Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1176: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (439)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

When he ignored her warning, Feng Ling said in a dull voice, "I'm not thirsty."

"Exactly, I'm thirsty." The man took the coffee cup in front of her and drank it very much.

Feng Ling: "..."

She stomped him directly under the table, then stared at him secretly.

Li Nanheng put down the coffee cup, as if she didn't feel the pressure on her feet to step on it hardly. She only looked at Mrs. Feng, who was sitting on the opposite side, with a smile in her eyes, and said, "Is the old man in Fengjia unharmed recently?"

"They are all very good, but what happened some time ago really caused trouble to Nanheng. It was Mingzhu who was not sensible. At that time, my father and I were not at home. Otherwise, we would definitely apologize to the four seniors in Li family. "Qin Qiu remembered that Feng Mingzhu had provoked Li Nanheng a while back, and that incident caused several troubles in the Feng family later, all because Feng Mingzhu couldn't get over his heart, crying and making troubles at home and frustrating in search of death. It really broke my heart.

Recently, it has finally come to an end. Feng Mingzhu was dragged to Italy by Madam Cen's daughter to travel to relax, and Fengjia was finally quieter and could breathe a sigh of relief.

"Passed." Li Nanheng was just a few words light on that matter.

I did n’t want to mention him, and Mrs. Feng certainly would n’t mention it again. After all, it was indeed Feng Mingzhu's mistake. The medicine was done by her own daughter. Who would like to mention it again? .

Feng Fu's eyes now looked at Feng Ling, especially if Feng Ling was really her daughter, the wrong thing that Feng Mingzhu had done was more than that.

Feng Ling didn't understand the dumbfounding between Mrs. Feng and Li Nanheng. It only seemed to be related to Feng Mingzhu, but she didn't seem to mention them when she saw them. She didn't even ask, and only saw Li Nanheng. At a glance, he continued to pick up the coffee cup and put it on his lips.

"If you want to drink, order another cup." Feng Ling stared at him as he held his own cup. Although she didn't drink just now, Mrs. Feng watched.

"Isn't yours mine? You don't drink, do you have to wait to cool off?" The man raised his eyebrows lightly.

Feng Ling: "..."

Mrs. Feng suddenly laughed at this moment: "The way your young people fall in love is really different from those of our generation. I look at you both at my age and feel very sweet."

Feng Ling then turned to look at Mrs. Feng, seeing that she was really laughing, and obviously did not mind that Li Nanheng had an ambiguous relationship with women other than Feng Mingzhu.

So Li Nanheng has nothing to do with Feng Mingzhu.

Then the lady from Feng family he married ...

Feng Ling's mind was suddenly chaotic. When Li Nanheng continued to talk to Mrs. Feng, she picked up the fork and lowered her head to continue eating the blueberry cake. While eating, she was thinking about all the things before and after. After combing for a long time, she couldn't figure it out, right? Even if she was indeed Mrs. Feng's daughter, everyone should have thought she was gone before. How could there be news of marriage? Who does Li Nanheng marry? Marry a ghost?

I can't think of anything, so I don't think about it anymore. When she took another bite of cake, a hand under the table was suddenly cobbled underneath.

She stagnates, and suddenly turns her eyes to the man on the surface who is talking to Mrs. Feng politely, holding her hand tightly under the table.

What they did between the second old man in the Liao Temple and the old man in the Li family, from world relations to various greetings on the scene, Feng Ling didn't listen to it carefully, and she really couldn't listen carefully, and her mind was completely under the table. Only the unruly hand attracted.

At first, the man just held her hand. After a while, the hand directly buckled her back and forced it on his leg. On the table, she let her put his hand on his thigh. She wanted to pull away, but he didn't let it go. Just across such a desktop, the face of the man above was a well-dressed junior talking with the wife of Shijiaojia, and there was a bird. After putting her on his thigh incomparably, he yanked little by little between his legs ...

Although she hasn't encountered it yet, Feng Ling also controls her hand very hard. Don't really get pulled, but just sticking to his thigh, she will be burned in place!

I suddenly remembered the night I was in Cambodia, and when I woke up that day ...

Wouldn't it be ...

She drank too much at that time and didn't remember anything, did he ...

Feng Ling suddenly stared straight at his face. Li Nanheng wanted to keep teasing her, but she saw her eyes flashed as if by fierce light, and suddenly let go of her hand, before she quickly turned her hand The moment she was about to evacuate, she suddenly regretted again, and took her hand again, but this time it was no longer too much. She just placed her hand on his lap and placed her hand on the back of her hand. Hold it lightly without letting go.

Qin Qiu didn't see the ambiguity between the two of them. Obviously it was what the two young people should have in love, but he didn't feel embarrassed. He just smiled and didn't bother them too much. After taking a sip of coffee, he said, "Nanheng, do you know enough about Feng Ling?"

"A lot." While the man was stubborn, Feng Ling's hand was tightened tighter, without letting her out.

"What do you think ..." Mrs. Feng looked directly into his eyes, with a little serious voice that only he could understand: "Is it appropriate for you to be with her?"

"Very suitable." Li Nanheng greeted Mrs. Feng's inquiring gaze, chuckling: "No one is more suitable than her."

What dumbness are they playing?

Feng Ling was struggling to fight the hand under the table, raised her eyes and looked at Mrs. Feng, and then suddenly she smiled again, as if there was any accurate answer, and it fell into Mrs. Feng's heart.

Mrs. Feng smiled and lifted the coffee cup again, but did not drink it, then put it down again, looking at Feng Ling in front of her, as if there were a lot of things to say, but she felt that the occasion was wrong, everything was wrong, and she could only endure I just repeatedly picked up and put it down. After picking up and putting it down a few times, I suddenly said, "The family relationship between Fengjia and Lijia has been around for so many years, and we can't be stumped because of the bright pearl. Since it is so destined ... Why don't you take Feng Ling to the house? "

"It depends on what she means." Li Nanheng tilted his head and pointed at Feng Ling with his chin.

"What do I mean?" Feng Ling's dumbfounding about the two of them was just a half-knowledge, just thinking that one day he didn't know what the man used to do, and he had to pull out his strength, He couldn't let it go, she whispered unbearably, "Hurry up and let go."

"Let it go."

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