Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1203: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (466)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

If it weren't for a bit of reason, knowing her temperament and bottom line, otherwise he was afraid that he would really become a wolf, and do something directly in this couple.

In the end, she was only limited to hugging and hugging her, and kissing her in the hidden couple seat to her cheeks, her clothes and coat were crumpled, and her neck was a trace of nothing. Compared to those impulsive young couples in the couple seat behind, it is not bad.

At the end of the movie, the two could say that they did n’t know what the whole movie was. When they went out, Feng Ling refused to turn around and walked out of the theater all the way. After getting in the car, he pulled down the front mirror and looked at him, and saw his neck After the trace, she glanced coldly at the man in the driver's seat.

Li Nanheng chuckled: "Sorry, I didn't control it."

This is not controlled, Feng Ling can already imagine at night ... what the scene will be ...

She felt it necessary to buy two high-necked shirts.

Before Li Nanheng asked her what she wanted to do, in fact, she had nothing to do. She felt that her personal purpose was not very strong since she was young. Besides living well, she did n’t have anything she wanted. Later ... I want it ...

It's probably Li Nanheng.

Although she did not admit it before.

"It's almost evening. You got up early today, tired? Go straight to the hotel?" The man also glanced at her neck as he talked, trying to avoid it at night, so that she didn't accidentally show up in front of the new members. Come, she herself is embarrassed, after all, the majesty of instructor Feng Ling still needs to have.

"There seems to be a department store next to me. I'm going to buy something." Feng Ling didn't think that a man like Li Nanheng who could make her dead or alive in bed could be merciful. Collar clothes.

After hearing her request, Li Nanheng drove the car directly.

She had a clear goal. She did n’t hang out after entering the mall. She went straight to the counters for women ’s clothing and went to look for those high-necked clothes. Li Nanheng did n’t notice what she was going to buy at first. I looked at the jewellery counters on the floor for a while, but I didn't see which jewellery suits her.

Feng Ling has a cold temperament. Except that he often blushes in front of him, the rest of the time are mostly unsmiling, but after all, he is his wife, and he accidentally hit the crowned robe of the marriage three years ago. In the presence of a living person in front of herself, although she did not know about it yet, the rituals of compensation should be there sooner or later.

Li's family often has contacts with several internationally renowned designers from France. It is better to customize a set of jewelry directly for her personality, which is always a hundred times better than those bought.

In addition to Feng Ling ’s life, Li Nanheng is really not as good as who she wants to be, but Feng Ling ’s one, no matter how good she is, ca n’t make up for her when she was one year old. He lived in the jungle before he was five years old. Even if he put all the best things in the world in her arms, he would still hurt her.

Did not buy jewelry, seeing that she was still buying clothes on it, the man walked to the Vca counter and stopped.


After half an hour, Feng Ling bought the clothes.

She bought two high-necked bottoming shirts, one black and one white, which happened to be cold recently and would not be too heavy in the uniform.

After going downstairs, I saw men standing in front of the door and smoking. There were many men in the base, and there were not a few men who smoked. However, looking at it for so many years, it seemed that only Li Nanheng had a good posture when smoking.

She looked for a moment, then looked down at the clothes in her bag, took a deep breath, and walked directly towards the man.

As soon as she walked out, Li Nanheng felt her sight as if she hadn't waited for her to speak. She turned her head back and saw her.

Seeing the bag in her hand, she didn't know what it was, but it seemed to be clothes. It was rare to see her go shopping for her own clothes. The man's cold eyebrows were slightly raised, with a cigarette in one hand and a hand on his body. In her black trench coat pocket, as she approached, she took out a blue box and gave it to her.

"What is this?" Feng Ling took it. Seeing that the box was exquisite and beautiful, he thought he had bought some jewelry or something. He just wanted to say that he is now an instructor in the base and he can't wear jewelry, which has a bad influence.

In the end, before saying anything, the man ran out of the cigarette in his hand, and said lightly, "Open it."

Feng Ling said in a tone and opened the box directly.

Seeing a watch inside, the dial is a bright cosmic starry sky. The color of the entire watch is low-key and well matched with clothes, but at the same time, it is extraordinarily noble and beautiful because of the bright starry sky in the dial.

Many times, bases are not allowed to bring jewelry. Li Nanheng knows better than her. Some younger brothers usually wear a single earring or men's jewelry in order to play handsome. This situation is usually confiscated and confiscated. Penalties are considered illegal, so even if Feng Ling is a woman, it is still like everyone. You ca n’t wear jewelry in the base. Jewelry can be, you can put it in your residence, but you ca n’t wear it.

But watches can be worn.

She was surprised, raising her eyes to see him, but at this moment the man turned to look at the sky outside: "It's getting dark, and it should snow later, let's go."

"This watch ..."

"for you."

Even though Feng Ling doesn't know much about various brands, she doesn't know the brand of Vca. After all, she has also mixed in Haicheng. Although Ji Nun has a low-key personality, even if it is a famous lady, she never wears it on purpose. Big-name things, but the colleagues around her also have a lot of well-known names, Feng Ling can be considered to have seen.

She knows that this brand of jewelry and watches are not cheap. Although she doesn't know how much this model is, she also knows that it will not be less than 1.5 million.

She also knew that Li Nanheng was rich, but such an expensive thing ...

"Stupidly standing?" Li Nanheng was about to walk down the stairs in front of the mall and noticed that she was still there. She turned around and dragged her wrists to pull people over, waiting until someone hit him in his arms. Suddenly, she held her shoulders backhand and lowered her voice threateningly, and said in her ears, "I haven't given you anything. I bought you a gift for the first time. If you dare to return, you will be back tonight. Stop trying to sleep. "

Feng Ling: "... !!!"

The threat of this sentence is more powerful than anything. She quickly put the watch and box into her pocket, but she didn't mean to go back at all.

Li Nanheng was then satisfied and took the person directly to the car.

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