Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1191: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (454)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"I guess, it ’s Xiangxi Xi, after all, Feng Ling was born from an orphan. He grew up without a father and mother. He was the one who wanted to change the team when he arrived in her hands, because he felt that the base A female instructor was assigned to them, but they did not value them, and they have been eliminated in disguise. "Han Jin said with a smile:" In the end, he was the first to be blocked and lay down to his uncle. "

Li Nanheng expressionless: "Funny?"

Han Jin saw that the jealous expression of Boss Li didn't mean any reduction, and quickly converged his smile: "No, no, it's not funny at all, I just state it."

Li Nanheng continued to raise his straight gun, and his eyes were not good: "Xi Xiangxi, need to rub the shoulders and hammer the back? Pass water to eat rice?"

Han Jin was hurt by the jealousy of his vinegar, and the only words of the boss who kept his face upright was the expression of truth: "Yes, it is indeed too much!"

Li Nanheng never fired the gun again, and suddenly threw the gun heavily on the side of the gun rack, and said in a cold voice: "Newcomer? Child? 19 years old or child?"

"Yes, it's not a child anymore, you should really pay attention to your size!" Han Jin followed.

Li Nanheng gave him a cold glance, Han Jin was swept away by the boss's eyes, and immediately felt a cold on his back, and quickly smiled: "Boss, in fact ... Feng Ling's temperament, you know, you chase her for so long, now You have n’t fully obeyed yet, have you? Such a shabby kid is just a flatterer, so how easy is it to catch up, right? Rest assured, nothing will happen. "

Why didn't you obey completely?

A few days ago he was very soft in his arms.

That was definitely Feng Ling that these people had never seen before.

Li Nanheng feels that Feng Ling's indifferent heart is now stuffed with normal feelings, a little conscious of being in love, in case he hasn't tried **** him, he will be three years younger than him. What should I do if I leave?

Although the possibility is not high, he must be reliable in Feng Ling, but since the boy is an orphan, he is excellent everywhere, his personality is so obvious, he will be provocative and flattering, it is difficult to guarantee whether Feng Ling will find that character is particularly active Person is more suitable for her?

The more I thought about it, the more gloomy Li Nanheng's face became. At last, he simply pulled down the zipper of his uniform and pulled off his jacket, put it in his arms, and turned away.

Seeing the expression of Boss Li, Han Jin foresaw that even if Feng had ten lives to stop in front of the base hall door today, it was estimated that he could not stop him.

Alas, it's better to talk less ...


After Feng Ling took over the whole team of newcomers, she was very dizzy and had to deal with this group of newcomers who had taken up all her energy. They had to get up at five o'clock every morning to arrange morning training. The key is that these new talents have just come in. At the beginning of time, the clock has not been adjusted, and there are often so many lazy beds that she hasn't got up. She has to lift the quilt in person to dig people out of the bed.

At first they were still not used to it. It never occurred to a female instructor that they dared to lift their quilts. Although they were all wearing clothes, they also had big pants. But the eighteen-nine-year-old young guys were still ashamed. After lifting the quilt for two days, I consciously went to the training ground on time and never dared to lazy.

Feng Ling doesn't care about the difference between men and women, but because this is the XI base, she mingled in the base many years ago. She is not very sensitive to such excessive behaviors that do not exceed any boundaries between men and women. Even if the difference is not very old, in her eyes these newcomers are all children. She considered these when she went to lift the quilt, but the most still needs a little deterrent, otherwise even morning training can be late, but What to expect from this group of people?

Just like that, it was lifting the quilt again, it was cold and stern supervision, and it was a direct stabbing. In three or four days, all the twenty gimmicks were now obediently surrendered under her boots, and a little resistance was heard I dare not.

In addition to getting up early in the morning, her free time every day is now occupied by them, and she asks Dong Wenxi to find a way to approach it, even though Feng Ling has always put on a cold face, but she is a woman, she is still beautiful The woman, in their eyes, is the noble and glamorous one. In addition to not daring to provoke her during training, the rest of the time, I still want to take a good shot and try to approach.

Although most failed.

The only one named Wanke, when he took over their group of people, he jumped happily, but now he is the hippie smile all day in front of her.

Feng Ling knows his situation, and he looks like him in many respects, so he occasionally shows some kind smiles to him, but her smile is usually very short. After she laughs, she will be rushed back to what to do. , Less dangle in front of yourself.

It was another day when I was busy from 5:00 in the morning to 9:30 in the evening to get back to my residence. It was dark early in the morning, and Feng Ling settled down and went back to the base hall directly.

At this time, it is reasonable to say that there are no other people in the base hall except the usual patrols on duty.

Unexpectedly, she had just walked to the front of the hall, her feet had not yet stepped up the stairs, and a sudden force struck behind her. At the moment when she suddenly surprised her eyes, before seeing the person, she was suddenly caught by her wrists. .

Feng Ling didn't have time to say a few words. The patrols on duty in front of the base lobby just saw the figures of Li Bo and Feng Ling flashing in front. After confirming that it was Li Bo, they thought about it. My own life and future in the base, I still choose to pretend I didn't see it. Several people have the same idea, so they all watched Feng Ling being forced to "run away" by Li Boss, but only No word was mentioned, and even the eyes, nose, nose and heart stood there as if nothing had happened.

However, A Feng came out and looked at it after two minutes, with a strange look at the time again: "Strange, is it so difficult for the newcomer today? Feng Ling hasn't returned this time?"

However, at this moment, Feng Ling's mouth was covered by a man. He couldn't make a sound when he wanted to talk or call for help, and was forced to be taken to a darker area behind the base hall by the man, if it was not for the familiar taste from the man. With the familiar embrace behind him, he can be sure that he is Li Nanheng, she will have to pull a gun from her waist!

At this time in the base, except for a few important places, most of the lights were off. On the open space behind the base hall, Feng Ling saw the dark surroundings, and his nerves were instantly sensitive.

But she was tired all day and did n’t want to spend effort to struggle. She also knew that Li Nanheng had been completely ignored by her these days. He must not be in a good mood. He simply gave up the struggle and left the man behind her in the dark. Holding her tightly in her arms, a hot and humid kiss hit her directly behind her neck.

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