Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1210: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (473)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling knew that she should have passed the death with only 0.01 seconds, but did not know how worried and dangerous the scene seemed to Li Nanheng. She only saw Li Nanheng going crazy and hit the car.

He doesn't even have airbags in his car.

She shouted at him: "Stop, Li Nanheng, you stop!"

After a few consecutive times, Li Nanheng directly bumped the two SUVs into a concave shape on both sides. Even if they were reinforced, they were almost grandchildren in front of Li Nanheng ’s car, especially Li Nanheng was using the car. The sturdy place in the front slammed into it steadily, even if it seemed to be crazy, but in fact every time it hit it very hard.

The black Hummer finally stopped, Feng Ling rushed to the door, and saw Li Nanheng step out from the already deformed door. He grabbed Feng Ling and hugged it tightly in his arms.

"Are you crazy, Li Nanheng ..." Feng Ling raised his hand and clutched his clothes tightly at the waist, thinking of the previous scene, his eyes were a little red: "You have no airbags in your car, you will be hurt! Strong sense of shock, do you think you are made of iron ... "

Li Nanheng held the person tightly, as if to make sure she was still in his arms. After a while, the man's fierce gasping gradually calmed down, and he kissed gently on the side of her neck in this hug posture: "Not in the room What do you do when you rest here and suddenly come out? You are usually so alert. What happened just now? "

Feng Ling just wanted to talk about the text message, and at the same time remembered the drunkard just now, and suddenly rolled his eyes, and saw that the drunkard was quietly moving outwards little by little behind the front row of vehicles.

Suddenly, her hand felt the blood on the back of Li Nanheng's hand, guessing that he was injured when he strove to pull out the hand under the airbag and then stabbed the airbag with a dagger. She took a breath, and suddenly took out the gun from her waist. It was a shot at the slow-moving leg of that drunk.

If it weren't for the base's system of not being able to kill indiscriminately except for its mission, plus the evidence that she needs to stay alive to master the other side, she now really wants to shoot the gun directly on the head of the drunk.

He obviously belonged to the group of people in the car who were hit by half-death now!

The drunk was shot in the ankle, and the painful scream slammed directly on the ground. Wolverine dragged the injured ankle and was still struggling to climb outwards. Feng Ling decisively and quickly moved forward and shot him directly. In front of a parking lot in the AB area, the set screws under the signboard hit, the signboard suddenly crooked to the ground, and a large blue block blocked the drunken creeping path.

She turned to look at the SUV again, and saw that the middle-aged man sitting in the driver's seat was strange, but the other side was already in a **** state inside, and sitting there did not know I still have so much breath to die.

Just now Li Nanheng clearly wanted to directly kill him.

"Go back and tell you again." Feng Ling said as he retracted his eyes, looked down at Li Nanheng's **** hands, and then looked him up and down: "Where are you injured?"

Looking at the man's complexion was whiter than usual, apparently the impact of the impact just now did not hurt him lightly.

"It's okay." The man muffled her hands tightly. Obviously, no matter what his injury was, it was more important than her innocence.

There is a large local hospital in Los Angeles nearby. After making emergency calls and calling the police, the police and doctors arrived immediately.

This apparently illegal murder does not require the XI base to resolve it privately. The monitoring in the underground parking lot can clearly restore the scene of the scene, and the police can proceed to investigate the truth of the whole thing.

When the person in the SUV was lifted out of blood, he was completely motionless like the dead. Thinking of the scene where Li Nanheng's eyes were red and cold and bumped into her face again and again, her hand was compiling his The wrist was held by the man's backhand in the palm of his hand.

Including the drunk who had fallen to the ground was also taken away by the police. Because of her identity and relationship with Li Nanheng in XI, although they needed to be followed to cooperate with the investigation, when Li Nanheng was injured, Feng Ling's attitude was obviously indifferent and temporarily silent. Unwilling to follow, I had to say that I would call them when needed later, and after getting their consent, they would take them away.

The doctor followed them, entered the hotel room, checked briefly and came to a conclusion.

Li Nanheng's body, in addition to the dozen-centimeter-long blood mouth drawn by a dagger on his arm, also had some small openings scratched by glass on his forehead and back of his hand. At that time, the impact was too strong, and the windows were broken. The broken glass jumped into the flesh, and then the two cars hit too many times in a row. Li Nanheng also experienced several strong impacts similar to a car accident at the same time. No matter how powerful the physical quality is, it is still meat. The normal fetus has a slight concussion, but it is not particularly serious, just rest for a few days.

The doctor helped him carefully remove the glass fragments that had jumped into the flesh. After the obvious trauma was applied, the gauze potion and some anti-inflammatory drugs were left. It was determined that Li Nanheng had no other problems. Then I left.

The doctor left, Feng Ling turned to wash the towel that had just been stained with blood. After the wash was white, he took it out and continued to help Li Nanheng wipe his face.

When wiping his face, he avoided the small wound on his forehead, carefully, and looked at the places where he was not serious but at least considered to be trauma. Then he thought of the scene where he didn't want to hit the car like that. It felt a little bit sore for a moment, and it felt like I had it before.

Yes, the day when Li Nanheng was accidentally heard that she was getting married, she was a bit numb, and she was pumping in her heart. She was sore that she didn't even have a shout of pain.

Feng Ling was still wiping him. Now that he had rubbed his neck, Li Nanheng suddenly raised his hand and held her empty hand.

"Don't mess around." Feng Ling whispered.

Li Nanheng said a moment, closed her eyes, and her head was still on the pillow, but she still held her hand and did not let go. She even inserted her fingers between her fingers and held her with her fingers.

Even with this intimate action, Feng Ling's frightened heart had not calmed down. She couldn't figure it out. What kind of person was Li Nanheng who had seen too many lives and deaths at first? He was so angry and scared that he suddenly became crazy. He was because of her, she knew.

It is because of knowing that Feng Ling's heart is shocked beyond words.

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