Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1214: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (477)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"It hurts the hand, but it's the head, but it's not here." The man talked and pressed her with the uninjured hand, even a few times.

Feng Ling: "........."

She was about to get out of the man, but was hugged by the man.

"I know you're tired, don't do it, just hug." Li Nanheng didn't want to say that he just wanted to hug the five-year-old dazed girl in the jungle in her soul. He said, he tightened her tighter, as if It was very comfortable rubbing her white tender cheek with the tip of her nose, and kissed the little pear vortex from her mouth from time to time.

There is a small pear vortex on the corner of Feng Ling's mouth, which is not very obvious, especially she does n’t like to laugh very much, so she ca n’t see it, but as soon as she laughs, she will see a very shallow pear vortex and give her There was a rare playfulness on Leng Guiqingran's face.

"Your skin is already so good. You don't have to learn to use those women's face and messy skin care products in the future. Now it's smooth and tender. I can see that you don't like to use those things yourself."

"……is it?"

"What's more important is that the beauty is in my heart. Don't say that you are already beautiful now, even if your face has been ten or twenty or thirty years later, I still can't look tired and hold it on my apex. It ’s painful to love, because you are not someone else, you are Feng Ling. ”The man ’s kiss swept across her pear vortex, and then fell on the corner of her lips, softly:“ So whether you are at the base, Or in any other capacity to face the future of life, you will always be you, will not change, I will always stand in front of you, never leave, do not be afraid of anything, and do not think wildly. "

Feng Ling was a little moved, and he uttered a serious "um".


The two of them did not return to the base at night. Even if they did, it is estimated that it will be tomorrow morning.

In the middle of the night, Li Nanheng seemed to have a low fever. Before Feng Ling heard Xiaoxu in the base, Li could rarely get sick in the base before, and his physical fitness was definitely one hundred, but since Rogers Pass fell into the ice lake that time After a few days and nights of burning here, although the number of illnesses of the boss is still very small, the general cold can't beat him at all, but as long as the fever is initiated, even if it is only a low fever of about 37 degrees and 5 degrees, he will suffer. Some influence.

Especially the first few times Li Bo was injured in the hospital, the most serious thing is that he has always had a high fever.

Feng Ling borrowed a thermometer from the hotel, and after looking at it, it was 37 degrees.

The burning was not serious. It may be that the wound on the wrist was stimulated by some gas released when the airbag was cut. Even if it was treated, it was somewhat infected.

This temperature is really not heavy, but Li Nanheng did breathe heavily when he was asleep, which should not be very comfortable.

He woke up after a little sleep, saying that he was thirsty, and Feng Ling hurriedly poured water for her. The water was deliberately burned by her, just to make him drink more heat, and the temperature was still very hot. She was holding the cup. When he came back, from time to time, he raised one hand to touch his ear, and then exchanged his hands back and forth to touch his ear and walked back to the bed.

She blew by the bed for a while. Li Nanheng was not in a good shape at the moment, but heard her whispering while she was blowing water, he frowned, fearing that she was burnt, but she was still with one hand Propped up on the bed.

Feng Ling knelt beside the bed and fed the water to his mouth. Li Nanheng originally wanted to say something to her, but the water was not so hot anymore. He paused and didn't say much, after all, it was for the face. Drink up a glass of water.

"Do you want any more?" Feng Ling took out the paper towel and wiped the water leaking from the corner of his mouth. Li Nanheng's mouth was a bit dry just now. After being moisturized, it was not as pale as before.

"Enough." The man's voice was dumb, apparently unaware that he was having a fever: "Sleep early, I'm fine." He closed his eyes and said that he didn't wake up just now.

Feng Ling put the water cup in place, and stuck his forehead with his slightly cold hands. The man closed his eyes half asleep and awoken, but felt comfortable in her direction and leaned in her direction again He leaned over, suddenly turned over, clasped her tightly with both hands, and her legs pressed against her.

"You lie down, don't hold your hands." Feng Ling reminded that she felt that she was leaning on a stove now, obviously not thirty-eight degrees, but this hug posture still made her feel as hot as a stove.

Li Nanheng couldn't move. He seemed to be falling asleep again. Feng Ling wanted to push him, but when he saw him, he seemed to be calm and didn't frown subconsciously because of fever and discomfort.

She didn't rest well last night. She had been taking care of her in the afternoon. She was really tired and sleepy. If he had a fever, she would have slept by him for a while.

"Sleep like this." Li Nanheng apparently fell asleep, but suddenly said such a word, and then pressed her in his arms, let her sleep immediately.

Feng Ling didn't break away. Although the man's body was very hot, his body was still unique to her, which made her smell and he would be heartfelt, especially the man left so many marks on her yesterday and was kissed by him. She hugged herself all night, she became more and more sensitive to the smell on him, and now leaning on it like this, she felt that her whole hairs had been erected and her blood was almost boiling.

"Good, low fever does not need to take medicine. My own body is clear, and it will be fine tomorrow morning." The man said again, successfully suppressing Feng Ling's inner worry.

It was not serious, but she was afraid he would be too uncomfortable. After all, there was a concussion.

But the man's voice was low and mute, and the temperature on his body was very lethargic, and she closed her eyes after a while.


This night, I slept very quietly. Feng Ling could know with his toes. If Li Nanheng didn't need to rest last night, it is estimated that he stayed in the hotel for another night last night, and he would definitely do something to her.

She remembered that when she fell asleep last night and didn't know what time, the man might have woke up halfway, hugging her on her forehead and nose tip for a long time, and finally kissed her mouth again, and her lower body was holding her vigorously. It did not continue any more, just holding her and holding her in her arms.

Feeling that he didn't want to do anything, she woke up again after she was kissed, and continued to sleep until morning, before the day was clear, she had to return to the base.

Li Nanheng did burn out when he woke up in the morning, and the symptoms of concussion were not as severe as yesterday. He did n’t say he had a headache. Except for the gauze on his hand, he did n’t look like he was injured. Just ask her if she wants to stay outside for a few more days or if she wants to return to the base.

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