Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1177: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (440)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"Let it go." Li Nanheng didn't lower her voice and calmly held her hand tighter.

Feng Lingqi was so anxious that he could directly call the chocolate cake that had not been eaten directly to his face.

Mrs. Feng looked at them as if they were obviously flirting. Although she was not willing to get up and leave now, she insisted on asking more questions and trying to determine something accurately, but she could feel it. I felt a bit annoying for a while, so I got up and said, "You sit first, I'll go to the bathroom."

Feng Ling quickly nodded to Mrs. Feng politely.

After the man beside Mrs. Feng turned around and walked away, she lifted her hand up with the strength of her hand. She put her hand on the table, and he continued to hold her hand on her back. She pulled her hand back, and he only moved her knuckles slightly and held her wrist, not letting her avoid too far.

"Isn't the previous attitude okay?" The man sat close to her, and even if he didn't deliberately move his voice closer, his voice was still close to her ear.

Feng Ling, of course, wanted to maintain a good attitude to talk to him, but the man's grand and handsome attitude just before Mrs. Feng was obviously not seen by others at all.

It's really too, hustle and bustle, Zhang!

She was so arrogant that her heart kept beating.

The man pulled her hand back again, and put it stubbornly on his leg. He seemed to like her leaning slightly in his arms, and put his hand lightly on his leg. The action is similar.

"I thought these days after coming back from Cambodia, you have already figured out how to treat me well, and the result ..." Li Nanheng raised his eyebrows, and glanced again at her forcibly pinned on his leg Hand: "This is how you think about how to treat our feelings after thinking about it that day, and after coming back for a few days."

Feng Ling paused, and suddenly pulled his hand from under his palm, muffled and said nothing.

Of course, Mrs. Feng ca n’t really go to the bathroom. I have n’t come back yet. I do n’t want to leave early, but I do n’t want to affect their young people ’s love here, so I ’ve been there for a long time. people.

Feng Ling also sorted out her mood in this silent moment, and suddenly she was so silent.

There was a silence in the air.

"What are you thinking?" Li Nanheng never touched her again, only rubbing the empty coffee cup on the table with one hand.

Feng Ling didn't seem to be the right place to say that, and Mrs. Feng might come over at any time.

But when the words came to his lips, I saw the man sitting patiently next to himself. Even if he knew that Mrs. Feng was just now, he exposed the feelings between them unambiguously, and he even found him a little bit. No chance of retreat.

After waiting for Mrs. Feng to come out, the arm of the man resting on the back of the chair behind her was almost directly on her shoulder.

Suddenly she turned her face and looked directly into his eyes and said, "Li Nanheng, let's find a time and date."

Li Nanheng just took the glass of light lemonade that the waiter passing by had just taken, took a sip, and almost sprayed it out. He was coughed repeatedly, and he coughed several times before turning his eyes, and asked her inconceivably: "You What did you just say? Dating? "

"I thought about it, since I can't escape, I can't escape, and I'm destined to entangle with you like this, then I might as well face your place in my heart ..." Feng Ling tried to make his voice sound calm Calm, more calm, more calm: "The entanglement in the base at the beginning, and now it is a few years, it is time to put it on the table."

When she saw her, she wanted to be right. Li Nanheng's mouth smiled with all-outs: "So? What do you mean by putting it on the table, do you want to be my woman?"

"..." Feng Ling wanted to rectify him, and wanted to say something, it was his girlfriend.

But the words were in my throat, and it felt like they were inseparable, but it was the difference between two and three characters, and it was the man who really mattered.

So the topic in her mouth changed slightly, and it became: "Leave the rest, tell me what you did to me in the Cambodian camp that night, and tell me the truth."

Li Nanheng was about to wince with a small smile because of the thought she was trying to lean towards her, looking at her eyes that she had clearly guessed ...

He coughed, raised his hand into a fist, cleared his throat, cleared his throat, and continued to cough a few times without answering.

"What did you do to me that night?"


What else can I do?

I have been by my side for so many years that I ca n’t see but I ca n’t eat, I ca n’t control my desire a few times. I read, almost fluttered, and finally either I was at her young age, or I was so busy that I did n’t have any thoughts because of various unexpected situations What to do to her.

After finally getting rid of it, it was delayed for so long because of the Cambodian affairs, and it was still bitter like a monk.

Later, she could finally hold her in her arms and sleep well together, but she was in the physiological period.

He still had to watch and could n’t eat. He was really crazy that night. If he had n’t kept the last one, he might have been able to do such a mess.

It only made her tired all night, and then she quietly helped her to wash her uncomfortable hands with hot water for a long time, and then let go of her after making sure that it was clean. He acted so hard that night, but he was also affected The goblin was forced to the extreme and had to be fierce.

According to what he did at the time, she would have a certain feeling of retention the next day, but it was not surprising.

"Otherwise, shall we continue to talk about dating?"

"... don't talk."

"Didn't you just start the conversation?"

Mrs. Feng came out of the bathroom, and when she came back, Feng Ling turned around and saw that she was smiling, but her eyes seemed red.

This is her, she went to cry in the bathroom alone.

What are you crying for?

She didn't seem to show much relationship with Feng family. Even if Mrs. Feng had some speculation and doubt, it should not have been so determined, but she really did cry. I took some powder under the eyes and tried to cover the traces of crying, but even if the skin around the eyes was covered, the eyes were still red.

An elderly woman seems to be the only thing that can make her happy, and the only thing that can make her cry is related to Feng Ling.

Feng Ling's view of family is very weak. Although I really want to say something to Mrs. Feng, she chooses to keep a conservative voice because she can't completely determine her own life.

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