Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1213: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (476)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Time is already pointing at three in the afternoon.

Although they didn't plan to inform the base about this, they still heard some wind from the police over the base. A Feng called and asked if the base would need to come forward to resolve it. They also cared about Feng Ling's situation and determined Li Nanheng. The injury was not a big deal, and Feng Ling did not hang up because of the emotional impact of this murder incident. However, before hanging up, it was still said that Feng Ling was always a base person. In this case, the base can always help her to find out the true murderer behind the scenes.

If this matter had nothing to do with Feng Mingzhu, it would be no problem to hand it over to the base.

But now even Feng Ling herself suspects Feng Mingzhu's head. This matter has something to do with Feng Family, and she and Feng Family ... Anyway, it's not the time yet.

Li Nanheng held up the doctor's wrist that he later wrapped up with gauze, and rested comfortably on Feng Ling's leg again.

"If you are tired, close your eyes and sleep for a while." Feng Ling still rubbed his head with his fingers, and also gently relaxed his temples and around his eyes with his fingers from time to time, so that his headache would be much reduced. .

At that moment, the hotel staff knocked on the door and brought in some of the ingredients that Feng Ling asked them to buy. They also prepared some cooked food in the hotel and sent them over.

Feng Ling opened the door, thanked him, and took the ingredients into the kitchen in the suite.

Although the kitchen in the hotel is not big, but fortunately, the seasonings and equipment are very comprehensive. She could support herself in her two years in Boston. She ca n’t say how proficient at cooking, but she will definitely do some .

She washed and cut those fresh ingredients, and deliberately boiled the medicated chicken soup with a pot beside her. This was what she learned from Xiao Ba over there in Haicheng. At that time, she tasted good, and she remembered the method. Then, turned around and continued to cut some diced beef, and fried two simple side dishes with ingredients such as eggs and greens. After making these things, it is not suitable for a toast sandwich or the like. She went to the hotel again Some white rice is coming and cooked rice.

She helped Nanheng sit on the bed. His injured hand was on the table next to the bed, and one hand was on his own leg. Feng Ling was standing by the bed, just right, and fed him rice with a spoon. Eat, as well as a variety of soups and stir-fries, feed him slowly, bit by bit.

But she is also hungry, so while feeding him, she will occasionally eat a few bites. Although she prepared chopsticks, sometimes she used a spoon to feed her into her mouth. Two or three times, but every time she mistakenly put the spoon he used in her mouth, she gave a sip, and raised her eyes suddenly to see Li Nanheng sitting on the bed with a good smile on her face.

In this case, she was too late to be shy or something. She also thought very straight. She had done it, and it was not the first time. No matter how thin the skin, it should be past this transition period. He continued to feed him blankly.

However, these reminded her of the scene when she was injured or hospitalized in front of him. In those days, Li Nanheng often took her as the most important thing, and often kept her by her side to take care of her. In the eyes of others, this cold and unfriendly man It seemed to her that he had really put into his only passion and patience.

It was just that she always refused to respond at all, even blindly thought that she should be a man, and there should not be anything beyond her control.

But in the end, he stepped into this step unknowingly.

At that time, Li Nanheng was left cold by her, but now Li Nanheng was content enough to carry her over from the bedside, hugged her around her waist and wrapped her in his arms, and continued to let her feed him the medicated chicken soup and rice. Feed the vegetables.

"I think I have looked too simple for many things." Feng Ling held the bowl and allowed him to hold himself like this, while slowly feeding him soup, while hesitantly said slowly: "I It's too selfish. "

She squeezed her hand on the spoon slightly tightly: "Since some things exist, I may have to face them sooner or later, even if I don't want to face them, but fate does not seem to make me live like this ...

What she said was ambiguous, and the average person might not even hear what she meant.

Li Nanheng heard it.

She was thinking about her life, she was thinking about closing her family, and she was thinking about whether to face up to something that was already close to the truth.

"But I don't think I would like those ... My world is small and I cannot accept so many complicated people and things ..."

Before she could finish speaking, Li Nanheng suddenly pressed people into her arms, and she was already around her, and she pressed people to her chest.

"Hey, slow down, soup is going to be sprinkled." Feng Ling quickly steadied his hands, seeing that Tang just flowed to his hand along the side of the bowl. When I pulled a piece of paper from the paper, I wiped it on the edge of the bowl, and when I looked at him again, I saw that Li Nanheng didn't mean to tell her those things, she stared, thinking of the man last night She still tortured her in bed, she really loved and hated it, and the matter of closing her family was entangled in her heart. She suddenly felt emotional, and suddenly opened her mouth with a bite.

The man was unmoved, and it wasn't until she bitten hard that the man lifted the uninjured hand and held her back, lowered her head and nudged her back and forth, patiently and tenderly, and then opened with the tip of her tongue After reaching her lips, Feng Ling reluctantly opened her mouth, but in the end he was gently pried open by the man, and then she bit her soft lips and kissed deeper and deeper.

At the end of the kiss, Feng Ling could feel the gentle pity of the man from this kiss, and he could feel what he seemed to know, but he knew her very well, and she never said that he would never mention it.

She has also been kissed to put the bowl in her hand on the table beside her, so as not to spill it out. Seeing that her hand is empty, the man squeezed her chin and kissed him for a long time.

When Feng Ling noticed something, she lowered her head and saw that she didn't even know when she was sitting on his leg, her hands were around his neck, and she took the initiative to respond. Despite the jerky response, her lower body was tight because of this posture. Close to the place ... man has obvious ...

"You can still hurt like this ..."

She couldn't say the words "hard up", she just said the words in front of her, and tried hard to make her look less shy when she said it.

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