Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1193: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (456)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

She didn't look at the man's expression, just looked away at the light not far away.

"Well, I kissed and kissed you just now, so don't be mad. When I'm busy with this time, when it's all right, let's ..."

"Did you kiss me?" Li Nanheng held her chin directly, forced her face over her face, and let her look at him again with her dissatisfied face: "When did you kiss me?"

"Did I just kiss you?" Feng Ling was forced to roll her eyes, looking at the man's face, and stared directly at his chin, which was obvious.

Li Nanheng was laughed at directly: "This is called pro?"


If you are still behind, seeing his very dissatisfied expression, Feng Ling may still be able to satisfy and satisfy him. After all, she also knows that she is really busy with the newcomer in the last few days, and treats what she wanted to treat well. Boss Li has been left out, but the matter is urgent. After all, the newcomer is already in her hands, she is always responsible for them. As for Li Nanheng, who is also his own, he squeezes the time slightly to those newcomers. He is the boss of the base. It should be understandable.

But looking at his expression, he was obviously very dissatisfied.

What about the noble sentiment of the boss of the base?

It was surrounded by monitoring and lights. Feng Ling saw the man's expression as if looking forward to her. Her hands were hanging on the sides of the body for a long time, and finally she compiled her own cuffs. She was about to touch his lips, and suddenly A Feng's voice got very uncomfortable when he said: "Two, this sacred and solemn place in the base hall is too brazen, right?"

Feng Ling, who was just about to offer an active kiss, felt as if she was electrocuted. She pushed the man in front of her, and turned to leave the scene quickly.

Li Nanheng: "..."

Oh shit.

He turned to look at Ah Feng, only to see that Ah Feng didn't bother others' consciousness just now, and Feng Ling happened to run around beside him at this moment, without saying a word, and went directly into the hall.

The base hall is really not a casual place. In front of the main hall of the base hall, there is a closed glass room that is usually not displayed to the public. Every member who sacrificed for the base will have a special nameplate in it. There are hundreds of famous brands in it, all of which have been the **** souls of the base for decades.

Li Nanheng calmed his expression, some numbly walked slowly up the stairs in front of the hall, and didn't bother to say a word.

A Feng saw Li Bo's secretly sulking expression and asked him, "Boss, if you can't stand it, take Feng Ling out of the base and rest for two days."

Li Nanheng said lightly: "Thank you for your suggestion. The newcomers just got to know her in front of her. This is the stage of establishing mutual trust between instructors and members in the early stage of training. Now let her go out to rest for two days. The individual changed back to a piece of loose sand, which means that the hard work from the early days to the last four days in front of her was all wasted. You can get her to train the team members early and greedy, without even having her own private time, which is really dark. "

A Feng was embarrassed: "I didn't make her so hard ... You also know Feng Ling's temper. She was such a serious character at the beginning. If she really values ​​her things, she will definitely find ways to do it. Best of all, she remembers early greed, and I can't stop it. "

"You won't arrange an assistant instructor for her again?" Speaking of the assistant instructor, Li Nanheng raised an eyebrow. "It's impossible for me to call him when she finds someone with her hand."

"The sniper team is busy with the next month ’s military exercise. The four members ca n’t spare any time. Ak is like the original Feng Ling who was one of the key training there. Definitely not It may come to be this assistant instructor, as for the others ... "A Feng looked up and down Li Nanheng:" Boss, are you sure I arranged for another man to help her in the past, wouldn't you be more angry? "

Li Nanheng turned coldly and left.

"I'm serious. If I go to another team tomorrow to dig up an assistant instructor to come and give her a hand, she will have another brother close to her!" A Feng said very seriously: "Boss If you really don't mind, I'll start making arrangements to guarantee an inversion tomorrow! "

Li Nanheng turned back abruptly, and said in a cold voice, "You are dead when I am Laozi? Wouldn't you arrange me in?"

A Feng drew a corner of his mouth: "This is not the norm. You are the boss. You will be either a team of elites or a key training team such as the sniper team. There are many newcomers who have not yet been screened out. Many They are crooked and jujube-type players. If you go, it is estimated that you can be annoyed by them, and now it is time for you and Feng Ling to avoid suspicion, if you are asked to help her lead the team, then What do you think of the other rookie team? After all, before the selection and elimination, they must be made fair to them, and this thing ... can't be justified ... ''

Why didn't Li Nanheng find so many rules in the base before?

Feng Ling was a man in the eyes of everyone before, and there were not so many things. Now she is a woman. This rule is more and more. He is a boss of a base, which inch is not his? As a result, she couldn't even hold her own.

Seeing the boss Li was very displeased at the moment, A Feng hurried and repared with a grin: "Otherwise, on the weekend, I will give these new couples a day or two of leave, and the boss will take the two days off with a seal Ling went out and walked ... I don't know where the progress between you and Feng Ling has come, but kiss me outside this base hall, the atmosphere is too ambiguous, it shouldn't be ... "

Li Nanheng didn't even kiss Feng Ling's mouth. He was also suspected to kiss me here. I was ambiguous, tired, and left without expression.

A Feng explained quickly afterwards: "Boss, what I said is true, then I will really arrange a deputy for her tomorrow ..."

Li Nanheng stepped back, looking back, sneer.

A Feng: "..."

Forget it, it's really impossible to occasionally go and help yourself. If you really arrange a personal past, Li boss is afraid that he will really eat people.


However, it turned out that A Feng overestimated Li's trust in him.

No one in this whole base can really be worthy of Li Nanheng's trust, except for A, who has always grown up with Feng Ling and dare not think about Feng Ling at all.

So Li Bo thought of a very dirty way!

Yes, it's dirty! !! !!

That is, Li Nanheng improperly talked to the newcomers about his own identity, directly pretending to be a base to arrange the newcomer instructor to go to Feng Ling as a deputy, and the boss Li also said that she had not been a deputy before. He's doing it well, so just arrange it.

For this overly coercive decision, Ah Feng was aggressive throughout the process and could not say a word.

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