Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1209: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (472)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Seeing that it was a message from an unfamiliar number, Feng Ling looked at the words with a wet head in one hand, a little confused and surprised.

The question is who this person is?

Surprised that this person seems to know she is in this hotel now? Did they follow them? Or a person in a hotel? still is……

Just when she wanted to ask Li Nanheng, the person's message came again: [I am, can't guess who I am? Come down, there is something for you. ]

Feng Ling held the phone for a while and thought about it, expanding the possibility to friends in Boston. I remember that many people said that they would come to Los Angeles to find her recently. Although it was only an verbal agreement, it has always been There was no chance to really come, she said goodbye to the place where the number belongs to Los Angeles. I guess maybe the friend over there changed the phone number here.

Who is the one?

Even though there is something vaguely wrong in this way of greeting, Feng Ling has a certain skill after all, and it is impossible for ordinary people to treat her. She has nothing to worry about. She got up from the bathtub and saw the sofa when she went out. Putting on a new set of clothes, Li Nanheng should have asked the hotel staff to sell them before going out. After all, she couldn't wear yesterday's clothes.

Dressed downstairs, took the elevator directly to the hotel's underground parking lot. Of course, she had a gun in her pocket. Her natural keenness never let her down.

As a result, after she appeared in the underground parking lot, she didn't see anyone here. There were many cars parked around, and it was impossible to see which cars were people and which were not people outside.

She took another look at the information on her mobile phone. She hadn't seen anyone for a long time, and her alertness had grown up. When she was about to turn away, she suddenly didn't know where to come from a corner. The figure was thick At the moment when I rushed, Feng Ling's instinct turned back with a punch, but the other side suddenly fell down and hugged her leg: "Wife ... wife ... don't leave me ... ah ... wife ... I know it was wrong ... "

Suddenly Feng Ling was so clinging to her legs, she immediately lowered her head in shock, and saw a man with a bald head and a forty-year-old man holding her almost crying, even though she was wearing pants across her pants. The material, but was suddenly held like this, what wife was still shouting in her mouth, and she was still disgusting and covered with goosebumps, and said angrily, "Who are you? Let go!"

"Wife ... I know my wife is wrong ... I will never go out again and again ... I beg you ... Go home ... Wife ..."

Li Nanheng usually called her little daughter-in-law when she teased her. Feng Ling was unhappy, but she never really felt unhappy in her heart.

Now suddenly a strange drunk man called his wife like this, Feng Ling just felt disgusting, covered with resistance, and had no time to think that there are so many Chinese in Los Angeles, how coincidentally, why did she meet in the underground parking lot? The drunk was shouting in Chinese too, as if there was something arranged, and she just kept nagging at the man with disgusting force.

As a result, the person just turned around and was about to leave, but the person crawled up and continued to hold her leg firmly: "Wife ... wife, don't leave ..."

"Get off!" Feng Ling was so angry that he turned around and turned the person over again. If there was still a sense of reason, she warned her that she could not kill anyone except to perform tasks outside the base, otherwise she would cause trouble to the base and she forced it. With this kind of disgusted anger, pick up the phone and look at the problem with the text message just now.

Why inexplicably did not see any acquaintances, but suddenly came out a drunk.

How did you know that drunken man suddenly yelled, temporarily attracted her attention, Feng Ling turned back, saw him crawling up on the ground, and then yelled at his wife while running towards her with a smile.

Feng Ling turned away with disgust, and saw that there were too many cars here, which was a little embarrassing. She simply walked to the open space in front of her, while holding her phone in her hand, her doubts and alertness gradually increased.

"Wife, I didn't mean it--"

The drunk was still crying between the car and the car, and she felt upset for a moment.

At this moment, Feng Ling suddenly heard the sound of a car opening in the parking lot on the left. She instantly saw the black Hummer of Li Nanheng and recognized the license plate number of the car. Seeing that he was back, she I was also slightly relieved because of the text message just now, and I just walked a few steps to meet it.

Suddenly, behind the channel on the right, a bright light shines!

Feng Ling suddenly felt that the black Hummer was lighting up a pair of headlights at the same time, as if to remind her something, she turned to look at it, and saw the lights behind him were particularly dazzling. A worn silver SUV exceeded the specifications in the parking lot. Dozens of times, rushed towards her quickly.

Feng Linggang was still annoyed by the drunken man, holding his cell phone in his hand for a moment, and when she reflected that she was about to quickly open her body, Li Nanheng's voice suddenly sounded in the black Hummer: "Back! "

Her movement almost instinctively dodged quickly in the direction he said, but after all, the movement was too late, and the car rushing towards itself was close.

Even in the midst of a blast, the two strong lights crossed together, and then there was a loud bang. The speed at which Feng Ling avoided herself and the shock of this shock fell to the ground, her heart leaked suddenly. I jumped and turned around to see the two cars that collided together. The car hit too badly. Although the SUV was very old but strong, it was obviously modified to strengthen it. It can deform a lot.

Regardless of the pain in her knee, she immediately stood up and was going to take a look in the Hummer. As a result, when she rushed over, she saw the black Hummer's window. Li Nanheng stretched out his arm from the airbag that had just been shaken out. A carry-on dagger stabbed the obstructing airbags decisively and burst them all.

Then, he sharply reversed, ran the gear, and the wheels spun up quickly, rushed up again, and slammed the SUV across the road back one meter away.

"Bang!" The headlights of the two cars have been completely destroyed.

"Bang!" The front of the car was completely ruined.

"Bang--" The windshield also shattered.

The people in the SUV obviously did not have such a good physical fitness as Li Nanheng. Under such a severe impact, they had no strength to do anything anymore, and they were stuck in the car between the steering wheel and the seat in despair!


(Is it yesterday's meaty? Alas, haha, it ’s the first day of the month again, put a bowl! Ask for a monthly pass!)

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