Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1211: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (474)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

She only knew that Li Nanheng liked her and loved her, but did not know that he loved her so much.

After helping him wipe all the wipeable areas exposed on the outside of the clothes, he saw that the man didn't have much expression, but remembered that before the doctor left, he said he had a slight concussion.

She could see that he had some headaches in his impatient expression, but he didn't show it in front of her.

After examining her several traumas again, she put the towel aside, then carefully supported him to sit up halfway, and then turned around behind him, placing his head on his thigh.

Li Nanheng was about to get up, she pressed him hard: "Don't move!"

From the moment I watched him crash into the car, he now seems to be a small woman who has always been energetic. When he speaks, he is close to the order, as if it is really the role of the bishop and assistant instructor.

Li Nanheng gave her a sigh and said, "I'm fine."

Feng Ling's hand was gently pressed on his head at this time. She was not very good at it, but she was also trying to help him to ease the headache, slowly on both sides of his temple and on his head. Rub with your fingers.

Li Nanheng closed her eyes comfortably, leaned her head slightly, and leaned towards the position of her lower abdomen. Since she couldn't refuse, she might as well enjoy it.

"Doesn't it hurt?" Feng Ling wasn't sure how strong he was. When he saw his eyes closed and didn't speak, he whispered a question, and at the same time he glanced at him. He was briefly hemostatic and was sticking a piece of white gauze. Hands.

Who knew that the man suddenly lifted the injured hand and dragged the head of Feng Ling, who had been carefully massaging him down, and she was afraid that his struggling force would make his hand hurt too much, so he was suddenly taken by him. The hand pulled down, and the moment he lowered his head and leaned down, the man gave a solid kiss directly on her falling lips.

After letting her go, she let go of her, Feng Ling suddenly regained her seat, her movements became stiff and she continued to help him, pressing the warning-like teeth and saying, "Don't move anymore! Do you have a headache and you don't know? "

After forgetting which mission she came back from before, she also experienced a slight concussion. Although she was fine in a few days, she remembered that she had a headache every day in the first few days and she did not want to move.

"How can it be so fragile, why are you nervous?" After the man kissed, he willingly didn't move anymore, so he rested his head on her lap, and looked at her who was lowering her head at this angle: "Say, just now what happened?"

Feng Ling took out his mobile phone and gave him a glance: "The message from a strange number, which I originally thought was a new number changed by a friend I knew after arriving in Los Angeles, was originally a bit of doubt and precaution, but The planner behind the scenes obviously knew that I would be vigilant, and a drunkard was suddenly arranged to disturb me in the middle. At that time, I was upset by the drunkard. At that time, I couldn't concentrate on too much defense, so it happened. I will note that this mistake will not happen again. "

Indeed, if Feng Ling's vigilance was high enough at that time, with her own agility, she could quickly avoid it herself.

But at that time, it was within a few tenths of a second, and her response speed was no match for the opponent ’s car, no matter how fast, if she did not hit Li Nanheng in time, she would be directly hit by the car. Speed ​​and car speed, I am afraid that I will be killed on the spot, and now there is no chance to sit here and pant.

Li Nanheng was comfortable with her pressing, and she couldn't help but closed her eyes again, and only closed her eyes and agreed: "Who offended you outside the base?"

"No, you have to be very clear about my usual style of doing things. I never make trouble and talk to people outside. How can I offend people? People who do n’t agree with me are the original three teams. Those who have been in the base for so many years, they can be considered to be upright, and usually they are quick to speak, and it is absolutely impossible to bravely make such impulsive things. "

Li Nanheng was silent for a moment, and suddenly opened his eyes, looking at his lower eyebrow, and still earnestly helping him to rub the seal on his head.

Without offending someone, that is who is threatened by her existence, or who is afraid of her existence.

She is the one who handed all the bank cards to him. Usually, except the base is the base, where is there any dispute of interest? What her existence really threatens is Feng Mingzhu's emotional interests and feelings such as the inheritance of the Feng family and the affection of all parties.

In addition, with all the incidents before and after, although Li Nanheng is only guessing, this possibility is not low, especially since Feng Mingzhu's behavior will go to extremes since the last incident was exposed. It is not impossible.

He raised another uninjured hand and touched Feng Ling's eyebrows. "Okay, no need to press."

Feng Ling didn't move, and his men still insisted on pressing and kneading, just to make him more comfortable.

The man smiled and said, "Is this touched? Say I was beaten by iron. I thought your heart was beaten by iron. I never saw how much I care about you."

Feng Ling's expression suddenly felt a bit unnatural. While rubbing his head, he slightly opened his face and looked out the window. At the same time, he said lowly: "What's hard to beat, I want to be really hard to beat. I wo n’t come out of the base with you, knowing what you have in mind, I ’ll still come out with you. ”

Li Nanheng just let out. If he did n’t really have any strength right now, otherwise he would just get up and press her underneath, and look at her lovely energy all in his eyes, want to kiss her, want to hug her, Want to be fierce ... a few more times.

After rubbing for a while, Feng Ling thought that the man was asleep on her lap and suddenly heard him whisper: "Today is just the beginning. The people behind you know a little about you, even you now know in this hotel It is estimated that someone has already been spotted. Don't come out temporarily after returning to the base tomorrow. Pay attention to the people around you. As for the people outside, focus on sealing the pearl. "

I heard Feng Mingzhu's words, and Feng Ling's hand didn't stop. She thought about this, but she was not sure. If it was Feng Mingzhu, what was her motive? Is it because he stole Li Nanheng? Or is there something deeper?

She looked at the man with her eyes closed resting on her leg and enjoying her massage, and pursed her lips slowly.

She always felt that Li Nanheng seemed to know something. It was like she was wearing men's clothing at first. He should have known it but didn't pierce it immediately.

As if nothing could be hidden from him.

"Don't worry, even if the dark arrows are difficult to prevent, no one can easily hurt me." Feng Ling said softly.

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