Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1217: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (480)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling's eyelids jumped, and her intuition was not right. She had been with Ji Nuan for a long time. She instinctively sensed the danger around Ji Nuan, and suddenly heard a scream coming from the bathroom direction.

The sound didn't sound like Ji Nuan, but such an unusual scream was drowned in the lively banquet hall. Only Feng Ling, who had just walked near the bathroom, could hear it most clearly.

She walked quickly to the bathroom, raised her hand and was about to push away, and saw that the door was locked.

"Mrs. Mo? Are you in there?" Feng Ling frowned, leaning in front of the door and asked, "Ji Nuan?"

It was quiet inside, and no one answered, not even the person who had just screamed.

She raised her foot and slammed on the door fiercely. The huge impact sounded everyone in the venue. With the moment the door lock of the bathroom was broken, Feng Ling quickly opened the door and searched with sharp eyes. But I saw no one in the bathroom.

The exclamation just now is not Ji Nuan, but the things scattered on the floor in the bathroom are Ji Nuan!


Ji Nuan and Su Xue were both taken away at this banquet.

However, what was most unexpected was that Mr. Mo, who had always been prepared for everything, was finally in a passive angle in this disaster. He was also worried about her safety because of Ji Nu, who was pregnant. It wasn't until the sky was bright that he finally found some clues and learned the purpose of the person who instructed people to kill the killer behind him.

Mr. Mo, hesitant to not have a well-injured injury behind him, drove directly to a highway in Los Angeles.

A few people from the XI base arrived, and everyone drove to the high-speed road, intending to pinch on all sides, but there was only one high-speed channel, and there was no high-speed intersection that could be reached in a short distance. chase.

If Feng Ling could predict the result in advance, she would rather be the person who rushed to the huge truck at that time, rather than see Mr. Mo's blood unconsciousness in the car that was hit by the deformation. See the pool of blood flowing out of Ji Nuan ...

At that time, it was clear that their car was behind them, chasing after the speeding mega-truck and running in the direction of the car that had been abducted by Ji Nuan and Su Xueyi.

Feng Ling was in Li Nanheng's car, frowning in the co-pilot staring at that direction.

Li Nanheng saw that the car was killing her earlier than her. He did not move, but accelerated his speed. However, Li Nanheng's hand was just injured and the gauze was entangled. The steering wheel was not as strong as usual. So flexible.

That is, the moment when Li Nanheng's wrist was not flexible enough to stop the tragedy, the black Bentley, which had been chasing Mr. Mo, rushed forward at a terrible speed.

Feng Ling was very impressed at the time. She suddenly heard Li Nanheng said in a mute voice: "Feng Ling, close your eyes—"

However, just before his words fell, the two cars collided, and a huge tremor hurt the entire high-speed. Feng Ling obviously felt that Li Nanheng was almost unsteady when he was so angry that his car turned quickly and stiffly. But it was just to see that the black Bentley had been hit into a terrible and weird costume, and Mr. Mo must be fierce.

Li Nanheng immediately reddened his eyes, removed the gauze on his wrist, dropped it at his feet, and jumped out of the car to resolve the situation on the spot. Feng Ling had a blank brain at that time, looked at the Bentley, and suddenly turned to fall on the highway Ji Nuan's direction, quickly got out of the car to help people up.

She could not forget Ji Nuan's heartbreaking cry, she could not forget the petrol flowing out of the black Bentley mixed with those crimson blood, could not forget the blood that Ji Nuan had shed before he passed out, and Li Nanheng That day, his eyes were red and he pulled out his gun and pointed at the driver in the giant truck. He could not wait to make hundreds of holes in him, but they were hugged and stopped by Ak.

The truth has not been found out, even if the people at the XI base have the right to hold a gun, even if Mr. Mo is unknown in another car, even if everyone wants to blast the car, everyone knows that if Li Nanheng really After firing, both the XI base and Li Nanheng will be affected. This will not only help Mr. Mo in any way, it will only make the whole thing more complicated.

Li Nanheng knows the whole thing is better than everyone, but they can see that Boss Li is really angry. His shot is almost going to be issued. Several brothers came forward to stop and drag. He held his wrist firmly and did not let him shoot.

After Li Nanheng calmed for a few seconds, at a speed beyond everyone's imagination, he recovered his senses with only one eye closed and one eye opened. His voice was cold and he ordered everyone to sort out the evidence on the scene and pry open the door of Bentley to find a way to Mr Mo rescued.

Feng Ling can't go there to help right now, only Ji Nuan, who was stimulated by great sadness and fear and miscarriage to faint, is enough to make her feel distressed. After bringing Ji Nun to the car, she was in the rearview mirror Looking at the Bentley car pierced by the brothers at the ** I base, I saw the body of Mr. Mo, which was carefully lifted out of the car by them, everywhere was blood ... all blood ...

Feng Ling saw a dull pain in his heart and drove Ji Nun to the hospital first.

This incident caused an uproar in the lives of Mr. Mo and Mrs. Mo, and even shocked the Mo family in Los Angeles. When Mo Dong and Ms. Wan Zhu rushed to the hospital, Ji Nuan had just had an abortion operation and had not woke up. Mr. Mo was still in First aid, everything is unknown ...

Feng Ling's mood sank at the bottom of the hospital for just over a day.

She couldn't accept how such a happy and loving Mr. Mo and Mrs. Mo suddenly happened. Mr. Mo could not die ... otherwise how would Ji Nuan survive?

But the only thing Feng Ling can do now is to go to the hospital to accompany Ji Nuan when there is time. After all, this is Los Angeles, and Mo Dong and Ms. Wan Zhu are also in the hospital every day. She cannot do it for Mr. Ji Nuan He Mo Any decision, especially when Ms. Wan Zhu was sitting in Ji Nuan's ward and holding back tears, Feng Ling could not do anything other than standing silently watching.

In front of life and death, people are really too small.

Sometimes Feng Ling was thinking about Su Xueyi who was dead on the highway, thinking about the black hand Su Zhilan behind the scenes, and also thinking about the scene when Mr. Bentley was hit on the highway at the time.

And sometimes she was thinking that in the hotel's underground parking lot that day, the SUV that came straight to herself, she couldn't figure it out. If she was really the daughter of Feng Family, Feng Mingzhu had no more dissatisfaction with her. It was her sister, who would want to kill her.

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