Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1216: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (479)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

The moment the truth came, Feng Ling found himself much calmer than he had imagined.

In just three words, Li Nanheng didn't hesitate for a moment, apparently he had already seen that she was ready.

Feng Ling was silent for a long time, saying nothing, lowering her head and taking a few bites, Li Nanheng didn't speak again after drinking the name, and didn't drink coffee anymore, just looked at her patiently opposite her.

After taking a few more bites, she lowered her chopsticks and whispered, "I saw Mrs. Feng a while ago, and she said that Feng Mingzhu and friends went abroad to relax ..."

"Relaxing doesn't mean going outside for a long time to live. People come back early."


She had never thought about Feng Mingzhu's things, and many things were vague in concept, but at this moment she was clearer than ever.

After a moment of silence, she looked up at him: "What do you know?"

In the light of Li Nanheng's eyes, there was a little patience and tenderness that only she could see: "You know, you don't know, I know."

Feng Ling: "So?"

Now it may be time to shed the truth, such as her blood relationship with Feng Family, which has been tested by DNA, such as the Yi Guan Tzu he married three years ago.

But now Feng Ling's entire mind and energy are occupied by the youth training team's work. She is too responsible for these players, and everything is hit on her head at any one time. No matter how strong her heart is, I'm afraid I can't digest it so easily.

"When the assessment of the new team is finished next week, after all the dust has settled, I will show you something." Li Nanheng gently tapped his finger on the coffee cup, and looked directly into her eyes: "First concentrate Well, don't think too much about what you have at hand. This kind of murder by kidnapping and cheating can't hurt you at all. As long as you have sufficient vigilance, the young lady who is raised in a deep girlfriend is not your opponent at all. "

"But you are hurt."

Li Nanheng sneered, leaning his upper body on the table of the dining table and leaning forward towards her. Although he didn't lean too close, the sudden approach and posture also attracted the attention and curiosity of the new people in the cafeteria. .

He ignored the eyes around him and just looked at her, "Distressed?"

Feng Ling was sitting there without moving: "I was very distressed at the time, and I was not hiding."

Li Nanheng smiled with satisfaction, but said, "It's my fault. At that time, it was only a short time before I saw a car and I was going to hit you. Immediately, I was impatient. Otherwise, what can be solved with a single shot? One thousand damages eight hundred. "

That is to say, at that time, there was a car across the situation, and firing was useless. Even if the tire of the other party was violent, the car could be sealed only by inertia under the probability of 0.01 seconds. Ling crashed to death, so it was useless to shoot at that time, unless he ran into it head-on with his own car.

Fortunately, Li Nanheng's injury is not serious, and only the trauma caused by a small scratch and knock on his hand, but the problem is not too big, just a few days.

Feng Ling suddenly turned her eyes and looked at the sights around her. The newcomers were looking at her and Li Nanheng, all eyes were full of curiosity and gossip, as if it was finally determined that she and the assistant instructor who did n’t know what identity There are definitely situations.

She snapped her eyes back and looked at him: "After that, you can go."

Li Nanheng heard this and immediately raised his eyebrows coldly: "Let's run away after running out? Now you are not crying that night calling you my husband?"

Feng Ling: "………………"

Li Nanheng's voice was not high, and no one else dared to come and sit at this table, of course, no one else could hear.

But the effect of such a sentence still caused Feng Ling to be hot from the coccygeal vertebra. She couldn't believe it but faintly seemed to have some impression: "When did I call you that?"

The little woman was squeezed by him for a long time in the bed, and finally shouted that her voice was dumb, and finally she was unbelievable after being stimulated by a few degrees. He seduced her into her ears to let her say what she said, Not to mention her husband, she was really forced to scream a few times, even the words of Nanheng brother she was embarrassed and embarrassed several times.

"Fuck me with amnesia?"


"Let's take a break outside tonight to help you remember?"

Feng Ling: "... People who just had a concussion yesterday, you really deserve the word" bird. Beast. "

"My own woman is turning around in front of me every day, especially in the base, but I can't see it but I can't feel it. I have become a fairy. After leaving the base, it is better to be a bird. . "

However, Feng Ling was too lazy to ignore him, and only warned him with eyes to stop him from standing too close to her in front of so many new people. Got a tick, in the end didn't do too much, and came in her will.



Los Angeles, business dinner.

Feng Ling didn't want to change any clothes intentionally. Anyway, she just acted as Li Nanheng's classmates or bodyguards, and she would definitely not appear in such places like other women's dresses.

Li Nanheng also led her. He represented Lishi tonight, not the XI base, so he changed his suit to avoid lack of respect for the organizer. As for Feng Ling, she wanted to wear a uniform and let her wear it. He also Not willing to let others see her so many amazing side, it is enough to be quiet next to him.

That night's warm season did go with Mo Jingshen. Mo Jingshen suffered a lot of injuries in Cambodia. The couple have been at the Mo family in Los Angeles recently. Feng Ling doesn't know what's going on there, but listen It is said that due to the pressure of Mo Jingshen, Mo Dong had to accept Ji Nuan, and Mrs. Mo Wanzhu loved Ji Nun, so she should get along well.

Seeing Ji Nuan, pregnant, and Mo Jingshen appeared in the banquet hall with red eyes and bright eyes, she knew that she has been in a good mood recently and everything is fine.

Feng Ling only took the time to talk to Ji Nuan while Li Nanheng was talking to others, and he was taken away by Li Nanheng after a while. After chatting and chatting, he could not help sending it if he left the base. Chun's man pushed into the corner of the banquet hall, lowered her head against the corner, whispered in her ear, whispered various words that made her panic, and bit her in anger.

As a result, Li Nanheng's mobile phone had an important call. It was too noisy in the banquet hall. When he turned and went out to answer the phone, she could catch her breath, glanced around the banquet hall, and suddenly found that Ji Nuan was gone!

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