Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1224: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (487)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling didn't reflect it first, it took a few seconds to understand, and changed the meaning of "big" to "public".

She said in a muffled voice, "I haven't married you yet, so it's inappropriate."

Li Nanheng chuckled: "You really can't die if you don't live in the Yellow River."

But even if Li Nanheng now wants to tell her the fact that Feng Ling married him three years ago, the untimely cry in her stomach interrupted his plan to immediately recognize his wife.

After all, she wants to eat.

"How long haven't you eaten?"

"It won't be long, maybe it's noon? Or maybe I've just forgotten in the morning." In fact, Feng Ling only ate something yesterday morning, and hasn't eaten much since then. She has no appetite, plus the period The relationship was uncomfortable. Today I was too busy because of the assessment. I didn't want to eat anything at all.

As a result, I did not expect that such an embarrassing thing would be found on herself, and she was just talking to Li Nanheng, and her stomach would be called ...

At this moment, new people have come out one by one, especially when the people from the second team came out, and saw the boss Li and the instructor Feng Ling were still outside. Immediately, the expressions were all embarrassing and terrifying. I'm afraid that the old boss who had been secretly scolded many times a few days ago was unhappy with his operation.

Although Li Nanheng really wanted to educate a few boys alone for good education, but remembering that Feng Ling was in a bad physical condition, and remembering that she was not eating, she said hello to the instructors of the second team, saying that the two teams The couple went out for dinner together.

The newcomers of the two teams were still worried that they would not have the qualifications to hang out in front of the boss in the future. They were all discouraged when they came out. Suddenly I heard Li boss invited for dinner. Sanfan, or the base intends to give them another opportunity, one by one, but they don't want to miss the opportunity to eat with their idols, so they should all be given.

What is even more unexpected is that today, the emperor who gave them a rollover without expression on the training ground, even invited them to eat hot pot!

The weather is so cold, the legendary iron-faced Emperor Yan Wang Li will be so warm-hearted!

Li Nanheng sent someone out of the base to book a place. It was just getting dark, and a dozen cars were sent to the base to take the newcomers to the place for dinner.

Of course, Li Bo is invited to return, but it is definitely not a table with them, but here is in the United States, after all, it is not easy to find such a big, luxurious and delicious hot pot city, it is the invitation of the boss, Even if they couldn't sit at the table by the boss, everyone was honored.

Li Nanheng's table includes Feng Ling and Afeng, as well as several elderly people in the base hall, including several sniper teams, and Han Jinxiaoxu. They are acquaintances on weekdays.

Because she is too familiar, Feng Ling is also very comfortable, so as not to be poked by the newcomers' various careful gossips.

After a while, the waitresses at Hot Pot City brought in the ingredients needed for these tables.

Tam yelled excitedly and pushed Ah K: "Brother, in my life, I never imagined that one day I would be invited to eat by Li Bo, and it was still hot pot! Oh my god! Bo, how do you know us Recently, I really want to eat hot pot? This thing is particularly delicious in Los Angeles, but it is really difficult! "

"I don't know." Li Nanheng brought over two plates of Feng Ling's favorite food and put it in front of her. "I only know that Feng Ling likes to eat."

Tam's faceless and hahaha laughed: "Just casual, anyway, I can eat anything, ah, the weather is so cold now, eating hot pot is perfect, Feng Ling you want some more delicious food in front of the boss, so we Maybe there is still a chance to hang around for a few meals! Whoops, have you ordered beef? Come, come here, and give me two more plates of beef! "

"It's right there." Han Jin gave him a sideways glance.

Tam blinked and saw two plates near the table, and immediately put the meat into the hot pot with a smile.

Li Nanheng took Feng Lingping's favorite fruit and put it in front of her: "Last time the hotpot I brought for you was this chain branch opened near the hotel over there. I asked. Several chains have the same taste. It ’s no different, it ’s close to the base, and if you want to eat later, you can always bring you here. ”

Feng Ling forkd up a red maiden fruit on the side of the plate and put it in her mouth. The sweet and sour taste made everyone feel comfortable. Then she took the greens in front of her and put them in the hot pot. Then she picked them up. An orange was peeled, and then the orange flap was passed to the man's mouth very naturally.

Li Nanheng, who has always hated eating oranges: "..."

He watched the white finger that the woman brought to his mouth and the orange tangerine, opened her mouth and ate it under the attention of a group of people on the table.

Xiao Xu, Han Jin, and A Feng who have a special understanding of Li Nanheng's living habits: "............"

Suddenly, have they read it wrong?

Boss Li actually eats oranges? Didn't vomit? Actually swallowed? !!

"You eat it by yourself." Li Nanheng, who was fed three times in a row, couldn't hold it. Although Feng Ling was able to drink it even if he was fed with poison, 80% of the power of the orange was too great. Can't hold it, pressed her hand: "Eat what you like first."

Then, the man fed a virgin fruit into her mouth, successfully interrupting her thought of continuing to raise his hand to feed him.

Feng Ling is actually because the fate of so many newcomers is still in his hands. What if the boss is not happy to kick them all out of the base, what is good, so even if he is embarrassed, he still thinks subconsciously. Do something, but she doesn't like to please people well, so she doesn't even care about what fruit she is holding, she just thinks the orange petals are better to feed.

When she realized what she was feeding him, she rolled her eyes sharply, but met the man's gaze.

"I said, the two of you ..." The two were feeding, and all the people at the table were being stuffed with dog food. A Feng said, "Convergence, isn't that convergence? So many people are here, They all waited to eat the hot pot, but they were fed by your dog food first, so that people would not be allowed to eat? "

"This is not the base. Lao Tzu is in love with his own woman, and you are not at the door of the base lobby. Do you have to control it?" Li Nanheng glanced at him: "I haven't learned how to look at the stars and watch the color for so long?"

A Feng: "..." I knew that my influence on Li Bo's love would be revenge.

A Feng's expression and the expressions on the table pretending to be invisible and inaudible to others cannot obviously affect Li Nanheng's desire to fall in love with his wife-in-law at this moment.

Feng Ling thought it was the point of convergence because of A Feng. He was about to stand up and change position to sit. As a result, the man put his long arm on the back of her chair. The voice was light and irresistible. "Sit under."


(I ask for a monthly pass ~~!)

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