. Feng Qin Qiu still standing there, as if looking at the elephant she was just answering the call, her eyes filled with hope and kept watching she was.


(Begging for a monthly pass, babies ~ heart to heart!)

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