Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1202: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (465)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

When Feng Ling went to the bathroom during the period, she stood by the washstand, and the cold water rushed over her hands. Thinking of her attitude at the table just now, she felt a little tender.

She knew exactly what Li Nanheng was doing to bring herself out of the base today, and she knew what he had promised him, but his meaning was so obvious just now, but she never said a word, which seemed very embarrassed.

Sorry for the fact, but it was myself who proposed the date, and it was himself who owed him.

Obviously determined not to be the passive one anymore, Li Nanheng has been treating her for so many years, she still has to change her restrained personality.

Feng Ling dries his hands. After thinking about it, he turns around and walks out.

Back at the table, Li Nanheng had settled the bill, and she said, "what's the movie?"

"An hour and a half before the opening." Li Nanheng took her woolen coat and put it on directly for her: "Don't wear cold."

When Feng Ling followed him out of the restaurant, he suddenly said, "Is there a supermarket nearby?"

"what to buy?"

"Don't you buy something to eat when you watch a movie?"

Li Nanheng gave her a glance, and Feng Ling usually had a small appetite. She tried hard to eat a lot just now. I didn't think she could eat anything in the theater later, but since she has already requested it, There was no time during this period, of course, he would not refuse, and drove directly to the nearby large commercial super league.

He said he wanted to buy something to eat and drink. After entering the supermarket, Li Nanheng pushed the shopping cart to the snack shelf and drink shelf to help her choose what to eat. Feng Ling turned around and found it for a long time. The shelf that sells condoms and condoms stands in front of the delicate boxes of various colors and glances.

Li Nanheng chose several things that Feng Ling could eat and was about to get a drink. Then she noticed that she hadn't followed for a long time. She turned around to find someone. She pushed the shopping cart around between the shelves of goods, and finally In the family planning supplies area, there was a look of frightened but pretending Feng Ling pestle, a serious one holding a box in his hands ... a condom.

Li Nanheng's temple jumped fiercely, walked over directly, looked at her, and then looked at the boxes of various colors in front of her, and then realized what she had just said stupidly to come to the supermarket.

He laughed, and pulled out the red box in her hand, and threw it back to the shelf: "This one doesn't work for me."

"Ah?" Feng Ling saw him here. She was still looking at the various English written on the box just now, as if there were brands from various producing areas here. What ’s from India and Japan? She spoke Japanese and other countries. I did n’t understand it, I could n’t understand the model size, the spiral, the bumps, etc., and suddenly she was empty, and she saw Li Nanheng ’s expressive expression. She was embarrassed for a moment: “ I ... I won't choose. "

The majestic woman on weekdays looked embarrassed at the moment, facing her unknown field, but trying to cooperate with him, trying to get closer, apparently walking between the two he once said. How many steps were put in her heart, she was trying to move in his direction.

For a moment, Li Nanheng suddenly regretted that he didn't have any movie tickets or movies to watch, and now he should take people directly to the hotel to love them for two days, pretend to be a gentleman, and watch movies to eat Western food. Turned straight to the hotel, from now on without leaving the bed, always going back to the base tomorrow afternoon.

Li Nanheng put one hand on the shopping cart, and the other hand was in front of the merchandise rack in front of him. He picked up a box of thread-like mint flavor under his hands, and turned to look at her.

Feng Ling opened his eyes and looked at him. Obviously, he could choose anything, but his eyes followed his hand. He seemed to want to remember which one he chose.

Seeing her expression, the man calmly removed his hand from the box, and then fell on the bump-excited golden box separated by half a shelf, Feng Ling's eyes followed his hand again. Moved over and looking at the beautiful Indian text, she didn't recognize it.

After just "choosing" for a long time, Li Nanheng couldn't bear to continue to tease her, turned back to pick up a silver box with Japanese characters, and threw it into the shopping cart.

Feng Ling glanced down at the last one he chose, which reads 001.

"That's it." There was a merchandiser passing by at this time, Li Nanheng knew Feng Ling was thin-skinned, and said in a voice that only she could hear: "The size you just took is too small for me."

Feng Ling froze for a moment, and then all the hotness under the skin suddenly appeared on the skin surface. After leaving the base, the blush was so obvious for the first time that he suddenly turned his eyes away from looking at him, but the man laughed while pushing the shopping cart. As soon as the long arm was stretched out, he was so cute that he couldn't wait to find a place to press the little woman on the bed in his arms, bowed his head and kissed her again: "Buy it later, the brand doesn't matter, remember to choose a size Bigger. "

"Li Nanheng you ..." Feng Ling turned his eyes suddenly, but the man closed his lips directly.

With so many people coming and going, Feng Ling was covered with sweat and hair, and looked sideways from time to time. In the end, the man was really in a bad mood, letting her go before she broke out, and kissed her on the tip of her nose: "Go , Checkout. "

Feng Ling was no longer blushing with amusement, but was forced to walk towards the cash register with his face full of tigers.

Until she went out of the supermarket, she was still hot under the skin, and it felt like she was too indulgent with Li Nanheng's shameless man. What kind of coquettishness is not coquettish. When she doesn't take the initiative, he can let go If she took the initiative, he was afraid he would swallow her directly.

Fifteen minutes before the opening of the movie, the two rushed to the theater and found a couple seat after entering. This seat is the second floor of a luxurious cinema. The viewing angle and sight are very good and very hidden. There are still a few behind In the couple seat, there are also many young little lovers behind. During this period, Feng Ling seemed to hear someone from behind to learn about her relatives. Although she was not hungry, she quickly took out a bag of original potato chips to eat.

After a few bites, the man next to him took the bag in her hand ...

And then……

A Hollywood blockbuster movie took almost two and a half hours. She couldn't get in the embarrassment because she heard me and kiss me from the little lovers behind her. In the next two hours, she was pressed on the sofa by Li Nanheng almost all the way. Dear

Li Nanheng originally just wanted to let her experience these processes that she had never experienced before, but this little woman's appearance in the supermarket just made him want to stop being a human.

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