Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1190: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (453)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

I knew that when Mr. Li's family let A Feng come to the base, he couldn't agree.

It was not easy for Li Feng to leave Feng Ling's room and hand in the "power" of these so-called chores.

Especially during the meeting, I mentioned several times that there were many new people in the base. The new people didn't know about Li Bo and Feng Ling, and they didn't know what stories of women dressed as men. Will not be mixed with girls who speculate that they can repeat the road of others to create a lucky mess, so these bases do not intend to publicize.

The previous people knew and knew, as for the newcomer, A Feng said, don't pollute the newcomer's perception of the base. The XI base is an absolutely serious military training base.

A Feng's impassioned speech at the conference table, even the diehard Han Jin and Xiao Xu who had been around for years, couldn't help but applaud, and approved the decision.

Indeed, Feng Ling is back, anyway, how can I meet in the base every day, the boss should converge or converge, on the surface can see people, but don't think about sprinkle dog food all day, so those new people It will be unbalanced. In the early stage of the base, if the inner balance is not stable, it will be easily eliminated. It is better to give those newcomers a good training environment.


For a few days later, Li Nanheng inexplicably added a few eyeliners around him.

Including Han Jin and Xiao Xu, they actually went against him and stared at him. If there was no business, they would not let Li Nanheng approach the base hall at will.

Even when everyone went to the base cafeteria for lunch during the lunch break, Feng Ling was surrounded by a group of new people who had just taken over and asked Dongwenxi, but Li Nanheng couldn't even enter the cafeteria door. Before the time, he would order food for him outside very punctually. It is richer than the color in the base cafeteria. I do n’t know how much, in various ways to prevent the boss from dragging Feng Lingxiu's loving steps in front of the newcomer.

Li Nan Heng Qi knot.

These grandchildren!

After struggling for a few days, I found that Feng Ling didn't mean to find him, and was surrounded by the group of eighteen. Nine-year-old hairy boys, the instructor and the instructor were short, and even the young guy took a break from training. I ran to her back to rub her shoulders and hammer her back.

At that time, Li Nanheng just passed by. Xiao Xu's teeth next to him trembled. He was afraid that Li would go in and bombard the newcomers with a shot. He quickly dragged the people away, but after that day Li's face was gloomy. All day.

What makes him even more gloomy is that the woman who was sitting next to him in the room a few days ago with a very soft and small voice saying that he could be bullied, has not contacted him these days!

Bringing new people is really busy, but no matter how busy they are, I won't even get a call back?

The next afternoon Li Nanheng passed by the newcomer's base again. Xiao Xu Afeng said that the boss could scare the newcomers, so he was not allowed to pass, and he is still in the training period just called in, and it is not yet time for the official assessment. The boss must maintain a sense of mystery, do not casually go to the rookie heap, and repeatedly pull him to keep him from passing.

I passed by this time, and I saw that the young man who ran behind Feng Ling and rubbed her shoulders and hammered her back was pouring water into Feng Ling's glass, and the smiling teenager's sunshine revealed a mouthful of white teeth. Like the way Feng Ling looks.

Even if they are new, in the eyes of Li Nanheng, they are all half-old children, but the youngest of these children is only three years younger than Feng Ling, and she is not much worse than her!

Until night, it was difficult to find a chance to go to the base cafeteria, but it turned out that the kid had just helped Feng Ling cook dinner and put it in front of Feng Ling. Feng Ling even smiled at him. Although the smile was very kind, but After all that is laughing!

She always has an unsmiling temper, and heard that she has been severe in front of newcomers in recent days. Although she is a female instructor, these newcomers are afraid of her.

But she's laughing now!

Li Nanheng's temple jumped, didn't enter the cafeteria, and pointed directly at the eager over-headed boy: "Where did this boy come from? Bring me his information."

Xiao Xu: "..."

Xiao Xu felt that in just three or four days, the low pressure of Li Bo's body had been terribly low, and he quickly colluded with Han Jin to let him think of a way, otherwise he felt that Li Bo would go to the rookie training team at any time.

Han Jin obediently took the information.

When I went to Li Nanheng again, I found that the boss was no longer in the cafeteria, but Feng Ling was still taking the new couple to eat in the cafeteria.

Although the number of meetings between Feng Ling and Boss Li is few these days, as if there is no overlap between their duties, but I have to admit that in just three or four days, the group of hair children under Feng Ling now feels neat After a lot, talking and doing things in the base also have a lot of decisiveness, no longer like a mess and rampage when they came on the first day.

I heard that Feng Ling knocked down two special-skinned boys on the ground on the first day, stomped on the backs of the two boys, and stood fiercely in front of the twenty newcomers.

Who says that female instructors are bullying?

The newcomers are afraid they don't know. In the whole base, even the grand boss didn't dare to stand on his head and break the ground. It was this female instructor.

Feng Ling was serious and serious when she was still training in the base. She was meticulous and asked her to bring new people. It is conceivable that those new people would not be left casually. Dare to have a lazy one. She was ten. Within five minutes, I could directly take those twenty people to my parents.

Han Jin went to the building where Li Nanheng lived, and found that Li Bo was not in the room, so he went out to look for it, and finally saw Li Bo, who had not practiced his gun for a long time, wasted a dozen bullets there.


"Say, what's the point." Li Nanheng didn't turn his head back, and continued to load the gun, his voice was cold.

Seeing the boss's somewhat numb and numb posture, he had been chilled for three or four days, and ate vinegar for almost two days.

Han Jin coughed and passed him the information in his hand: "Nothing about it, this boy is just over 19 years old, his name is Wan Ke, he has no background and is an orphan."

Hearing the word "orphan", Li Nanheng just shot and stopped suddenly, and looked at Han Jin.

Han Jin shrugged: "I have deliberately learned about the situation there. This Vanke is similar in all aspects to Feng Ling when he first entered the base. His personality, life experience, and acuity are very similar, except for his gender. Except for everything else. "

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