Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1174: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (437)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"Mrs. Feng." Feng Ling looked at her: "You and him should be old acquaintances when the old meeting comes over."

Hearing the so-called Li boss in Feng Ling's mouth, Mrs. Feng first kept her mind on her, didn't turn around much, and then saw Feng Ling's current female sportswear dress. Think about Li Nanheng and Feng Ling seems to be walking very close. Now this is not in the XI base. In such a department store, Feng Ling buys things here, Li Nanheng actually came over.

So, between Feng Ling and Li Nanheng ...

Thinking of the ridiculous Yi Guanzui marriage, Qin Qiu's eyes were even brighter, and she looked at her with a smile: "Okay, I haven't seen Nan Heng for a long time, so go and have a cup of coffee. Auntie treats, okay? "

Mrs. Feng's tone was too gentle, and she was a little careful in her tenderness, as if she was subconsciously afraid that Feng Ling would refuse, and she would scare her away.

Feng Ling really didn't know how to deal with this situation, but since Li Nanheng would come over, she also had a lot of stability in her heart. Seeing Mrs. Feng's look of fear of being rejected, she nodded: "Okay."

Qin Qiu smiled instantly: "Go to the opposite side. There is a cafe in the opposite of this department store. The environment is nice and quiet."

"Um." Feng Ling nodded slightly.

Seeing her so mild and quiet and looking calm and well-behaved, Qin Qiu's eyes almost shed tears, but she was really afraid to scare the child, but she held back, but her eyes were always inseparable from her. face.

If it was her daughter ... if it was ...

It would be wonderful to treat her in the sky!

But if not ...

If it's just a portrait, it's just a coincidence ...

After all, it was very difficult for an adult to fall alive in the vast sea. How could a little one-year-old child really have a miracle?

Mrs. Cen paid the account on behalf of Mrs. Feng, walked out with two bags, and walked beside Mrs. Feng to ask something in a low voice. Mrs. Feng nodded and shook her head, like an old sister who had been familiar with for many years Some people couldn't hold back their emotions in front of them, but they were still forcibly suppressed in the end, and whispered, "It's really long like my youth, right?"

Mrs. Cen looked at Feng Ling again and whispered, "It's really like it, no wonder you are so excited. In the past few years, whenever you saw a child like you on the street, you would have a very ups and downs, and now you meet It looks like this, hey ... but it's not like his own child anymore. Twenty years have passed, and it's time to let go. "

Qin Qiu's eyes suddenly fell on Feng Ling again at this moment: "Child, how old are you this year?"

Although asked a few years ago, at this moment it seems like there is something to be determined.

Feng Ling was facing a woman who might be her mother. For a while, she didn't know if she wanted to tell the truth or tell the virtual fake birthday that had been written on the identity certificate.

"I'm twenty," she replied.

"After twenty? Then ... is it twenty-one years old?" Qin Qiu's eyes looked at her tremblingly, as if there was a thin needle in front of her, hanging on a certain edge, just light A breeze may fall completely, but it may not fall. Her eyes, her tone, carefully made Ms. Cen next to her distressed, not willing to say more.

twenty one years old?

Is she twenty-one years old now?

Feng Ling froze for a moment, but did not answer yet. Madam Cen rang at this moment. Madam Feng suddenly recovered because she heard the ringtone of the mobile phone. She immediately felt that she was too obtrusive. Asked, whoever would be embarrassed.

Mrs. Cen turned to answer the phone, and Mrs. Feng smiled at her: "I just like your child very much, maybe there are a lot of questions, don't mind too much."

"No." Feng Ling couldn't bear seeing the caution in her eyes: "I just don't know how to answer, because I don't know what day my birthday is."

The mood that Mrs. Feng had just suppressed in her eyes, a little calm that had just recovered, and a moment of huge waves.

She forcibly resisted the urge to continue interrogation, only staring at her: "You ..."

Feng Ling looked at her sincerely: "Mrs. Feng, I lived in an orphanage before entering the XI base, and they only filed a temporary date of birth for me, but my birthday is my own. It's not clear. "

Qin Qiu's hand shook, so he stared at Feng Ling for a long time.

Until Mrs. Cen took the call and came back, she stood beside her and said, "My son is here to pick me up. Do you have something to talk to this girl? Then I'll go first. Give you clothes. It's the repair fee you paid for me last time. "

After speaking, I saw Mrs. Feng still standing there as if she was walking away. Mrs. Cen shook her head and shoved the bag of clothes into her hands. Then she said to Feng Ling, "Little girl, do n’t be She's scared. She's been like this all these years, but I haven't seen her get so excited. I can see that she likes you very much. You can chat with her for a while. "

Feng Ling said nothing but nodded to Mrs. Cen.

Until Mrs. Cen left, Qin Qiu squeezed the bag tightly in her hand, took a deep breath, and suddenly smiled: "What are we two standing here watching? Go to the cafe now?"

"it is good."

Qin Qiu stubbornly looked away from her face, turned and walked towards the elevator, but she was a bit rushed.

There were countless things in her mind reminding her.

Feng Ling is a girl.

She is an orphan and has no parents.

She doesn't know what day her birthday is ...

She looks like herself and Lao Feng ...

The child's mild character resembles that of the old lady at home.

If it is not that the bag in your hand is plastic, the force on the nail is blocked by the bag, and pinch for a long time will not pinch, otherwise I am afraid that the pinch is too tight, the nail will be embedded in the palm and stab bleeding.

Just when they walked out of the department store center and were about to cross the overpass in front to the coffee shop across the road, at the entrance of the staircase when they were on the overpass, Mrs. Feng was caught staring at the front and didn't know what she was thinking. , Almost fell, Feng Ling's eyes rushed forward quickly and held her up: "Be careful!"

Suddenly Feng Ling took the initiative to help a bit, Qin Qiu suddenly turned to look at her.

Suddenly, seeing the silk in Madam Feng's eyes full of hopeful eyes, Feng Ling was lost for a moment.

She used to be free and did not want to recognize her relatives, no matter whether she had a relationship with Feng Family, nor did she have any plans to find her parents.

But is she too selfish to do so?

What if her family has been looking for her? What if she wasn't abandoned?

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