Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1223: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (486)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Those who are able to stay, those who are not able to roll away.

This sounds simple, but it contains a full range of deterrence and warning.

Indeed, in order to gain a foothold in the base, in addition to physical ability, there is also a mental capacity.

Take Veram's approach. If Li Nanheng was to handle this, it should be that he kicked people out of the base before he had a little movement, and he would not give him a chance to survive. Although it seems ruthless, but In a place like XI base, the two characters that cross XI are the dividing line where life and death intersect. No one is used to who.

Too coquettish, too cowardly, too easy to be emotional, and even to drag down the team's performance for personal reasons, such people, there is simply no chance to stay in the base.

Li Nanheng didn't say it explicitly, but it was also in the face of some newcomers.

Li Nanheng didn't say more nonsense, ended all the words with a rolling word, threw the microphone back into A Feng's hands, turned around and left. When he left, by the way, his long arm suddenly abruptly blocked Feng Ling. Not only he left, but also Feng Ling was also taken away.

Feng Ling was about to break away, but the men were already stunned, and they were still stunned in public. Even if she jumped a few hundred meters away, she couldn't stop the scene that had been seen by everyone just now. The new thing was very ambiguous by the newcomers. Now he didn't tell the newcomers that she was his one?

She turned to look at him, Li Nanheng did not let go when she received her sight. Ignoring the waste behind her, she took the person directly out of the training ground that she had just examined, and then took her directly and held it in her hand. At the same time, she suddenly glanced at her: "Why is my hand so cold?"

"I was frightened by you." Feng Ling couldn't pull out her hands even after pulling twice. Now she has no one around and she has no choice but to stop earning, saying only: "I thought you just I really intend to cancel all the places for this assessment. After all, they have been training for so long. Their emotional estimates recently have something to do with me. Once I was a woman, they were not convinced from the beginning. I took it, but I was in the hospital a while ago, and they did n’t come back for a few days, they thought things complicated. I kept remembering about Ji Nuan, and I did n’t have any mood to comfort them. That ’s why some people are extremely emotional today. But they have worked very hard afterwards, and it's all my fault. You can give them a small punishment. I absolutely support this, but the cancellation of the quota is really too serious. "

Seeing that the man only looked at her and did not speak, Feng Ling quickly grabbed another hand that was not held by him on his cuff: "Just punish them before the next assessment, the training time that should have ended at 4 o'clock every day. They were extended for three hours. After dinner, how about strengthening training from 6:30 to 9:30? "She said, looking at him sullenly." Anyway, they are the people I brought out. They I can run slowly with them in all aspects of my temperament and personality, and give them another chance, and leave the quota for them. "

Looking at the little woman's eyes gradually softened at this moment, Li Nanheng's eyes gradually smiled: "Are you asking me?"

I saw him smiling, but Feng Ling knew that he was just smiling at himself, and he was not very satisfied with the newcomers in it. She also knew where those people were wrong and where they were, but after this month they got along. She knows the pros and cons of these people, and she believes that they will be able to change them before the next assessment.

She still compiles his sleeves: "OK?"

"You just ask for help?" Li Nanheng glanced at her sleeve that was holding him. He refused to let go and she didn't intend to let people out.

Feng Ling had a meal and wanted to make it clear that he had just been holding her, but now this kind of thing is not easy to talk to him about who is right or wrong, and only said: "I think they have a mistake, but at least every time Individuals have great potential. If you recruit a new batch of people again, it is just as young and vigorous, and it is also necessary to start again. It may be better to run in these people I already know. Since you have given the position of newcomer instructor to If you have me, you must give me this opportunity, and you must also trust me, these twenty people, I will definitely want them all to stay. "

Li Nanheng ticked his lips and said, "Kiss me first?"

Feng Ling: "... when are you still kissing? Mr. Mo is still lying in the hospital, and the newcomer has just finished the assessment. The fate of the two teams is in your hands. What are you kissing? ... "

Li Nanheng Leng Yan: "If Mo Jingshen doesn't wake up one day, you have to spend a day with Ji Nuan? Why? Your own life is too much?"

Feng Ling: "..."

"You still have a wrong statement. The fate of the newcomers is only in their own hands. I ca n’t stand in front of them again and again when they are out of the mission. They also have no nine lives and have a foothold in the base. All of their capabilities depend on their own capabilities. You can protect them for a while, but not for a lifetime. "

"Even if you don't protect your whole life, you have to give them a chance."

"Okay, I'll give it a chance." Li Nanheng moved his face closer. "Give me the kiss."


Li Nanheng raised his eyebrows in this close posture. There was obviously a bit of success in the expression of smiling and smiling, as if to say that he was so shameless, and she didn't know him the first day.

In fact, since Mr. Mo's accident, Feng Ling hasn't seen him for a few days. For those he likes, Feng Ling will also break many principles, such as never showing affection in front of others, but Li Nanheng just held out. Her waist just went away in public. This is not a show, it is equivalent to a show. For example ... although there are no new people around here, some old people in the base occasionally pass by two or three.

Missing is true, but now she has to kiss her at this time, this man's shame is also true.

Feng Ling clenched his fist in his right hand and struggled for a few seconds before quickly turning his head to kiss his face.

It wasn't even a second, it wasn't a kiss at all. In fact, it was put on his face, and then she stepped back quickly, raised her hand that was released by the man and put it on her mouth. The neck is red.

Because there were a few familiar brothers passing by the base hall just now. Although they stiffened their heads and did not turn their heads, the more they did not dare to turn their heads, the more they saw them.

Li Nanheng took a look back: "I'm so sincere in begging you, that's you, and I won't agree with another person."

Feng Ling heard the liveliness of the newcomers from his words, and quickly nodded: "Thank you, boss!"

Li Nanheng was extremely bad, and said, "You can't replace 'big \' with 'public \'?"

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