Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1195: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (458)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Regarding why Li Nanheng was so mindful of that Vanke, at noon, Feng Ling found the answer.

A group of new members ran for a long time with heavy loads, and finally they were so tired that they almost collapsed. After all, they could go to the base cafeteria to rest for a while at noon. Everyone went to the cafeteria in groups of three or five. Various talks about today.

Things between men and men have always been rude. Of course, they are also dissatisfied with the arrangements of deputy instructors for today's devil training.

"I don't know what the leadership above the base thinks. I sent such a cold-blooded devil as an assistant instructor. If I had to run another 200 meters just now, I think I could spit blood and die on the spot ..."

"Yeah, but this old man has been mixed in the base for a long time. It is estimated that he is still an old bachelor, with psychological depression and distortion, and habitual abuse."

When he heard the words of the old man, Feng Ling, who was drinking water again at the dining table, stunned.

Twenty-seven or eight years old, old man?

She suddenly raised her eyes and looked at Li Nanheng, who was sitting diagonally opposite. When she saw the man, she immediately put down the chopsticks, with no expression or movement, apparently sitting there and listening.

"It ’s also said that the instructor Feng Ling does n’t seem too old, and the instructor of the new team seems to be only in his early twenties. Why is the base suddenly sent so old? It ’s so old, not even in the base. I know how long it has been mixed, and it took me so many years to mix up the position of a new assistant deputy instructor ... 啧啧 啧 ...... "

Feng Ling: "..."

She looked at Li Nanheng again, seeing that there was no anger in the man's face at the moment, and even a smile oozed from the corner of her mouth.

It's better to laugh than to laugh.

It's chilling.

But having said that, in the eyes of teenagers, are 27 or 8 years old already very old?

Seeing that Li Nanheng was ready to get up, when the man's body was moving, Feng Ling suddenly clamped a chicken leg in his plate and put it in his plate.

When the man saw her, he glanced at him and glanced at her.

Feng Ling is not very good at coaxing people, but I feel that the newcomers have followed me for a few days. I have an instinct to want to protect the calf, but I do not want to make Li Nanheng too angry, so I have to use this less skilled and awkward way, Throw a chicken leg to please the tens of billions of worthy boss, and at the same time squeeze out a slightly stiff smile: "Boss, eat chicken legs."

Li Nanheng looked at the chicken legs that suddenly appeared in his dinner plate, and then looked at Feng Ling's squishy smiley face squeezed out of his eyes.

On the table not far away, the few new members who didn't know Feng Ling had lost a chicken leg because of his words were still whispering.

Their topic at this time has shifted from the new assistant instructor to discuss the status and various levels of the base. When it comes to the assignment of instructor positions in the base, although the newcomer instructor is an instructor, the most basic is the lowest, which is equivalent to The lower layer is for the new instructor, and it is the lower layer of the lower layer. It is so old that I only mixed in this position. It failed so much that it couldn't fail ...

Then continue to discuss upwards, until the position of A Feng is discussed, and finally he dare not say, then someone tremblely asks what the legendary Li Bo is.

A few people booed directly, then lowered their voices and said, "Is Li Bo's three words very shocking? Is it okay? Just whisper, other chats are fine, I don't dare to talk ... ... "

The boss Li, who had just been abused by the words of several people for a long time, sat at the dining table with no expression, while bearing Feng Ling's embarrassing yet polite smile, while listening to a few dumb fools there.

In the end, Wan Ke and another rookie team member, after seeing Feng Ling and the assistant instructor's faces in a long distance, quickly sat at the table and coughed in the direction of the other side. Seeing Feng Ling's expression, realizing that they were whispering too loudly, he quickly shut up.

But shut up now is useless.

When Li Nanheng took the initiative to gently put a poured glass of juice in front of him, he smiled slightly and pushed her back.

In the afternoon, the devil trains and continues.

I am too gentle and accustomed to these newcomers, and they are accustomed to their successive assessments and elimination of young guys who have not experienced it.

That is, in the afternoon of the same day, Feng Ling saw the devil who had taken himself out for training ... well, it was even better than that.

The youth training team under her, that is, the newcomer training team, four hours in the afternoon, and finally collapsed.

In the end, some people couldn't stand it. When Li Nanheng answered the phone and left the training site, he leaned in the camp and complained with a sad expression: "Is the power of the deputy instructor so great? Tell us about the rules Just give us the rules, and you will be despised by your status as an instructor! He is tormenting us with such a change of law, and it is definitely a psychological problem! "

Others also followed there with a weak echo: "This is simply training us to death!"

A few others said in despair: "I'm afraid to continue like this. Before we start the screening competition, we will die on the training ground first!"

Wan Ke has a lot of thoughts: "Since entering the base, I will receive this kind of devil training sooner or later. It is nothing to break our own physical limits. It is good to rest. I am worried that the instructor is too young and you are being asked This kind of old fried dough stick was bullied, but we watched it. The training mode you used for us was just set. After the assistant instructor came, you broke your original plan, and you seemed to be dissatisfied, but you did n’t Fa opened his mouth to stop the ... Instructor, would he want to seize power and take away your position as an instructor? "

A 19-year-old boy said that he was too young, and worried that he would be bullied by others and that he would be bullied.

Feng Ling faintly said: "It's not as complicated as you think. This type of training beyond the physical limit has no harm except being a bit tired. I also experienced it at the beginning. I can find the physical limit early, and I can Break through yourself early, so when the screening and assessment, if our team could have had five people, then maybe ten people in the end, there will definitely be no harm in having more. "

The first member to speak was sitting there and embracing while sweating, saying, "Broken and broken, the Feng instructor must have been oppressed by the old churros. We have followed you for so many days. You Speaking to him ... "

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