Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1178: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (441)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

After talking about something, Feng Ling also had some unclear impressions, just remembering that Mrs. Feng repeatedly invited her to sit at Feng's house.

The reason why Feng Ling's state of mind was not completely put in this chat was because Li Nanheng still held her hand all the time, but before Mrs. Feng came back to sit down, she was beside her only to hear The voice said something sloppy, and in a word, it was so explicit that Feng Ling smoked on the spot.

If it weren't for Mrs. Feng, she would kill someone!

In the meantime, she glared at the man next to her several times, Li Nanheng just laughed throughout the whole process, obviously speaking what she had just said in her ear is shameless, but she can still talk with Mrs. Feng with a smile.

Until the last time, even if Mrs. Feng didn't want to, she was embarrassed and kept pulling the two of them to talk. Qian Dingdai asked Wan Ling to find an opportunity to come out with her to eat and drink with her, and got Feng Ling's approval. Later, he left the cafe in a few steps.

Make sure Mrs. Feng is gone, and Feng Ling is instantly angry. She lowers her voice and sits at the table and yells: "You shameless **** ... oh!"

What responded to her was Li Nanheng's gesture of pulling her head down and eagerly and accurately kissing him. The man didn't hide his gaze, as if it were n’t here or the cafe, if there was n’t this crowd, there was a waiter. Walking back and forth, it is estimated that she will be picked up directly in situ.

What did he say in her ear just now?

"It was you who hooked me that night. As a result, you were still in the physiological period. In order to let me sleep with you, I would rather take the initiative to help me with my hands. My hands were so soft that I kept holding me and legs wrapped around me. You say, can I refuse? "

The man kissed her lips, holding her face to keep her from receding. Couples often date here in the coffee shop. Occasionally, some people have sublimated their emotions to a certain point. Here, they suddenly hug together and kiss. It is also very common. Although Li Nanheng kissed very fiercely, it was not just a light kiss or a jerky test, even his kiss contained countless hidden desires for a long time. Feng Ling wondered if he would be taken away by him directly and swallowed.

The waiter passing by passed by without squinting. In order not to disturb them, I did not deliberately look in this direction.

Feng Ling was pushed by this **** for a while and then pushed him away. He couldn't push it. He just struck his finger with his fingers. The man didn't feel the pain. Instead, he clasped her hand and pressed it on his waist. Then she lowered her head and took a deep breath in the place where her ears were connected to her neck. This breath blew on the sensitive parts of her neck and ears, causing her to tremble violently.

"Li Nanheng."


"Li Nanheng!" Seeing that he was still leaning against his neck socket, breathing around her neck, her voice lowered slightly.


"There are people here, don't ..."

Before she could finish speaking, the man suddenly dragged her down and pressed him directly across his pants.

Even though the temperature came from her palms through the pants, the man almost couldn't help humming in the instant.

Li Nanheng didn't talk much. The light in his eyes was a little crazy. From the night of Cambodia, the woman admitted that he liked him, and after saying everything in her heart, she was only resolved by her hands. She said that she could not describe her dissatisfaction with her I ’m thirsty, but after returning to Los Angeles, because Ji Nuan and Mo Depth are in the hospital, there are still many things to be handled between the XI base and the U.S. police. God can't see it. Something that has been suppressed for a long time will almost burst out at this moment.

When he called just now, he should ask her to find a hotel to open the room and wait for him instead of coming to meet her with Mrs. Feng.

Mrs. Feng will not hurt her. What can he worry about?

What a step by step **** gentleman rule, in the face of a girl who has loved him for so long, but also has the same feelings for him, he just wants to do one thing now.

Pressing her on the bed to make it dark, let her stubborn eyes that almost never tears turn red because of him, let her cry in bed and keep asking for mercy, let her take it back in front of people I'm always careful about this soberness and coldness, squeezing out her reason, wanting to hear her call his name in another tone, kind of dumb, begging for mercy, crying, shouting his name……

The feeling of hot cheeks caused Feng Ling to burn almost in situ. People come and go here, how dare he ...

Now the man can't control her embarrassment and shyness. His muscles are tight and he presses her hard, but he can't eliminate the fire hidden in his body for a long time. He burns his heart. Primitive nature and deep emotions drive him to kiss her After that, she clasped her chin again with one hand and sucked a kiss on her lips.

"Go to the hotel ... baby, I can't wait ..."

Before the last light of reason disappeared, Li Nanheng murmured and pulled her up.

Feng Ling couldn't break his hands, his face was terribly hot, and he should be warned not to mess up, but even his own heart had a faint little expectation under this shyness. The feeling of hot and trembling was strange.

However, the man had just pulled her out of the coffee shop, and the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Feng Ling felt that the strength of the man's hand was very strong. Obviously, even if the sky fell, he could not stop the idea of ​​going to the hotel immediately. The hospital and commercial area were nearby, and it was far from his own residence. There is no second option except the hotel.

Feng Ling didn't speak. In fact, her brain was already a bit dead when she was taken out of the cafe by the man. Until the mobile phone in his pocket quieted down and then rang again, she reminded: "Is there anything urgent? You Answer the phone first. "

"What's the hurry? Is it urgent for me?" Men were too lazy to take out their phones.

"Now it is in Los Angeles, after all, you are the boss of the XI base. What if there is an urgent matter for the military or the police? You answer the phone first, and you wo n’t delay anything ..."

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