Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1204: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (467)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Back in the car, Li Nanheng glanced at Feng Ling in the rearview mirror with his hands in his pockets, carefully looking, and hung his lips with satisfaction.

He raised his hand to adjust the angle of the rearview mirror at will, and then turned to look at her: "It's dark, what do you want to eat at night? Do you want to go back to the hotel first, or return to the hotel?

Feng Ling returned to God: "Ah, it's all right."

Li Nanheng reached out and rubbed her between her soft hair.

Feng Ling has gone back to God, but in his heart, he was still a little hesitant because of the sudden fall from the sky in his pocket.

No gifts have been confiscated since childhood. Even in the base, everyone can come out during the festival or birthday, but it is strictly forbidden to send birthday gifts and other things, so the big men in the base have long been used to it. I do n’t send anything, and my feelings are all put in the wine.

Later, in the past few years, Feng Ling hadn't been too close to anyone. It seemed that Ji Nuan had given her some small things, but she didn't hold the title of a gift intentionally. It was just a natural stuff in her hands thing.

So she is really the first time.

It was so expensive the first time.

Li Nanheng, the boss of the XI base, has broken several cases for her.

Her precious hand gently stroked the cold dial in her pocket until the man stopped the car while the red light was on and looked at her again, she remembered what he had just asked and said directly: "I ate a lot at noon. I'm not hungry until now, so I don't want to eat at night."

"It's not yet five o'clock, and I will still be hungry at night."

"Then ..." Feng Ling thought for a while: "Although I only lived in China for a few months, I was still very impressed by some of the food there, especially hot pot. Can I eat hot pot?"

Li Nanheng looked at her and looked at the time again, but did not answer immediately, but suddenly turned the car towards a roundabout ahead, and quickly turned to the road on the left until he stopped in front of a large supermarket. , And signaled her to get out of the car and said, "After all, this is Los Angeles. In the United States, if you want to eat authentic hot pot, you need to ask around. What you ask may not be suitable for your own taste. Let's go buy some meat roll vegetables and hot pot Food, cook your own hot pot after you get back to the wine? "

Feng Ling didn't know that the hot pot could be cooked by himself, and immediately nodded: "Okay."

The look she should have come down at this instant, Li Nanheng had no consciousness of guilty of cheating the girl.

There is a well-known local hot pot city in Los Angeles. It was opened by a Chinese couple, but it takes a long time to line up. It takes at least three or four hours to get back to the hotel.

It's dark now, and the Chinese New Year's Eve is worth a lot of money. He doesn't want to waste it outside.

It ’s better to cook her hot pot in the hotel room and hold the little woman in her arms when she is satisfied. Anyway, when she is full, he can start feeding himself well. These three or four hours are so precious. Must be wasted on the bed, absolutely not elsewhere.

If you really want to eat, don't mind taking her out again tomorrow afternoon to make up for it.

This time, the goal of buying things in the supermarket is more clear. I bought everything in half an hour and returned directly to the car. Feng Ling was not really a food property, but after a while living in China, I found that I have a lot of domestic food. It ’s really a bit lingering. Now in the car, I ca n’t wait to go back to the hotel as soon as I think about having hot pot to eat.

I finally got to the hotel. I forgot all the things that happened in the hotel tonight, Feng Lingdian. I forgot about it. I was so embarrassed that I got out of the car to help get things. I was carrying various things in my hand. Vegetable meat rolls and the like, full of expectations written on his face.

Although Li Nanheng couldn't wait any longer, she didn't want to live up to her expectations. After returning to the room, she asked the staff of the hotel to bring in the induction cooker and the newly purchased pots. In the end, she helped her cook the hot pot.

There is no hot pepper in the hot pot, not Chuanweier, but the soup stock hot pot, but because it is too hot and too hot, Feng Ling still eats red cheeks and sweat on his head, while fanning the hot red hands Eat with your mouth.

Seeing her usual pale lips now red, Li Nanheng was eating more and more absent-minded, and finally left her alone to eat here, and he got up and went directly to the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" Feng Ling saw him get up, and asked subconsciously, and at the same time he inserted a piece of tofu into his mouth.

"Bath, you eat first."

Feng Ling nodded again.

It wasn't until the sound of water in the bathroom that Feng Ling was about to continue chopping the chopsticks into the pot, and then suddenly remembered that there was still a tough battle tonight.

I just listened to the sound of water dripping from the bathroom. The hot feeling on her face became hotter instantly. I quickly put down the chopsticks and sat on the chair for a long time. I felt that I was eating on my head. Sweat, but no matter how big the suite in this hotel is, there is only one bathroom. She must be embarrassed to go in and wash with Li Nanheng, and she is already full, and she ca n’t eat it anymore for a while. Sitting here like this, listening to the sound of water in the bathroom for a while, a bit like a felt.

Until Li Nanheng washed it out, the man wore a dark blue bathrobe when he walked out of the bathroom. Water was dripping down from the thin, cool short hair. The drops of water rolled down from the man's chin and drowned into the pine. In the half-opened bathrobe's jacket, a cigarette was about to come over, and in a blink of an eye, I saw that the induction cooker in front of Feng Ling had been turned off for a long time. what.

The man's beautiful eyebrows moved: "Don't eat?"

"Well, I'm full." Feng Ling couldn't help looking at him when she spoke, even if she knew he was wearing a bathrobe.

"Yeah, eating too much at night is not easy to digest, if you still want to eat, find time to take you out to eat tomorrow." The man's hand picked up the cigarette case and put it down again, looking at her deeply.

Even if the man hadn't said anything, Feng Ling couldn't resist under his apparently increasingly hot eyes, and quickly stood up: "I ... also take a bath."

Then, without waiting for Li Nanheng to speak, he quickly entered the bathroom and closed the door again.

Hearing her anti-locking movement in the bathroom door, Li Nanheng hooked her lips, raised her hand and randomly pulled two hairs still dripping, and then heard the sound of water inside, and laughed.

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