Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1208: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (471)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling was really tired and had too much physical exertion. This awakening didn't wake up until 1pm.

In the room, a curtain of light was used to see when the curtains were closed tightly. They were floor-to-ceiling windows, so we can see how big the curtains are.

She got up from the bed, because the curtains were closed, everything was dark except the wall lamp in front of the bed. She found her cell phone by the bed, took a look, and it was already this time Already.

In the dark, the phone screen was too bright, Feng Ling squinted.

The crazy scene she had been tossed by men in this bed made her brain rigid for a long time.

In fact, Li Nanheng was not really so unfriendly. At least in the beginning, she would also pay attention to whether she was comfortable, and she would ask her a word of pain from time to time. Although she couldn't answer at all, at least It must have been much gentler at first than later.

How did it get out of hand later?

It seemed that she was crying under him and said something to him, and she said that her voice was trembling because of the feeling of fullness in her body and the satisfaction of her body. The Lord said such a word that was almost proactive. After that, the man adjusted her innumerable postures on the bed as if crazy.

For a few hours, she vaguely remembered ...

The tossed ... legs couldn't be closed.

She remembered that the man said badly to her ears while she was groggy, and she said a lot of blushing and red ears. During her period, Ai Ai had no normal thinking at all, basically he told her what she said.

When she slept to death again in the morning, she felt that Li Nanheng seemed to want to hold her to take a bath again, but then why she gave up and finally just hugged her to sleep here, it is unknown.

The bathrobe that slipped to the floor last night was placed dry by the bed, or a new bathrobe that Li Nanheng asked the room service staff to come.

She only glanced at it, but did not wear it, but picked up another dress next to it, a shirt that Li Nanheng wore during the day yesterday. It seemed that Li Nanheng had the faint and clear smell on him. the taste of.

Before he got out of bed, the phone suddenly rang, and she looked down, a message from Li Nanheng.

Li Nanheng: [Awake? ]

Feng Ling was awkward, there was no camera in the room, no one else, and Li Nanheng was not beside him. How did he know he was awake? Just coincidentally sent over waiting for him to reply after waking up? Still really guessed he was awake?

Then the man's message came again: [don't want to get up and go to sleep, don't worry. The road was closed in heavy snow, and the suburban roads were so thick that it could n’t pass. Today it should be impossible to return to the base. I called the traffic bureau and asked them to clear the road before tomorrow morning and rush back tomorrow morning. ]

Seeing Daxue closing the road, Feng Ling quickly got up and got out of bed. As a result, the foot of the bed suddenly softened, and she suddenly sat back on the bed. She slowed for a long time and finally got up and walked to the window. The curtain brush was pulled open in the front, and she almost shattered her eyes when she opened it. She squinted her eyes before she saw a piece of plain silver makeup outside. Even though it is a bustling urban street, she can still see all The building is really a place that cannot be cleaned by a snowplow. There is a thick pile of snow on it. The snow on the main road in the city has already been cleaned up. The black and white asphalt road is faintly visible on the ground. Stacked on both sides of the road.

Looking at this situation, it is indeed possible that the suburbs have not had time to clear the snow. After all, the XI base cannot be located in the urban area, but in a suburban area far from downtown Los Angeles. The road is usually except for the base people. No one else will be able to move around, so if it does not affect the progress of the base ’s normal tasks, these people outside can understand without rushing to clear this road first, unless there is an important task, otherwise the XI base The place where things are managed by the military must be the people first, and things like snow are cleared elsewhere, and they can wait.

Feng Ling thought that it should not be too far away from that road. If he gets up early tomorrow and drives back early, he can return to the base during morning training.

The phone thrown on the bed shook again, and he turned to pick it up. This time it was the weather forecast. It said that there was still a heavy snowfall this afternoon. After reading it, he glanced again at the news from Li Nanheng. A note: [Wake up. ]

After about two or three minutes there, I replied: [I'll probably go back for a while, then go to sleep when I'm tired, and get up to take a bath when I'm not sleepy. I won't wash it for you anymore. You shouldn't be too comfortable now . ]

How could it not be comfortable?

Li Nanheng, a man with cleanliness, except that he was crazy last night. When he was crazy, he was dripping with sweat, but in the morning he at least hugged her inside and washed carefully inside and out. When he was holding him and taking a bath, Feng Lingdu I was going crazy, and then I was asked twice in bed, but at least Li Nanheng in the morning was just not stubborn, and was no longer as indifferent as last night.

So she was very clean.

No trace.

But during the day, I discuss with men what is clean or not, what is not tired ...

Feng Ling didn't face the words he typed, but returned a word: [Um. ]

No matter how clean it is, you still need to take a bath. If she could stand showering last night, now she can only sit in the bathtub and take a bath.

She was relaxing in a bath full of hot water, and Li Nanheng then sent a message after he saw it after a while: [The lunch from the hotel at noon was still on the table. It should be cold now, not too hungry. If you are in a hurry, you don't have to eat, wait for me. I do n’t think you have the energy to go out. I promise you to have a good hot pot again. I ’ll bring you the ingredients and ingredients here in Hot Pot City outside. You do n’t have to come out in the afternoon, just rest. Wait for me to go back. ]

She was still thinking that she was tired and hungry. Even if Li Nanheng was physically strong, how could he be the one who had been working on it all the time? Isn't he tired or sleepy? Is there anything urgent that can leave him when the road is closed in such heavy snow?

I didn't expect to buy her all kinds of hot pot again.

She ticked her lips and returned a word: [Okay. ]

After returning, she lowered her phone and continued to sit in the bathtub with her eyes narrowed. When she was about to sit comfortably and soon fell asleep, she heard the phone shake in her ear. I picked up the phone and saw a message from an unknown number: [Come down, come to the hotel's underground parking lot. ]

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