Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1179: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (442)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Li Nanheng obviously did not want to answer.

The reluctance to answer the call indicates that something really happened.

When the man was pulled across the overpass and was about to return to the hotel next to the department store center, his cell phone rang again.

This time, Feng Ling suddenly stopped and reached out to take out the mobile phone in his coat pocket. She looked down and saw that the call was from the base hall. She gave Li Nanheng a white look on the spot: "It's the base hall phone."

The base lobby will directly call Li Nanheng ’s personal mobile phone. In this case, there must be something urgent above 99.99%. Li Nanheng ’s attitude in front of her is different from that of XI base. The XI base is his responsibility to resist, and he rarely irrationally even cares about the base.

It can be seen that it is really broken ...

Li Nanheng glanced at her expression of staring at him with a sigh, took a long sigh, picked up the phone, took it with an ugly expression, put it in his ear and listened for a few words, and said, "I see."

In just three words, the man hung up the phone directly.

"What happened? The phone call was from Afeng? I think you should have a personal number card in your phone. He will be so anxious to call you personally, it must be very urgent." Feng Ling said.

"The U.S. Army Fang learned about what happened in Cambodia and wanted to tell the gang of those who had been captured alive and the few killed children who had been implicated in the innocent. For so many years, they could find a chance to pick a problem. You never let go of it. You think they want to do it. If you find a chance, you can step on it. Even if this foot may eventually run out, you won't miss it easily. "Li Nanheng said coldly Confessed: "While waiting for the US police to send a rescue plane, I did not see the army. What happened to Fang? Seeing that we are back alive, I seized the opportunity to find something when I was not in the base."

"and so?"

"Everyone is in the base. A Feng stabilizes the people temporarily. When I go back to meet them in person."

Hearing this, Feng Ling's intellect has returned to her own consciousness. The two stood on the side of the road, and there were speeding vehicles running in the past. They stood there for a long time, and Feng Ling took his hand from his hand. He pulled out: "Then you go back first. I just want to go back to the hospital. Mrs Mo is waiting for me."

The man glanced at her: "Mrs. Mo or me?"

"... Are you jealous with Ji Nuan? Are you serious?"

"Very serious." He was decisive, and at the side of the road where the man came and went, he still didn't forcibly drag her hand to go down to him, but she could also see the hidden fire in the man's eyes.

But now is not the time.

And there are still troops in the base ready to bite them. Fang is waiting there. If it is only a trivial matter, A Feng will solve it by himself, and Li Nanheng will not be called back. Since A Feng's phone call came over, explaining this The next person is a stubble, and can't easily cope with it until the boss Li returns in person.

Seeing his disappointed expression because he was about to eat the meat near his mouth, it seemed like a big wolf that had just grabbed the meat bone suddenly found that there was no shred on the bone. Ear-like.

Feng Ling was a little shivering in her shy heart just now, but she gradually calmed down and found that she felt relieved and did n’t know what she thought, but she did n’t want to see a man like Li Nanheng showing this apparently unwilling look and suddenly took the initiative Just leaned into his arms, kissed him on the chin, and said softly, "I owe it first, waiting for you to come back."

There was a flash of light in the man's eyes, and he tightened her waist directly, looking down at her: "owed?"


There was an instant smile of satisfaction in his eyes, and he was about to kiss her directly on her lips, but when he was about to kiss her, he paused, feeling that he was in this state, and was hardly being attacked by the military. Fang The group of kings and eight cubs were sober with the cold water. If they kiss again, let alone the army. Fang, even if Tianwang Laozi is going to blast the base, he will definitely bring her into the hotel. do not care.

Li Nanheng simply raised her hand and rubbed it between her soft hair: "Okay, I will lend you to Ji Nun for a few days. I think you should be back when things are over. After all, Haicheng is not a long-term one. Ground. "

The meaning inside and outside the words is that Haicheng is too far away, China is too far away, and it is best to stay in Los Angeles and be beside him.

Feng Ling knew that he was now suffering, and did not stimulate him, refuted him, and kissed him again on the chin: "Go."

Li Nanheng's eyes were darkened, and the phone rang again at this moment. He suddenly turned his head and rolled his eyes fiercely into the air. He copied out the phone and saw that it was A Leng's phone call, and turned away with a cold face. Go to the curb parking space.

Feng Ling was driven back to the hospital by Li Nanheng. The man had calmed down a bit when he got off the car. He heard him talking to the base just now in the car. He could hear it from his tone and decision. Now he took an opportunity at the base. Those in charge of the army and the party who are in trouble are afraid that they will lose their jobs.

After getting out of the car, she looked back at the black Hummer that was galloping away, feeling that Li Nanheng's car was aggressive.


Mr. Mo's injury has stabilized, but he still needs to take medicine to rest on time every day.

When Feng Ling left the hospital before, Mr. Mo was still resting. When he returned, he saw that Ji Nu was still in his ward, and he simply sat in a chair outside and waited for her.

Quiet now, she thought about Mrs. Feng's conversation with Li Nanheng in the cafe today.

A person had been thinking about it for a long time, and did not understand what he had missed. Mrs. Feng asked Li Nanheng at that time, apparently with some seriousness, and Li Nanheng answered very seriously.

But this seriousness made her even more confused ...

Does Mrs. Feng not mind the relationship between Li Nanheng and her at all?

Today I saw Mrs. Feng's emotional emotions. Even though she didn't want to check her own life, she still felt faintly that some things did not move in the direction that she could control.

For example, the relationship between her and Li Nanheng, Mrs. Feng's attitude towards learning about their feelings ...

Just thinking, the door of the ward opened, and Ji Nuan came out of it.

Seeing Feng Ling sitting outside, Ji Nuan glanced at her: "You weren't in the hospital before, what did you do?"

Feng Ling was thinking about Mrs. Feng. She stared at the question because of Ji Nuan, and simply answered, "Take care of some private affairs."


[Boss Li is afraid of strangling to death hahaha! In addition, today I suddenly wanted to talk to my relatives, and it took up a space of 300 words, forgive me. To be honest, the results of this book so far have surprised me even. When I first wrote Mo Nuan, I just wanted to write a warm and sweet marriage essay, but I didn't expect that I won the Best Newcomer Award of the 2018 Reading IP Fengyun Ceremony with this book, so I got on TV. I did not expect to win the championship in the voting session of the 2018 Chinese Language Finals. I am really pleased! Very happy! Thank you very much for the love of Mo Nuan, the sturdy love, and the love of Qing Qing! bow! thanksgiving!

As for the monthly pass, I usually shout at the beginning and end of the month. I usually do n’t feel embarrassed to shout for the monthly pass every day, but thinking about this way, it seems that I have won a lot of honors and love. The second place on the list, although I am very happy, but I also want to completely and successfully once, even if I win the first monthly ticket for a month, at present it seems to be five or six hundred votes away from the first place, and it is still far from the end of the month There are nine days. It ’s too cheeky to ask for a monthly pass. So, if this month ’s monthly pass can reach the first place, I ’ll open a blast on Weibo next month for everyone ’s explosive high-speed train. What is it! Super desire! (Blush.jpg)]

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