Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1194: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (457)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Not to mention the leaky walls everywhere in this base, the boss can be installed for a day, I am afraid it will not be able to install for a month, his identity will one day be taken out sooner or later, he can not install for a few days.

But the boss of his dignified base, so obsessed with going to be the deputy to Feng Ling, just to train a group of newcomers with unknown qualifications.

Is the power of love so great?

Great to avoid seeing women once, Li Bo without any good looks now almost anxious to grow on Feng Ling every day.

Really, yes, too, but, afraid!


Li Nanheng pretended to be an assistant instructor in the newcomer training camp. On the first day, Feng Ling watched the "deputy instructor" who A Feng helped her arrange. She did not have to roll her eyes on the spot. Knowing this, A Feng is estimated to be unable to contend with Li Nanheng again. If he contends, it is estimated that the right to manage this matter will also be removed, and his face will be injured once. The old one is from Li Family's face.

She simply waved her hand so that the deputy instructor would be left to let A Feng go first.

Then, this group of newcomers who have not become too good to see firsthand a fierce, even fierce, Feng Ling, even become an assistant demon when training them!

How can there be such! This training method is almost no different from corporal punishment! Instructor Feng Ling told them to run a kilometer with a weight of 50 kilograms. The assistant instructor directly asked them to carry a weight of 200 kilograms and 3 kilometers, which was just killing them!

However, it is strange that when the deputy instructor made this request, Feng Lingshen as the principal instructor only glanced at him, then he did not say anything, and did not refuse!

Who is the master and the vice? !! What about Feng Ling's usual cold temper? Why didn't you make it?

The reason why Feng Ling didn't make a noise at the moment is actually because she wasn't sure what Li Nanheng was pumping. He should also know that these are newcomers without systematic training. If they are too harsh, they can't bear the body. He should even Know better than her how to start a little bit.

But he still let them carry such a load, obviously without mercy.

For what?

She thought about it carefully. During the rest of the members, Wan Ke seemed to be holding her water glass to help her fill up with water. Then she sat next to her and asked her several questions about normal physical training. Ling answered the patient patiently, holding the cup.

After that, Li Nanheng, who was still ruthless, turned directly into a devil.

Thinking of it this way, the slightly dulled emotional line in her head suddenly collapsed, as if she had found the problem.

At this moment, the cold-faced goddess of peace looked at the young guys who were running heavy in the camp, and then looked at Li Nanheng.

I saw the man picking up her water glass, taking a sip of water without frowning, and frowned, as if the taste of ordinary warm water was not right, just pour the water like this, and then use the water again. Rinse the cup a few times, pick up the simple kettle in the camp again and pour the cup, then come over and pass her a hand: "Drink."

Feng Ling: "..."

She did n’t receive the water glass, but just saw that the members had already run a little farther and could n’t see this side. She just looked at the man in front of her, and said a little seriously, “Li Nanheng, you called me back to the base, and arranged I'm a new instructor. Now that I've paved the way for me, I'll take it, and go on carefully, and I will try to complete the task assigned to me with 100 points. "

Listening to her here, Li Nanheng didn't need to listen to her next sentence to know what she was going to say: "I haven't affected you. It really looks like you are too tired to carry this group of hairy children. Want to help you, is there a problem?"

"You are the boss of the base, do you say there is a problem?"

"Why? Boss ca n’t visit privately and walk around? Can't come to teach new people?"

"After the newcomer team and the newcomer team have passed the training period, there will be screening assessments! There will be follow-up elimination assessments! If your identity is known to the other team, what will they think? Boss Come to the newcomer team in person to urge and guide, the mentality of the new team members of the second team has completely collapsed! "

"Well, when the identity is revealed, I will go to the second team and stare for two days. The military hearts on both sides can be consolidated, and I can mobilize a higher enthusiasm than now, and kill two birds with one stone."

Listening to what he said, he had long thought about it.

Feng Ling was speechless, staring at him for a long time.

"There are too many eyes in the base. I really can't hide my identity for too long. I don't have so much time here to play camouflage games with this group of Mao children. I'll come and help you when I'm not busy. Huh? "When the man saw her staring at him, he let out his voice and coaxed," I try not to toss them as much as possible. "

Speaking of which, the temperature in the man's eyes was a little bit colder: "As long as some kid who is not attentive to you in front of you is conscious."

Feng Ling: "... Wanke? He is an orphan like me, I just ..."

"I know."

Just three words, no need to explain or say more, it is enough to show Li Nanheng's trust in her, but while trusting, it does not mean that she will not be jealous.

Feng Ling's understanding of emotions is really limited. She doesn't know what kind of emotions she has, just watching a man who willfully kills the enemy on the battlefield will stand in front of herself and she will always be patient. Tell her his mind, will not tolerate misunderstandings, will not allow her to avoid refusal repeatedly, he will even suspect dark vinegar because of a boy who is eager to her.

She no longer spoke directly, just looked at the man, and moved her lip after being bored for a long time, and said, "He is a good seed, then I normally instruct him and have normal training. These are all right ..."

Li Nanheng didn't speak, only his cold eyebrows raised slightly and looked at her lightly, which meant obviously saying: You are in charge.

It is a very simple relationship between the instructor and the newcomer. Usually, I always speak in front of everyone. What is the vinegar taste?

Feng Lingfu said nothing, and took the drinking glass that the man had handed to him for a long time and put it in his hand.

I lowered my head and took a sip of water. It felt that this water was no different from the water that others had poured for her, but when I raised my head while drinking, I saw Li Nanheng's expression as if she was drinking some fairy potion. The urge to roll his eyes at him and turned to continue drinking water, but the corners of his mouth could not help but slightly tilted.

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