Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1189: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (452)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"Is it tied?" Li Nanheng heard the words, raised his hand and touched his chin. After he felt it, he suddenly smiled with discomfort, and continued to hold her on the sofa, rubbing it, and Feng Ling, who was rubbing himself, was soft. After almost no energy to resist, he lowered his head and chin on her cheek deliberately: "Try again, are you still stuck?"

Feng Ling hurriedly avoided it, but it was inevitable because the man clasped his hands.

Just when she was blushed like this, the man suddenly raised his wrist and looked at the time, then exhaled, went down from her, and turned to sit upright on the sofa.

Feng Ling also quickly sat up and sat up. Before, I didn't feel anything. I just returned to the base, and suddenly the man almost got his hands up and down here, and said that it was false if he didn't bang.

After all, Feng Ling is a living person. Even from a small life, how can she suppress her temper and nature, but this kind of irritation and numbness in her scalp is like this on her body. When it happened, she still felt the flesh all over her body tight, and it was a little hot.

Li Nanheng said: "Okay, don't bully you, live here and live here, there is no inconvenience, you can find ways to avoid those who are in the way."

Feng Ling hesitated for a moment, and heard that his tone meant to leave it alone. Living here is definitely a foregone conclusion, but just now the man was still here to stay away, she thought he was driving Afeng out After that I wanted to do something, after all ... it's been so long ...

Feng Ling only felt that there was a tingling pain in the cheek where he had deliberately scratched it with a stubble. The pain was not really painful, but it seemed that there were some fine things directly on the pores. Got into my heart.

She was sitting on the sofa with the man upright at the same time, and her voice could not be lighter: "Actually, you can ... make you bully."

Li Nanheng's eyelid suddenly jumped fiercely, and suddenly looked at the woman sitting beside him.

After Feng Ling said that sentence, her face flushed as if she was about to bleed. She didn't know how to express her feelings, but wanted to take the initiative to say something, so that Li Nanheng didn't think he didn't like him. It seems that she likes it very much, but she seems clumsy and can only take a sentence or two. Expressing herself to him through such words is acceptable, like, and even if she returns to the base, it is not She must keep her distance every day. As long as she is right, she doesn't say that he has to be a vegetarian as a monk.

But she had all said this, but the man was suddenly struck with a headache.

"What's wrong?" Feng Ling thought he was wrong and turned to look at him.

The blue tendon on the man's forehead jumped, was pressed by his own hand, and said with a headache, "It's not the time to bully."

Feng Ling was still a moment, remembering for a while, he remembered that just now he seemed to have just driven back from the outside, and the car was still parked in front of the base hall door. There should be something to talk about in the base hall, but Suddenly I saw her at the door, and then she kept paying attention to her. What conversation or business he had originally wanted to do was delayed till now.

"Well, I know. Then you can go. I'll take care of my house before I have time today," Feng Ling said softly.

Li Nanheng said: "Why didn't you ever speak to me with such a gentle voice before?"

Feng Ling: "... Is this gentle?"

She just didn't want to keep him cold anymore, thinking of his goodness to himself, slowing down her voice instinctively, and expressing her understanding of him. He was usually busy at the base and couldn't leave him. It's a well-known thing. The boss of the base can't be so good. Her voice is very light, and it shows that she hasn't become angry with him because of such a trivial matter.


Feng Ling listened and nodded: "Then I will be as gentle as possible in the future."

"Don't!" Li Nanheng took the hand of his forehead straight down and rolled his eyes. There were bloodshot eyes and a slight blush in the bottom of his eyes, and his voice was dumb: "Be gentle again, I'm afraid I can't do it."

Feng Ling: "..."

She immediately withdrew her eyes from the man, knew what he meant by it, and didn't know where to put her awkward hands and feet.

It's true that she can't help but, if the man is always so unabashed, she can't stand it.

"Don't slap me, do whatever you want after you're busy, and go on like this. From then on, I will be able to catch things that the king didn't leave early, and take you directly out of the base, at least for a year and a half. Come back again. "

Feng Ling didn't say anything. She knew that Li Nanheng was able to say such words, which means that he could really do it.

If it wasn't for the responsibility of the base, the responsibility of Li's family, and taking into account her feelings, it is estimated that such things as he said, this kind of plot has been staged hundreds of times in his heart.

"I didn't hit you." Feng Ling wanted to stop the topic, and let him go out to do his work, by the way, and got up and went straight to continue to organize his things.

The man didn't stop her this time, but watched her back and forth, and sighed and rubbed his brows.

She didn't mean to hit him.

She did n’t know. A woman who had ignored him for years, even a woman he had been thinking about for many years. It was his apex, from being cold and not responding to the occasional approaching now. The voice was lightened, and even sensible and thoughtful, this change is irresistible to any man, not to mention Li Nanheng who managed to get this heartbreaking blood back.

He couldn't wait to be a personal person now, and took her on the spot, and took her from head to toe, and kissed him hard, so that she could completely belong to herself at this time.

She wanted to pull her belt off, strap her to her wrist, and strap her to the bed, so that she was cramped in the corner of the bed by her own oppression, and looked at him with begging red eyes.

He wants to do more.

What else did he want to do? Now he can't do it.

Reason propped up his last nerve.

Looking at it this way, it is estimated that this last reason will be gone. He glanced at the time again, and got up and left directly. When he went out, he did not look back stiffly.

If he just looked back, he could see that Feng Ling was standing near the bedroom door with a newly folded clothes, and when he went out, he quietly poked his head and glanced at his back. .

If he saw Feng Ling's eyes with a little sweetness and a little bit of openness, wanting to fully accept the feeling and nostalgic eyes, today, he will never get out of this door.

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